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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.impl;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.Menu;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.PortalSiteRequestContext;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.PortalSiteSessionContext;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator;
  * This class encapsulates managed request state for and
  * interface to the portal-site component.
  * @author <a href="">Randy Watler</a>
  * @version $Id: 517121 2007-03-12 07:45:49Z ate $
 public class PortalSiteRequestContextImpl implements PortalSiteRequestContext
      * sessionContext - component session state/interface
     private PortalSiteSessionContextImpl sessionContext;
      * requestProfileLocators - map of request profile locators by locator names
     private Map requestProfileLocators;
      * requestFallback - flag indicating whether request should fallback to root folder
      *                   if locators do not select a page or access is forbidden
     private boolean requestFallback;
      * useHistory - flag indicating whether to use visited page
      *              history to select default page per site folder
     private boolean useHistory;
      * page - cached request profiled page proxy
     private Page requestPage;
      * siblingPages - cached node set of visible sibling page proxies
     private NodeSet siblingPages;
      * siblingPagesCached - cached flag for sibling page proxies
     private boolean siblingPagesCached;
      * siblingFolders - cached node set of visible sibling folder proxies
     private NodeSet siblingFolders;
      * siblingFoldersCached - cached flag for sibling folder proxies
     private boolean siblingFoldersCached;
      * rootFolder - cached request profiled root folder proxy
     private Folder requestRootFolder;
      * rootLinks - cached node set of visible link proxies
     private NodeSet rootLinks;
      * rootLinksCached - cached flag for link proxies
     private boolean rootLinksCached;
      * pageMenuDefinitionNames - cached menu definition names for request page
     private Set pageMenuDefinitionNames;
      * menuDefinitionLocatorCache - cached menu definition locators for
      *                              relative menus valid for request
     private Map menuDefinitionLocatorCache;
      * PortalSiteRequestContextImpl - constructor
      * @param sessionContext session context
      * @param requestProfileLocators request profile locators
      * @param requestFallback flag specifying whether to fallback to root folder
      *                        if locators do not select a page or access is forbidden
      * @param useHistory flag indicating whether to use visited page
      *                   history to select default page per site folder
     public PortalSiteRequestContextImpl(PortalSiteSessionContextImpl sessionContext, Map requestProfileLocators,
                                         boolean requestFallback, class="keyword">boolean useHistory)
 134  0
 135  0
         this.sessionContext = sessionContext;
 136  0
         this.requestProfileLocators = requestProfileLocators;
 137  0
         this.requestFallback = requestFallback;
 138  0
         this.useHistory = useHistory;
 139  0
      * PortalSiteRequestContextImpl - constructor
      * @param sessionContext session context
      * @param requestProfileLocators request profile locators
      * @param requestFallback flag specifying whether to fallback to root folder
      *                        if locators do not select a page or access is forbidden
     public PortalSiteRequestContextImpl(PortalSiteSessionContextImpl sessionContext, Map requestProfileLocators,
                                         boolean requestFallback)
 152  0
         this(sessionContext, requestProfileLocators, requestFallback, true);
 153  0
      * PortalSiteRequestContextImpl - constructor
      * @param sessionContext session context
      * @param requestProfileLocators request profile locators
     public PortalSiteRequestContextImpl(PortalSiteSessionContextImpl sessionContext, Map requestProfileLocators)
 163  0
         this(sessionContext, requestProfileLocators, true, class="keyword">true);
 164  0
      * getSessionContext - get component session context
      * @return component session context
     public PortalSiteSessionContext getSessionContext()
 173  0
         return sessionContext;
      * getLocators - get profile locators by locator names
      * @return request profile locators
     public Map getLocators()
 183  0
         return requestProfileLocators;
      * getManagedPage - get request profiled concrete page instance
      *                  as managed by the page manager
      * @return managed page
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Page getManagedPage() throws NodeNotFoundException
 196  0
         return sessionContext.getManagedPage(getPage());            
      * getPage - get request profiled page proxy
      * @return page proxy
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Page getPage() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // select request page from session context using
         // request profile locators if not previously
         // cached in this context
 211  0
         if (requestPage == null)
 213  0
             requestPage = sessionContext.selectRequestPage(requestProfileLocators, requestFallback, useHistory);            
 215  0
         return requestPage;
      * getFolder - get folder proxy relative to request profiled page
      * @return page folder proxy
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Folder getFolder() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // return parent folder of request page
 228  0
