Coverage report

  %line %branch

  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.jetspeed.util;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.HashMap;
  * <h2>Overview</h2>
  * <p>
  * The Path object is used to standard used to standardize the creation of
  * mutation of path-like structures. For: example /foo/bar/index.html.
  * </p>
  * <h2>Rules for Interperting Pathes</h2>
  * <p>
  * Below are the rules for how the constructor interprets literal paths.
  * <strong>NOTE</strong> the {@link addSegment(String)} interprets string
  * pathes in a somewhat different manner. <table>
  * <tr>
  * <th>Literal Path</th>
  * <th>Interpretation</th>
  * </tr>
  * <td> <i>/foo/bar/index.html</i> </td>
  * <td> <code>foo</code> and <code>bar</code> will be considered directory
  * segments while <code>index.html</code> will be considered a file segment.
  * This means that the <code>baseName</code> will be set to <i>index</i> and
  * the <code>fileExtension</code> will be set to <i>.html</i> </td>
  * <tr>
  * <td> <i>/foo/bar/</i>, <i>/foo/bar</i>, <i>foo/bar/</i> <i>foo/bar</i>
  * </td>
  * <td>
  * <p>
  * <code>foo</code> and <code>bar</code> will be considered directory
  * segments. <code>baseName</code> and <code>fileExtension</code> will be
  * left as <code>null</code>.
  * <p>
  * I cases where a file has no extension you must use the
  * {@link setFileSegment(String))} to manually set the file. This causes the
  * <code>baseName</code> to be set to the file name specified and the
  * <code>fileExtension</code> will be set to the empty string ("").
  * </p>
  * </td>
  * </tr>
  * </table>
  * @author <href a="">Scott T. Weaver</a>
 public class Path implements Serializable, Cloneable
     /** The serial version uid. */
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6890966283704092945L;
     public static final String PATH_SEPERATOR = "/";
 70  0
     private static final String[] EMPTY_SEGMENTS = new String[0];
 72  0
     private static HashMap childrenMap = new HashMap();
     private final String path;
     private final String[] segments;
     private final String fileName;
     private final String baseName;
     private final String fileExtension;
     private final String queryString;
     private final int hashCode;
     public Path()
 88  0
 89  0
         segments = EMPTY_SEGMENTS;
 90  0
         fileName = null;
 91  0
         baseName = null;
 92  0
         fileExtension = null;
 93  0
         queryString = null;
 94  0
         hashCode = 0;
 95  0
         path = "";
 96  0
     private Path(Path parent, String childSegment, boolean pathOnly)
 100  0
         this(parent, splitPath(childSegment), pathOnly);
 101  0
     private Path(Path parent, String[] children, boolean pathOnly)
 104  0
 105  0
         int code = 0;
 106  0
         if (!pathOnly)
 108  0
             this.fileName = parent.fileName;
 109  0
             this.baseName = parent.baseName;
 110  0
             this.fileExtension = parent.fileExtension;
 111  0
             this.queryString = parent.queryString;
 112  0
             if (queryString != null)
 114  0
                 code += queryString.hashCode();
 119  0
             fileName = null;
 120  0
             baseName = null;
 121  0
             fileExtension = null;
 122  0
             queryString = null;
 125  0
         int size = parent.segments.length;
 126  0
         if (pathOnly && parent.fileName != null)
 128  0
 131  0
         int index = 0;
 133  0
         segments = new String[size+children.length];
 134  0
         for (index = 0; index < size; index++)
 136  0
             segments[index] = parent.segments[index];
 137  0
             code += segments[index].hashCode();
 139  0
         for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++, index++)
 141  0
             segments[index] = children[i];
 142  0
             code += segments[index].hashCode();
 144  0
         if (fileName != null && !pathOnly)
 146  0
             segments[index] = fileName;
 147  0
             code += segments[index].hashCode();
 149  0
         hashCode = code;
 150  0
         path = buildPath();
 151  0
     private Path(Path parent)
 154  0
 155  0
         this.fileName = parent.fileName;
 156  0
         this.baseName = parent.baseName;
 157  0
         this.fileExtension = parent.fileExtension;
 158  0
         this.queryString = parent.queryString;
 159  0
         segments = new String[parent.segments.length-1];
 160  0
         int code = 0;
 161  0
         for (int i = 0; i < parent.segments.length-2; i++)
 163  0
             segments[i] = parent.segments[i];
 164  0
             code += segments.hashCode();
