Coverage report

  %line %branch

  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.impl;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.ListIterator;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.Menu;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.MenuElement;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.MenuOption;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.PortalSiteRequestContext;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteView;
  * This class implements the portal-site menu elements
  * constructed and returned to decorators.
  * @author <a href="">Randy Watler</a>
  * @version $Id: 516448 2007-03-09 16:25:47Z ate $
 public class MenuImpl extends MenuElementImpl implements Menu, Cloneable
      * definition - menu definition
     private MenuDefinition definition;
      * elements - ordered list of menu elements that
      *            make up this instaniated menu
     private List elements;
      * elementRelative - flag that indicates whether any relative paths
      *                   dependent on the current page in context were
      *                   referenced while constructing menu elements:
      *                   requires request, not session, caching
     private boolean elementRelative;
      * MenuImpl - request/session context dependent constructor
      * @param parent containing menu implementation
      * @param definition menu definition
      * @param context request context
      * @param menus related menu definition names set
     public MenuImpl(MenuImpl parent, MenuDefinition definition, PortalSiteRequestContextImpl context, Set menus)
 85  0
 86  0
         this.definition = definition;
         // get site view from context
 89  0
         SiteView view = ((PortalSiteSessionContextImpl)context.getSessionContext()).getSiteView();
 90  0
         if (view != null)
             // define menu node for titles and metadata if options
             // specifies a single visible page or folder proxy
 94  0
             String options = definition.getOptions();
 95  0
             Node optionProxy = null;
 96  0
             if ((options != null) && (options.indexOf(',') == -1))
 100  0
                     optionProxy = view.getNodeProxy(options, context.getPage(), true, class="keyword">true);
 102  0
                 catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
 105  0
                 catch (SecurityException se)
 107  0
 108  0
                 if (optionProxy != null)
 110  0
             // construct menu elements from menu definition
             // or nested menu definition elements; note that
             // menu elements override menu options attribute
 117  0
             if ((definition.getMenuElements() == null) || definition.getMenuElements().isEmpty())
                 // if options optionProxy is a single folder, force
                 // options to include all folder children if not to
                 // be expanded with paths and depth inclusion is
                 // specified
 123  0
                 List overrideOptionProxies = null;
 124  0
                 if (optionProxy != null)
 126  0
                     if ((optionProxy instanceof Folder) && !definition.isPaths() && (definition.getDepth() != 0))
                         // assemble folder children path using wildcard
 129  0
                         String folderChildrenPath = null;
 130  0
                         if (!options.endsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR))
 132  0
                             folderChildrenPath = options + Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR + "*";
 136  0
                             folderChildrenPath = options + "*";
                         // override menu options with visible folder contents
                         // or create empty menu if no contents exist
 141  0
                         List folderChildren = null;
 144  0
                             folderChildren = view.getNodeProxies(folderChildrenPath, context.getPage(), true, class="keyword">true);
 146  0
                         catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
 149  0
                         catch (SecurityException se)
 151  0
 152  0
                         if ((folderChildren != null) && !folderChildren.isEmpty())
 154  0
                             overrideOptionProxies = folderChildren;
 158  0
 160  0
                         // override menu options with single folder/page/link
 164  0
                         overrideOptionProxies = new ArrayList(1);
 165  0
                     // set relative element flag if options path is relative
 169  0
                     this.elementRelative = (class="keyword">this.elementRelative || !options.startsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR));
                 // menu defined only with menu definition options
 173  0
                 this.elements = constructMenuElements(context, view, options, overrideOptionProxies, definition.getDepth(), definition.isPaths(), definition.isRegexp(), definition.getProfile(), definition.getOrder());
 174  0
                 // limit cyclic references to this menu if named and
                 // referencable as root menu instance
 179  0
                 boolean menuNameReferenced = false;
 180  0
                 if ((definition.getName() != null) && (parent == class="keyword">null))