         Page page = getPage();
 229  0
         if (page != null)
 231  0
             return (Folder)page.getParent();
 233  0
         return null;
      * getSiblingPages - get node set of sibling page proxies relative
      *                   to request profiled page, (includes profiled
      *                   page proxy)
      * @return sibling page proxies
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public NodeSet getSiblingPages() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // cache filtered return value
 248  0
         if (!siblingPagesCached)
             // return pages from parent folder of request page
 251  0
             Folder folder = getFolder();
 252  0
             if (folder != null)
                     // access, filter hidden, and cache
 257  0
                     siblingPages = filterHiddenNodes(folder.getPages());
 258  0
                     siblingPagesCached = true;
 260  0
                 catch (NodeException ne)
 262  0
                     NodeNotFoundException nnfe = new NodeNotFoundException("Sibling pages not found.");
 263  0
 264  0
                     throw nnfe;
 265  0
 268  0
         return siblingPages;
      * getParentFolder - get parent folder proxy relative to request
      *                   profiled page
      * @return parent folder proxy or null
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Folder getParentFolder() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // return parent folder of parent folder of request page
 282  0
         Folder folder = getFolder();
 283  0
         if (folder != null)
             // access, filter hidden, and return
 286  0
             Folder parent = (Folder)folder.getParent();
 287  0
             if ((parent != null) && !parent.isHidden())
 289  0
                 return parent;
 292  0
         return null;
      * getSiblingFolders - get node set of sibling folder proxies relative
      *                     to request profiled page, (includes profiled
      *                     page folder proxy)
      * @return sibling folder proxies
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public NodeSet getSiblingFolders() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // cache filtered return value
 307  0
         if (!siblingFoldersCached)
             // return folders from parent folder of request page
 310  0
             Folder folder = getFolder();
 311  0
             if (folder != null)
                     // access, filter hidden, and cache
 316  0
                     siblingFolders = filterHiddenNodes(folder.getFolders());
 317  0
                     siblingFoldersCached = true;
 319  0
                 catch (NodeException ne)
 321  0
                     NodeNotFoundException nnfe = new NodeNotFoundException("Sibling folders not found.");
 322  0
 323  0
                     throw nnfe;
 324  0
 327  0
         return siblingFolders;
      * getRootFolder - get root profiled folder proxy
      * @return parent folder proxy
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Folder getRootFolder() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // get request root folder from session context
         // using request profile locators if not previously
         // cached in this context
 342  0
         if (requestRootFolder == null)
 344  0
             requestRootFolder = sessionContext.getRequestRootFolder(requestProfileLocators);
 346  0
         return requestRootFolder;
      * getRootLinks - get node set of link proxies relative to
      *                profiled root folder
      * @return root link proxies
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public NodeSet getRootLinks() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // cache filtered return value
 360  0
         if (!rootLinksCached)
             // return links from request root folder
 363  0
             Folder rootFolder = getRootFolder();
 364  0
             if (rootFolder != null)
                     // access, filter hidden, and cache
 369  0
                     rootLinks = filterHiddenNodes(rootFolder.getLinks());
 370  0
                     rootLinksCached = true;
 372  0
                 catch (NodeException ne)
 374  0
                     NodeNotFoundException nnfe = new NodeNotFoundException("Root links not found.");
 375  0
 376  0
                     throw nnfe;
 377  0
 380  0
         return rootLinks;
      * getStandardMenuNames - get set of available standard menu names
      * @return menu names set
     public Set getStandardMenuNames()
         // return standard menu names defined for session
 391  0
         return sessionContext.getStandardMenuNames();
      * getCustomMenuNames - get set of custom menu names available as
      *                      defined for the request profiled page and folder
      * @return menu names set
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Set getCustomMenuNames() throws NodeNotFoundException
         // access page to force request page resolution
 405  0
         Page page = getPage();
         // return available menu definition names from
         // current request page if not previously cached
         // in this context
 410  0
         Set standardMenuNames = sessionContext.getStandardMenuNames();
 411  0
         if ((page != null) && (standardMenuNames != class="keyword">null) && (pageMenuDefinitionNames == class="keyword">null))
 413  0
             List locators = sessionContext.getMenuDefinitionLocators(page);
 414  0
             if (locators != null)
                 // get custom definition names
 417  0
                 pageMenuDefinitionNames = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet(locators.size()));
 418  0
                 Iterator locatorsIter = locators.iterator();
 419  0
                 while (locatorsIter.hasNext())
