Coverage report

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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteView;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.portalsite.view.SiteViewProxy;
  * This class proxies Node instances to create a logical
  * view of site content.
  * @author <a href="">Randy Watler</a>
  * @version $Id: 516448 2007-03-09 16:25:47Z ate $
 public abstract class NodeProxy extends SiteViewProxy
      * *_METHOD - Node method constants
 45  0
     protected static final Method EQUALS_METHOD = reflectMethod(Object.class, "equals", new Class[]{Object.class});
 46  0
     protected static final Method GET_PARENT_METHOD = reflectMethod(Node.class, "getParent", null);
 47  0
     protected static final Method GET_PATH_METHOD = reflectMethod(Node.class, "getPath", null);
 48  0
     protected static final Method GET_URL_METHOD = reflectMethod(Node.class, "getUrl", null);
 49  0
     protected static final Method HASH_CODE_METHOD = reflectMethod(Object.class, "hashCode", null);
 50  0
     protected static final Method IS_HIDDEN_METHOD = reflectMethod(Node.class, "isHidden", null);
 51  0
     protected static final Method TO_STRING_METHOD = reflectMethod(Object.class, "toString", null);
      * parent - view parent proxy folder instance
     private Folder parent;
      * path - view path
     private String path;
      * hidden - hidden status of this or parent node
     private boolean hidden;
      * menuDefinitionLocators - menu definitions aggregated by name saved in
      *                          menu definition locators
     private List menuDefinitionLocators;
      * menuDefinitionLocatorsAggregated - boolean flag to indicate
      *                                    menuDefinitionLocators aggregated
     private boolean menuDefinitionLocatorsAggregated;
      * menuDefinitions - menu definitions aggregated by name
     private List menuDefinitions;
      * menuDefinitionsAggregated - boolean flag to indicate menuDefinitions
      *                             aggregated from menuDefinitionLocators
     private boolean menuDefinitionsAggregated;
      * NodeProxy - constructor
      * @param view site view owner of this proxy
      * @param locatorName profile locator name associated with
      *                    the derived delegate of this proxy in
      *                    the site view
      * @param parent view parent proxy folder
      * @param name name of node to proxy
      * @param hidden hidden status of node to proxy
     protected NodeProxy(SiteView view, String locatorName, Folder parent, String name, boolean hidden)
 104  0
         super(view, locatorName);
 105  0
         this.parent = parent;
 106  0
         if ((parent != null) && (name != class="keyword">null))
 108  0
             NodeProxy parentProxy = getNodeProxy(parent);
 109  0
             String parentPath = parentProxy.getPath();
 110  0
             if (parentPath.endsWith(Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR))
 112  0
                 this.path = parentPath + name;
 116  0
                 this.path = parentPath + Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR + name;
 118  0
             this.hidden = (hidden || parentProxy.isHidden());
 119  0
 122  0
             this.path = Folder.PATH_SEPARATOR;
 123  0
             this.hidden = hidden;
 125  0
      * getParent - proxy implementation of Node.getParent()
      * @return parent folder
     public Node getParent()
 134  0
         return parent;
      * getPath - proxy implementation of Node.getPath()
      * @return pages relative path used to identify proxy
     public String getPath()
 144  0
         return path;
      * getPath - proxy implementation of Node.isHidden()
      * @return hidden status of node or parent
     public boolean isHidden()
 154  0
         return hidden;
      * getUrl - proxy implementation of Node.getUrl()
      * @return pages relative url used to navigate to folder
     public String getUrl()
 164  0
         return path;
      * getMenuDefinitions - proxy implementation of Folder.getMenuDefinitions()
      *                      and Page.getMenuDefinitions()
      * @return definition list
     public List getMenuDefinitions()
         // get menu definitions aggregated by name from
         // aggregated menu definition locators
 177  0
         if (! menuDefinitionsAggregated)
 179  0
             List locators = getMenuDefinitionLocators();
 180  0
             if (locators != null)
 182  0
                 menuDefinitions = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(locators.size()));
 183  0
                 Iterator locatorsIter = locators.iterator();
 184  0
                 while (locatorsIter.hasNext())
 186  0
 189  0
             menuDefinitionsAggregated = true;
 191  0
         return menuDefinitions;
      * getMenuDefinitionLocators - get list of menu definition locators
      *                             aggregated by name for this folder or page
      * @return definition locator list
     public List getMenuDefinitionLocators()
         // get menu definition locators aggregated by name
 203  0
         if (! menuDefinitionLocatorsAggregated)
 205  0
 206  0
             menuDefinitionLocatorsAggregated = true;
 208  0
         return menuDefinitionLocators;
      * getMenuDefinitionLocator - get menu definition locator by name
      * @param name menu definition name
      * @return menu definition locator
     public SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator getMenuDefinitionLocator(String name)
         // get menu definition locators and find by name
 220  0
         List locators = getMenuDefinitionLocators();
 221  0
         if (locators != null)
 223  0
             return findMenuDefinitionLocator(name);
 225  0
         return null;
      * aggregateMenuDefinitionLocators - aggregate all menu definition locators