 182  0
                     if (menus == null)
 184  0
                         menus = new HashSet(4);
 186  0
                     menuNameReferenced = menus.add(definition.getName());
                 // process menu elements in chunks between separators:
                 // separators are included only if menu options are
                 // generated after the separator and include/exclude
                 // merge/filter operations apply to options bounded
                 // by separators
 194  0
                 MenuSeparatorImpl separator = null;
 195  0
                 List separatedElements = null;
                 // process each defined menu element
 198  0
                 Iterator menuElementsIter = definition.getMenuElements().iterator();
 199  0
                 while (menuElementsIter.hasNext())
 201  0
                     Object menuElement =;
 202  0
                     if (menuElement instanceof MenuOptionsDefinition)
                         // construct menu option elements from definition using
                         // defaults from menu definition as appropriate
 206  0
                         MenuOptionsDefinition optionDefinition = (MenuOptionsDefinition)menuElement;
 207  0
                         String locatorName = optionDefinition.getProfile();
 208  0
                         if (locatorName == null)
 210  0
                             locatorName = definition.getProfile();
 212  0
                         String order = optionDefinition.getOrder();
 213  0
                         if (order == null)
 215  0
                             order = definition.getOrder();
 217  0
                         List optionsAndMenus = constructMenuElements(context, view, optionDefinition.getOptions(), null, optionDefinition.getDepth(), optionDefinition.isPaths(), optionDefinition.isRegexp(), locatorName, order);
                         // append option and menu elements to current separator
                         // elements list
 221  0
                         if (optionsAndMenus != null)
 223  0
                             if (separatedElements == null)
 225  0
                                 separatedElements = optionsAndMenus;
 229  0
                                 appendMenuElements(optionsAndMenus, separatedElements);
 232  0
 233  0
                     else if (menuElement instanceof MenuSeparatorDefinition)
                         // append current separator and separated option/menu elements
                         // to menu elements list if at least one option/menu
                         // element exists: do not include disassociated separators in menu
 238  0
                         if ((separatedElements != null) && !separatedElements.isEmpty())
 240  0
                             if (this.elements == null)
 242  0
                                 int initialSize = separatedElements.size();
 243  0
                                 if (separator != null)
 245  0
 247  0
                                 this.elements = new ArrayList(initialSize);
 249  0
                             if (separator != null)
 251  0
 253  0
                         // construct new separator and reset separator
                         // and separator option/menu elements list
 258  0
                         MenuSeparatorDefinition separatorDefinition = (MenuSeparatorDefinition)menuElement;
 259  0
                         separator = new MenuSeparatorImpl(this, separatorDefinition);
 260  0
                         if (separatedElements != null)
 262  0
 264  0
 265  0
                     else if (menuElement instanceof MenuDefinition)
                         // construct nested menu element from definition
 268  0
                         MenuDefinition menuDefinition = (MenuDefinition)menuElement;
 269  0
                         MenuImpl nestedMenu = new MenuImpl(this, menuDefinition, context, menus);
                         // append menu element to current separated elements list
 272  0
                         if (separatedElements == null)
 274  0
                             separatedElements = new ArrayList(1);
 276  0
                         appendMenuElement(nestedMenu, separatedElements);
                         // set relative element flag if nested menu is relative
 279  0
                         this.elementRelative = (class="keyword">this.elementRelative || nestedMenu.isElementRelative());
 280  0
 281  0
                     else if (menuElement instanceof MenuIncludeDefinition)
                         // include or nest referenced menu definition
                         // assuming reference to menu is not cyclic
 285  0
                         MenuIncludeDefinition includeDefinition = (MenuIncludeDefinition)menuElement;
 286  0
                         if ((menus == null) || !menus.contains(includeDefinition.getName()))
                             // get named root menu from context, (menu may
                             // not exist in this context so failure to
                             // access menu is ignored)
 291  0
                             MenuImpl includeMenu = null;
 294  0
                                 includeMenu = (MenuImpl)context.getMenu(includeDefinition.getName());
 296  0
                             catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
 299  0