 166  0
         if (fileName != null)
 168  0
             segments[segments.length-1] = fileName;
 170  0
         else if (parent.segments.length > 1)
 172  0
             segments[segments.length-1] = parent.segments[parent.segments.length-2];
 174  0
         if ( segments.length > 0)
 176  0
             code += segments[segments.length-1].hashCode();
 178  0
         if (queryString != null)
 180  0
             code += queryString.hashCode();
 182  0
         hashCode = code;
 183  0
         path = buildPath();
 184  0
     private Path(String[] segments, int offset, class="keyword">int count)
 187  0
 188  0
         this.segments = new String[count];
 189  0
         int code = 0;
 190  0
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
 192  0
             this.segments[i] = segments[offset+i];
 193  0
 195  0
         hashCode = code;
 196  0
         if (count > 0)
 198  0
             fileName = this.segments[count-1];
 199  0
             int extIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
 200  0
             if (extIndex > -1)
 202  0
                 baseName = fileName.substring(0, extIndex);
 203  0
                 fileExtension = fileName.substring(extIndex);
 207  0
                 baseName = fileName;
 208  0
                 fileExtension = "";
 210  0
 213  0
             fileName = null;
 214  0
             baseName = null;
 215  0
             fileExtension = null;
 217  0
         queryString = null;
 218  0
         path = buildPath();
 219  0
     public Path(String path)
 222  0
 224  0
         String tmp = path.replace('\\', '/');
 226  0
         if (!tmp.startsWith("/"))
 228  0
             tmp = "/" + tmp;
 231  0
         this.path = tmp;
 233  0
         if (path.equals("/"))
 235  0
             segments = new String[]{""};
 236  0
             fileName = null;
 237  0
             baseName = null;
 238  0
             fileExtension = null;
 239  0
             queryString = null;
 240  0
             hashCode = 0;
 244  0
             int queryStart = path.indexOf('?');
 245  0
             int len = queryStart > -1 ? queryStart : path.length();
 246  0
             segments = split(path, 0, len, '/');
 247  0
             int code  = 0;
 248  0
             for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++)
 250  0
                 code += segments[i].hashCode();
 252  0
             String tmpFileName = null;
 254  0
             if (queryStart > 1 && path.length() > queryStart+1)
 256  0
                 queryString = path.substring(queryStart+1);
 257  0
                 code += queryString.hashCode();
 261  0
                 queryString = null;
 263  0
             hashCode = code;
 264  0
             int extIndex = -1;
 265  0
             if (segments.length > 0)
 267  0
                 tmpFileName = segments[segments.length-1];
 268  0
                 extIndex = tmpFileName.lastIndexOf('.');
 270  0
             if (extIndex > -1)
 272  0
                 fileName = tmpFileName;
 273  0
                 baseName = tmpFileName.substring(0, extIndex);
 274  0
                 fileExtension = tmpFileName.substring(extIndex);
 278  0
                 fileName = null;
 279  0
                 baseName = null;
 280  0
                 fileExtension = null;
 283  0
     private static String[] splitPath(String path)
 287  0
         String[] children = null;
 288  0
         path = path.replace('\\', '/');
 290  0
         if (path.startsWith("/"))
 292  0
             path = "/" + path;
 295  0
         if (path.equals("/"))
 297  0
             children = new String[]{""};
 301  0
             int index = path.indexOf('?');
 302  0
             int len = index > -1 ? index : path.length();
 303  0
             children = split(path, 0, len, '/');
 305  0
         return children;
      * Returns the segement of the path at the specified index <code>i</code>.
      * @param i
      *            index containing the segment to return.
      * @return Segment at index <code>i</code>
      * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
      *             if the index is not within the bounds of this Path.
     public String getSegment(int i)
 319  0
         return segments[i];
      * <p>
      * Adds this segment to the end of the path but before the current file
      * segment, if one exists. For consistency Segments added via this method
      * are <strong>ALWAYS</strong> considered directories even when matching a
      * standrad file pattern i.e. <i>index.html</i>
      * </p>
      * <p>
      * If you need to set the file segment, please use the setFileSegment()
      * method.