      *                                   in site view for this folder or page
     protected void aggregateMenuDefinitionLocators()
         // no menu definition locators by default
 235  0
      * mergeMenuDefinitionLocators - utilty to merge menu definition locator lists
      *                               to be used by derived implementations to aggregate
      *                               menu definition locators
      * @param definitions list of menu definitions to merge
      * @param node page or folder node that defines menu definitions
     protected void mergeMenuDefinitionLocators(List definitions, Node node)
         // merge definitions into aggregated menu definition
         // locators if defined
 249  0
         if (definitions != null)
 251  0
             Iterator definitionsIter = definitions.iterator();
 252  0
             while (definitionsIter.hasNext())
                 // aggregate menu definition by valid name
 255  0
                 MenuDefinition definition = (MenuDefinition);
 256  0
                 String definitionName = definition.getName();
 257  0
                 if (definitionName != null)
                     // add unique menu definition to end of
                     // ordered menu definition locators list
 261  0
                     if (!menuDefinitionLocatorsContains(definitionName))
 263  0
                         if (menuDefinitionLocators == null)
 265  0
                             menuDefinitionLocators = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(definitions.size() * 2));
 267  0
                         menuDefinitionLocators.add(new SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator(definition, node));
 270  0
 272  0
      * mergeMenuDefinitionLocators - utilty to merge menu definition locator lists
      *                               to be used by derived implementations to aggregate
      *                               menu definition locators
      * @param locators list of menu definition locators to merge
     protected void mergeMenuDefinitionLocators(List locators)
         // merge locators into aggregated menu definition
         // locators if defined
 285  0
         if (locators != null)
 287  0
             Iterator locatorsIter = locators.iterator();
 288  0
             while (locatorsIter.hasNext())
                 // aggregate menu definition by valid name
 291  0
                 SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator locator = (SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator);
 292  0
                 String definitionName = locator.getName();
                 // add unique menu definition to end of
                 // ordered menu definition locators list
 296  0
                 if (!menuDefinitionLocatorsContains(definitionName))
 298  0
                     if (menuDefinitionLocators == null)
 300  0
                         menuDefinitionLocators = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList(locators.size() * 2));
 302  0
 304  0
 306  0
      * menuDefinitionLocatorsContains - contains test for menu definition locators by name
      * @param name menu definition name
      * @return contains name result
     private boolean menuDefinitionLocatorsContains(String name)
         // test for matching name in menu definition locators
 317  0
         return (findMenuDefinitionLocator(name) != null);
      * findMenuDefinitionLocator - find menu definition locator by name
      * @param name menu definition name
      * @return menu definition locator
     private SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator findMenuDefinitionLocator(String name)
         // find matching menu definition locator by name
 329  0
         if ((menuDefinitionLocators != null) && (name != class="keyword">null))
 331  0
             synchronized (menuDefinitionLocators) {
 332  0
                 Iterator locatorsIter = menuDefinitionLocators.iterator();
 333  0
                 while (locatorsIter.hasNext())
 335  0
                     SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator locator = (SiteViewMenuDefinitionLocator);
 336  0
                     if (name.equals(locator.getName()))
 338  0
                         return locator;
 340  0
 341  0
 343  0
         return null;
      * equals - proxy implementation of Object.equals()
      * @param object test instance
      * @return equals test result
     public boolean equals(Object object)
 354  0
         if (object != null)
             // trivial compare
 357  0
             if (object == this)
 359  0
                 return true;
             // compare as NodeProxy
 363  0
             if (!(object instanceof NodeProxy))
 365  0
                 object = getNodeProxy(object);
 367  0
             if (object instanceof NodeProxy)
 369  0
                 return path.equals(((NodeProxy)object).path);
 372  0
         return false;
      * toString - proxy implementation of Object.toString()
      * @return string representation of proxy path
     public String toString()
 382  0
         return path;
      * hashCode - proxy implementation of Object.hashCode()
      * @return hash code based on proxy path
     public int hashCode()
 392  0
         return path.hashCode();
      * getNodeProxy - utility method to access NodeProxy handler
      *                from Node proxy instance
      * @param node node proxy instance
      * @return node proxy invocation handler instance
     public static NodeProxy getNodeProxy(Object node)
 404  0
         if ((node != null) && Proxy.isProxyClass(node.getClass()))
 406  0
             Object nodeProxyHandler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(node);
 407  0
             if (nodeProxyHandler instanceof NodeProxy)
 409  0
                 return (NodeProxy)nodeProxyHandler;
 412  0
         return null;

This report is generated by jcoverage, Maven and Maven JCoverage Plugin.