                             catch (SecurityException se)
 301  0
 302  0
                             if (includeMenu != null)
                                 // nest menu or include elements, clone required
                                 // to support reparenting to this menu
 306  0
                                 if (includeDefinition.isNest())
                                     // nest menu instance
                                         // clone menu and reparent
 312  0
                                         includeMenu = (MenuImpl)includeMenu.clone();
 313  0
                                         // append menu element to current separated elements list
 316  0
                                         if (separatedElements == null)
 318  0
                                             separatedElements = new ArrayList(1);
 320  0
                                         appendMenuElement(includeMenu, separatedElements);
 322  0
                                     catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
 324  0
                                     // include menu elements
 329  0
                                     if (!includeMenu.isEmpty())
 331  0
                                         Iterator elementsIter = includeMenu.getElements().iterator();
 332  0
                                         while (elementsIter.hasNext())
 334  0
                                             MenuElementImpl includeElement = (MenuElementImpl);
                                                 // clone menu element and reparent
 338  0
                                                 includeElement = (MenuElementImpl)includeElement.clone();
 339  0
                                                 // insert separators or options and menus
 342  0
                                                 if (includeElement instanceof MenuSeparatorImpl)
                                                     // append current separator and separated option/menu elements
 345  0
                                                     if ((separatedElements != null) && !separatedElements.isEmpty())
 347  0
                                                         if (this.elements == null)
 349  0
                                                             int initialSize = separatedElements.size();
 350  0
                                                             if (separator != null)
 352  0
 354  0
                                                             this.elements = new ArrayList(initialSize);
 356  0
                                                         if (separator != null)
 358  0
 360  0
                                                     // reset separator and separator option/menu elements list
                                                     // using separator menu element
 365  0
                                                     separator = (MenuSeparatorImpl)includeElement;
 366  0
                                                     if (separatedElements != null)
 368  0
                                                     // append menu element to current separated elements list
 374  0
                                                     if (separatedElements == null)
 376  0
                                                         separatedElements = new ArrayList(includeMenu.getElements().size());
 378  0
                                                     appendMenuElement(includeElement, separatedElements);
 381  0
                                             catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
 383  0
 384  0
                                 // set relative element flag if included menu is relative
 389  0
                                 this.elementRelative = (class="keyword">this.elementRelative || includeMenu.isElementRelative());
 392  0
 393  0
                     else if (menuElement instanceof MenuExcludeDefinition)
                         // exclusion requires current separated elements
 396  0
                         if ((separatedElements != null) && !separatedElements.isEmpty())
                             // exclude top level referenced menu definition
                             // options assuming reference to menu is not cyclic
 400  0
                             MenuExcludeDefinition excludeDefinition = (MenuExcludeDefinition)menuElement;
 401  0
                             if ((menus == null) || !menus.contains(excludeDefinition.getName()))
                                 // get named root menu from context, (menu may
                                 // not exist in this context so failure to
                                 // access menu is ignored)
 406  0
                                 MenuImpl excludeMenu = null;
 409  0
                                     excludeMenu = (MenuImpl)context.getMenu(excludeDefinition.getName());
 411  0
                                 catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
 414  0
                                 catch (SecurityException se)
 416  0
 417  0
                                 if (excludeMenu != null)
                                     // remove referenced menu options from current
                                     // separated elements list
 421  0
                                     removeMenuElements(excludeMenu.getElements(), separatedElements);