                     // get definition name; filter standard menu names
 422  0
                     String definitionName = ((SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator);
 423  0
                     if (!standardMenuNames.contains(definitionName))
 425  0
 427  0
 428  0
 431  0
                 pageMenuDefinitionNames = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet(0));
 434  0
         return pageMenuDefinitionNames;
      * getMenu - get instantiated menu available for the request
      *           profiled page and folder
      * @param name menu definition name
      * @return menu instance
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Menu getMenu(String name) throws NodeNotFoundException
         // get menu initiating at menu definition root
         // with no related menu definition names
 450  0
         return getMenu(name, null);
      * getMenu - get instantiated menu available for the request
      *           profiled page and folder, avoiding cyclic
      *           menu definition loops by propagating related menu
      *           names set from menu construction
      * @param name menu definition name
      * @param names set of related menu definition names
      * @return menu instance
      * @throws NodeNotFoundException if page not found
      * @throws SecurityException if page view access not granted
     public Menu getMenu(String name, Set names) throws NodeNotFoundException
         // access page to force request page resolution
 468  0
         Page page = getPage();
 469  0
         if ((page != null) && (name != class="keyword">null))
             // get menu definition locator
 472  0
             SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator locator = sessionContext.getMenuDefinitionLocator(page, name);
 473  0
             if (locator != null)
                 // lookup and return cached relative/request menus
 476  0
                 if (menuDefinitionLocatorCache != null)
 478  0
                     MenuImpl menu = (MenuImpl)menuDefinitionLocatorCache.get(locator);
 479  0
                     if (menu != null)
 481  0
                         return menu;
                 // lookup and return cached absolute/session menus
                 // if current page is not hidden; hidden pages generate
                 // menus that should be considered relative since
                 // explicitly addressed hidden pages are added to
                 // menus for display purposes
 490  0
                 if (sessionContext.getMenuDefinitionLocatorCache() != null)
 492  0
                     MenuImpl menu = (MenuImpl)sessionContext.getMenuDefinitionLocatorCache().get(locator);
 493  0
                     if (menu != null)
 495  0
                         return menu;
                 // construct new menu from menu definition in locator
                 // using current request context and propagating related
                 // names set to detect cyclic menu definitions
 502  0
                 MenuImpl menu = new MenuImpl(locator.getMenuDefinition(), this, names);
                 // determine whether menu definition locator is
                 // relative/request, based on hidden page, or
                 // absolute/session cachable and cache accordingly
 507  0
                 if (page.isHidden() || menu.isElementRelative())
                     // cache relative menu for request
 510  0
                     if (menuDefinitionLocatorCache == null)
 512  0
                         menuDefinitionLocatorCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(8));
 514  0
                     menuDefinitionLocatorCache.put(locator, menu);
                     // cache absolute menu for session
 519  0
                     if (sessionContext.getMenuDefinitionLocatorCache() == null)
 521  0
                         sessionContext.setMenuDefinitionLocatorCache(Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(8)));
 523  0
                     sessionContext.getMenuDefinitionLocatorCache().put(locator, menu);
                 // return new cached menu
 527  0
                 return menu;
 530  0
         return null;
      * filterHiddenNodes - utility to filter hidden node proxies out of node sets
      * @param nodes proxy node set to filter
      * @return input or filtered proxy node set
     private static NodeSet filterHiddenNodes(NodeSet nodes)
 541  0
         if ((nodes != null) && !nodes.isEmpty())
             // filter node proxies in node set
 544  0
             List filteredNodes = null;
 545  0
             Iterator nodesIter = nodes.iterator();
 546  0
             while (nodesIter.hasNext())
                 // test hidden status of individual node proxies
 549  0
                 Node node = (Node);
 550  0
                 if (node.isHidden())
                     // if not copying, create new node set
                     // and copy preceding node proxies
 554  0
                     if (filteredNodes == null)
 556  0
                         filteredNodes = new ArrayList(nodes.size());
 557  0
                         Iterator copyIter = nodes.iterator();
 558  0
                         while (copyIter.hasNext())
 560  0
                             Node copyNode = (Node);
 561  0
                             if (copyNode != node)
 563  0
 569  0
 570  0
 572  0
                 else if (filteredNodes != null)
                     // if copying, copy node proxy to filtered set
 575  0
 577  0
             // return filteredNodes node proxies if generated
             // in new immutable proxy node set
 581  0
             if (filteredNodes != null)
 583  0
                 return new NodeSetImpl(filteredNodes);
 586  0
         return nodes;

This report is generated by jcoverage, Maven and Maven JCoverage Plugin.