      * </p>
      * @param segment
      * @return
     public Path addSegment(String segment)
 339  0
         return new Path(this, segment, false);
     public Path getSubPath(int beginAtSegment)
 344  0
         return new Path(segments, beginAtSegment, segments.length-beginAtSegment);
     public Path getSubPath(int beginAtSegment, class="keyword">int endSegment)
 349  0
         return new Path(segments, beginAtSegment, endSegment-beginAtSegment);
     public String getBaseName()
 354  0
         return baseName;
     public String getFileExtension()
 359  0
         return fileExtension;
     public String getFileName()
 364  0
         return fileName;
     public String getQueryString()
 369  0
         return queryString;
     public int length()
 374  0
         return segments.length;
     public String toString()
 379  0
         return path;
     private String buildPath()
 384  0
         int len = 0;
 385  0
         for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++)
 387  0
 389  0
         if (queryString!=null)
 391  0
 393  0
         char[] buffer = new class="keyword">char[len];
 394  0
         int index = 0;
 395  0
         for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++ )
 397  0
             buffer[index++] = '/';
 398  0
             len = segments[i].length();
 399  0
             segments[i].getChars(0, len, buffer, index);
 400  0
             index+= len;
 402  0
         if (queryString != null)
 404  0
             buffer[index++] = '?';
 405  0
             len = queryString.length();
 406  0
             queryString.getChars(0, len, buffer, index);
 408  0
         return new String(buffer);
     public boolean equals(Object obj)
 413  0
         if (obj instanceof Path)
 415  0
             Path other = (Path)obj;
 416  0
             if ( (other.queryString != null && other.queryString.equals(queryString)) ||
                     (other.queryString == null && queryString == class="keyword">null) )
 419  0
                 return Arrays.equals(other.segments,segments);
 422  0
         return false;
     public int hashCode()
 427  0
         return hashCode;
      * Removes the last directory segment in this path. This method <strong>WILL
      * NOT</strong> remove the fileSegment, but path segment immediately before
      * it.
      * @return segment removed.
     public Path removeLastPathSegment()
 439  0
         if ((fileName != null && segments.length == 1) || segments.length == 0)
 441  0
             return this;
 443  0
         return new Path(this);
     public Path getChild(String childPath)
 448  0
         synchronized (childrenMap)
 450  0
             Path child = null;
 451  0
             HashMap children = (HashMap)childrenMap.get(path);
 452  0
             if (children == null)
 454  0
                 children = new HashMap();
 455  0
                 childrenMap.put(path, children);
 459  0
                 child = (Path)children.get(childPath);
 461  0
             if ( child == null )
 463  0
                 if (segments.length == 0)
 465  0
                     child = new Path(childPath);
 469  0
                     child = new Path(this, childPath, true);
 471  0
                 children.put(childPath, child);
 473  0
             return child;
 474  0
     public Path getChild(Path childPath)
 479  0
         return getChild(childPath.path);
     private static String[] split(String str, int start, class="keyword">int length, char separator)
         String[] result;
 485  0
         char[] buffer = str.toCharArray();
 486  0
         int tokens = 0;
 487  0
         boolean token = false;
 488  0
         for (int i = start; i < length; i++)
 490  0
             if (buffer[i]==separator)
 492  0
                 token = false;
 494  0
             else if (!token)
 496  0
 497  0
                 token = true;
 500  0
         result = new String[tokens];
 501  0
         if (tokens > 0)
 503  0
             int begin = start;
 504  0
             int end = start;
 505  0
             token = false;
 506  0
             tokens = 0;
 507  0
             for (int i = start; i < length; i++)
 509  0
                 if (buffer[i]==separator)
 511  0
                     if (token)
 513  0
                        result[tokens++] = new String(buffer,begin,end);
 514  0
                        token = false;
 517  0
                 else if (!token)
 519  0
                     token = true;
 520  0
                     begin = i;
 521  0
                     end = 1;
 525  0
 528  0
             if (token)
 530  0
                 result[tokens] = new String(buffer,begin, end);
 533  0
         return result;

This report is generated by jcoverage, Maven and Maven JCoverage Plugin.