                                     // set relative element flag if excluded menu is relative
 424  0
                                     this.elementRelative = (class="keyword">this.elementRelative || excludeMenu.isElementRelative());
 429  0
                 // append last separator and separated option/menu elements
                 // to menu elements list if at least one option/menu
                 // element exists: do not include trailing separators
 434  0
                 if ((separatedElements != null) && !separatedElements.isEmpty())
 436  0
                     if (this.elements == null)
                         // use the separated elements as the menu elements
                         // collection and insert the separator
 440  0
                         this.elements = separatedElements;
 441  0
                         if (separator != null)
 443  0
                             this.elements.add(0, separator);
                         // copy into existing menu elements collection
 449  0
                         if (separator != null)
 451  0
 453  0
                 // restore referencing for this menu if limited
 458  0
                 if (menuNameReferenced)
 460  0
 464  0
      * MenuImpl - request/session context dependent constructor
      * @param definition menu definition
      * @param context request context
      * @param menus related menu definition names set
     public MenuImpl(MenuDefinition definition, PortalSiteRequestContextImpl context, Set menus)
 475  0
         this(null, definition, context, menus);
 476  0
      * appendMenuElement - append to ordered list of unique menu
      *                     option/menu elements
      * @param appendMenuElement option/menu element to append
      * @param menuElements option/menu element list
     private void appendMenuElement(MenuElementImpl appendMenuElement, List menuElements)
         // make sure new menu element is unique and
         // add to menu element list
 489  0
         if (appendMenuElement != null)
 491  0
             if (!menuElements.contains(appendMenuElement))
 493  0
 496  0
      * appendMenuElements - append to ordered list of unique menu
      *                      option/menu elements
      * @param appendMenuElements option/menu element list to append
      * @param menuElements option/menu element list
     private void appendMenuElements(List appendMenuElements, List menuElements)
         // make sure new menu elements are unique and
         // add to menu element list
 509  0
         if (appendMenuElements != null)
 511  0
             Iterator elementsIter = appendMenuElements.iterator();
 512  0
             while (elementsIter.hasNext())
 514  0
                 appendMenuElement((MenuElementImpl), menuElements);
 517  0
      * removeMenuElements - remove from ordered list of unique menu
      *                      option/menu elements
      * @param removeMenuElements option/menu element list to remove
      * @param menuElements option/menu element list
     private void removeMenuElements(List removeMenuElements, List menuElements)
         // remove equivalent menu elements from menu
         // element list
 530  0
         if (removeMenuElements != null)
 532  0
 534  0
      * constructMenuElements - construct ordered list of menu elements in
      *                         context/site view using specified element
      *                         selection parameters; also sets up the
      *                         elementRelative flag while constructing the
      *                         menu elements
      * @param context request context
      * @param view context site view
      * @param options option paths specification
      * @param overrideElementProxies override menu element node proxies
      * @param depth inclusion depth
      * @param paths paths elements flag
      * @param regexp regexp flag
      * @param locatorName profile locator name
      * @param order ordering patterns list
     private List constructMenuElements(PortalSiteRequestContextImpl context, SiteView view, String options, List overrideElementProxies, int depth, boolean paths, class="keyword">boolean regexp, String locatorName, String order)
 555  0
         if (options != null)
             // use override element proxies if specified; otherwise
             // compute proxy list using specified menu options
 559  0
             List elementProxies = overrideElementProxies;
 560  0
             if (elementProxies == null)
                 // split multiple comma separated option paths from specified options 
 563  0
                 String [] optionPaths = options.split(",");
                 // use regexp processing if specified or simple
                 // path evaluation to retrieve list of proxies from
                 // the site view for the specified options
 568  0
                 for (int i = 0; (i < optionPaths.length); i++)
 570  0
                     String optionPath = optionPaths[i].trim();
 571  0
                     if (optionPath.length() > 0)
                         // get proxies/proxy for path
 574  0
                         if (regexp)
                             // get list of visible proxies for path from view and append
                             // to list if unique and pass profile locator name filter
 578  0
                             List pathProxies = null;
 581  0
                                 pathProxies = view.getNodeProxies(optionPath, context.getPage(), true, class="keyword">true);
 583  0
                             catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
 586  0
                             catch (SecurityException se)
 588  0
 589  0
                             if (pathProxies != null)
 591  0
                                 Iterator pathProxiesIter = pathProxies.iterator();
 592  0
                                 while (pathProxiesIter.hasNext())
 594  0
                                     Node pathProxy = (Node);
 595  0
                                     if ((locatorName == null) || locatorName.equals(MenuOptionsDefinition.ANY_PROFILE_LOCATOR) ||
 598  0
                                         if (elementProxies == null)
 600  0
                                             elementProxies = new ArrayList();
 602  0
                                         appendMenuElementProxies(pathProxy, elementProxies);
 604  0
 606  0
                             // get visible proxy for path from view and append to
                             // list if unique and pass profile locator name filter
 611  0
                             Node pathProxy = null;
 614  0
                                 pathProxy = view.getNodeProxy(optionPath, context.getPage(), true, class="keyword">true);
 616  0
                             catch (NodeNotFoundException nnfe)
 619  0
                             catch (SecurityException se)
 621  0
 622  0
                             if ((pathProxy != null) &&
                                 ((locatorName == null) || locatorName.equals(MenuOptionsDefinition.ANY_PROFILE_LOCATOR) ||
 626  0
                                 if (elementProxies == null)
 628  0
                                     elementProxies = new ArrayList();
 630  0
                                 appendMenuElementProxies(pathProxy, elementProxies);
                         // set relative element flag if path is relative
 635  0
                         elementRelative = (elementRelative || !optionPath.startsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR));
                 // return if no proxies available
 640  0
                 if (elementProxies == null)
 642  0
                     return null;
             // sort elements proxies using url and/or names if order
             // specified and more than one element proxy in list
 648  0
             if ((order != null) && (elementProxies.size() > 1))
                 // create ordered element proxies
 651  0
                 List orderedElementProxies = new ArrayList(elementProxies.size());
                 // split multiple comma separated elements orderings
                 // after converted to regexp pattern
 655  0
                 String [] orderings = orderRegexpPattern(order).split(",");
                 // copy ordered proxies per ordering
 658  0
                 for (int i=0; ((i < orderings.length) && (elementProxies.size() > 1)); i++)
 660  0
                     String ordering = orderings[i].trim();
 661  0
                     if (ordering.length() > 0)
                         // get ordering pattern and matcher
 664  0
                         Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ordering);
 665  0
                         Matcher matcher = null;
                         // use regular expression to match urls or names of
                         // element proxies; matched proxies are removed and
                         // placed in the ordered elements proxies list
 670  0
                         Iterator elementProxiesIter = elementProxies.iterator();
 671  0
                         while (elementProxiesIter.hasNext())
 673  0
                             Node elementProxy = (Node); 
                             // get url or name to test ordering match against
 676  0
                             String test = null;
 677  0
                             if (ordering.charAt(0) == Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR)
 679  0
                                 test = elementProxy.getUrl();
 683  0
                                 test = elementProxy.getName();
                             // construct or reset ordering matcher
 687  0
                             if (matcher == null)
 689  0
                                 matcher = pattern.matcher(test);
 693  0
                             // move proxy to ordered list if matched
 697  0
                             if (matcher.matches())
 699  0
 700  0
 702  0
                 // copy remaining unordered proxies
 707  0
                 // replace element proxies with ordered list
 710  0
                 elementProxies = orderedElementProxies;
             // expand paths if single page or folder element proxy
             // has been specified in elements with no depth expansion
 715  0
             if (paths && (depth == 0) && (elementProxies.size() == 1) &&
                 ((elementProxies.get(0) instanceof Folder) || (elementProxies.get(0) instanceof Page)))
 718  0
                 Node parentNode = ((Node)elementProxies.get(0)).getParent();
 719  0
                 while (parentNode != null)
 721  0
                     elementProxies.add(0, parentNode);
 722  0
                     parentNode = parentNode.getParent();
             // convert elements proxies into menu elements
 727  0
             DefaultMenuOptionsDefinition defaultMenuOptionsDefinition = null;
 728  0
             ListIterator elementProxiesIter = elementProxies.listIterator();
 729  0
             while (elementProxiesIter.hasNext())
 731  0
                 Node elementProxy = (Node);
 732  0
                 MenuElement menuElement = null;
                 // convert folders into nested menus if depth specified
                 // with no paths expansion, (negative depth values are
                 // interpreted as complete menu expansion)
 737  0
                 if ((elementProxy instanceof Folder) && ((depth < 0) || (depth > 1)) && !paths)
                     // construct menu definition and associated menu
 740  0
                     MenuDefinition nestedMenuDefinition = new DefaultMenuDefinition(elementProxy.getUrl(), depth - 1, locatorName);
 741  0
                     menuElement = new MenuImpl(this, nestedMenuDefinition, context, null);
 742  0
                     // construct shared default menu option definition and menu option
 746  0
                     if (defaultMenuOptionsDefinition == null)
 748  0
                         defaultMenuOptionsDefinition = new DefaultMenuOptionsDefinition(options, depth, paths, regexp, locatorName, order);
 750  0
                     menuElement = new MenuOptionImpl(this, elementProxy, defaultMenuOptionsDefinition);
                 // replace element proxy with menu element
 754  0
 755  0
 756  0
             List menuElements = elementProxies;
             // return list of menu elements constructed from element proxies
 759  0
             return menuElements;
         // no options specified
 763  0
         return null;
      * appendMenuElementProxies - append to ordered list of unique menu
      *                            element proxies
      * @param pathProxy menu element page, folder, or link proxy at path
      * @param elementProxies element proxies list
     private void appendMenuElementProxies(Node pathProxy, List elementProxies)
         // make sure new proxy is unique and add
         // to element proxies list
 777  0
         if (!elementProxies.contains(pathProxy))
 779  0
 781  0
      * clone - clone this instance
      * @return unparented deep copy
     public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
         // clone this object
 791  0
         MenuImpl copy = (MenuImpl)super.clone();
         // clone and reparent copy elements
 794  0
         if (copy.elements != null)
 796  0
             Iterator elementsIter = copy.elements.iterator();
 797  0
             copy.elements = new ArrayList(copy.elements.size());
 798  0
             while (elementsIter.hasNext())
 800  0
                 MenuElementImpl elementCopy = (MenuElementImpl)((MenuElementImpl);
 801  0
 802  0
 803  0
 805  0
         return copy;
      * getElementType - get type of menu element
      * @return MENU_ELEMENT_TYPE
     public String getElementType()
 815  0
         return MENU_ELEMENT_TYPE;
      * getName - get name of menu
      * @return menu name
     public String getName()
 825  0
         return definition.getName();
      * getTitle - get default title for menu element
      * @return title text
     public String getTitle()
         // return definition title
 836  0
         String title = definition.getTitle();
 837  0
         if (title != null)
 839  0
             return title;
         // return node or default title
 842  0
         return super.getTitle();
      * getShortTitle - get default short title for menu element
      * @return short title text
     public String getShortTitle()
         // return definition short title
 853  0
         String title = definition.getShortTitle();
 854  0
         if (title != null)
 856  0
             return title;
         // return node or default short title
 860  0
         return super.getShortTitle();
      * getTitle - get locale specific title for menu element
      *            from metadata
      * @param locale preferred locale
      * @return title text
     public String getTitle(Locale locale)
         // return definition short title for preferred locale
 873  0
         String title = definition.getTitle(locale);
 874  0
         if (title != null)
 876  0
             return title;
         // return node or default title for preferred locale
 880  0
         return super.getTitle(locale);
      * getShortTitle - get locale specific short title for menu
      *                 element from metadata
      * @param locale preferred locale
      * @return short title text
     public String getShortTitle(Locale locale)
         // return definition short title for preferred locale
 893  0
         String title = definition.getShortTitle(locale);
 894  0
         if (title != null)
 896  0
             return title;
         // return node or default short title for preferred locale
 900  0
         return super.getShortTitle(locale);
      * getMetadata - get generic metadata for menu element
      * @return metadata
     public GenericMetadata getMetadata()
         // return definition metadata
 911  0
         GenericMetadata metadata = definition.getMetadata();
 912  0
         if ((metadata != null) && (metadata.getFields() != class="keyword">null) && !metadata.getFields().isEmpty())
 914  0
             return metadata;
         // return node metadata
 918  0
         return super.getMetadata();
      * getSkin - get skin name for menu element
      * @return skin name
     public String getSkin()
         // get skin from definition or inherit from parent menu
 929  0
         String skin = definition.getSkin();
 930  0
         if (skin == null)
 932  0
             skin = super.getSkin();
 934  0
         return skin;
      * getUrl - get url of top level folder that defined
      *          menu options; only available for menus
      *          defined without multiple options, nested
      *          menus, or separators
      * @return folder url
     public String getUrl()
         // return url of node associated with menu
         // option if defined
 949  0
         if (getNode() != null)
 951  0
             return getNode().getUrl();
 953  0
         return null;
      * isHidden - get hidden state of folder that defined
      *            menu options; only available for menus
      *            defined without multiple options, nested
      *            menus, or separators
      * @return hidden state
     public boolean isHidden()
         // return hidden state of node associated with
         // menu option if defined
 968  0
         if (getNode() != null)
 970  0
             return getNode().isHidden();
 972  0
         return false;
      * isSelected - return true if an option or nested
      *              menu within this menu are selected by
      *              the specified request context
      * @param context request context
      * @return selected state
     public boolean isSelected(PortalSiteRequestContext context)
         // menu is selected if a selected element exists
 986  0
         return (getSelectedElement(context) != null);
      * getElements - get ordered list of menu elements that
      *               are members of this menu; possibly contains
      *               options, nested menus, or separators
      * @return menu elements list
     public List getElements()
 998  0
         return elements;
      * isEmpty - get empty state of list of menu elements
      * @return menu elements list empty state
     public boolean isEmpty()
 1008  0
         return ((elements == null) || elements.isEmpty());
      * isElementRelative - get flag that indicates whether any relative paths
      *                     dependent on the current page in context were
      *                     referenced while constructing menu elements
      * @return relative element status
     public boolean isElementRelative()
 1020  0
         return elementRelative;
      * getSelectedElement - return selected option or nested
      *                      menu within this menu selected by
      *                      the specified request context
      * @return selected menu element
     public MenuElement getSelectedElement(PortalSiteRequestContext context)
         // test nested menu and option menu
         // elements for selected status
 1034  0
         if (elements != null)
 1036  0
             Iterator elementsIter = elements.iterator();
 1037  0
             while (elementsIter.hasNext())
 1039  0
                 MenuElement element = (MenuElement);
                 // test element selected
 1042  0
                 boolean selected = false;
 1043  0
                 if (element instanceof MenuOption)
 1045  0
                     selected = ((MenuOption)element).isSelected(context);
 1047  0
                 else if (element instanceof Menu)
 1049  0
                     selected = ((Menu)element).isSelected(context);
                 // return selected element
 1053  0
                 if (selected)
 1055  0
                     return element;
 1057  0
 1059  0
         return null;
      * orderRegexpPattern - tests for and converts simple order wildcard
      *                      and character class regular exressions to
      *                      perl5/standard java pattern syntax
      * @param regexp - candidate order regular expression
      * @return - converted pattern
     private static String orderRegexpPattern(String regexp)
         // convert expression to pattern
 1073  0
         StringBuffer pattern = null;
 1074  0
         for (int i = 0, limit = regexp.length(); (i < limit); i++)
 1076  0
             char regexpChar = regexp.class="keyword">charAt(i);
 1077  0
             switch (regexpChar)
                 case '*':
                 case '.':
                 case '?':
                 case '[':
 1083  0
                     if (pattern == null)
 1085  0
                         pattern = new StringBuffer(regexp.length()*2);
 1086  0
                         pattern.append(regexp.substring(0, i));
 1088  0
                     switch (regexpChar)
                         case '*':
 1091  0
 1092  0
                         case '.':
 1094  0
 1095  0
                         case '?':
 1097  0
 1098  0
                         case '[':
 1100  0
 1103  0
 1105  0
                     if (pattern != null)
 1107  0
         // return converted pattern
 1114  0
         if (pattern != null)
 1115  0
             return pattern.toString();
 1116  0
         return regexp;

This report is generated by jcoverage, Maven and Maven JCoverage Plugin.