Coverage report

  %line %branch

  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.layout;
 import java.text.DecimalFormat;
 import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.SortedMap;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
  * <h2>Basics</h2>
  * <p>
  * <code>ColumnLayout</code> is the model used to support any 1 to <i>n</i>
  * column-based layout. <code>ColumnLayout</code> is constrained by a number
  * columns that will not be exceeded, even if a fragment specifies a column
  * outside of this constraint. Any fragment exceeded the specified column
  * constraint will be deposited into the right-most column.
  * </p>
  * <h2>Characteristics:</h2>
  * <ul>
  *   <li>Columns and rows always start at 0.</li>
  *   <li>Unless otherwise noted, assume all Collections returned are immutable.</li>
  *   <li>Unless otherwise noted, assume that no public method will ever return <code>null</code>.</li>
  * </ul>
  * <h2>Layout Events</h2>
  * <p>
  * When any move*() method is invoked and a portlet is actually moved (see indvidual
  * methods for what causes these circumstances), an initial LayoutEvent is dispatched.  
  * This may cause a cascade of LayoutEvents to be fired in turn if the movement of the
  * target fragment cause other fragments to be repositioned.  In this case a LayoutEvent
  * is dispatched for each portlet moved, which in turn may our may not cause another
  * LayoutEvent to be fired. 
  * </p>
  * @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.layout.LayoutEvent
  * @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.layout.LayoutEventListener
  * @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlets.layout.LayoutCoordinate
  * @see
  * @author <href a="">Scott T. Weaver</a>
 public class ColumnLayout implements Serializable
     /** Percentage widths gutter width */
     private final static double PERCENTAGE_WIDTH_GUTTER = 0.01;
     /** Percentage widths format */
 76  0
     private final static DecimalFormat PERCENTAGE_WIDTH_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0.00'%'", new DecimalFormatSymbols(
     /** Constrains the columns for this layout */
     private final int numberOfColumns;
     /** SortedMap of Columns (which are also sorted maps */
     private final SortedMap columns;
     /** Width settings for eacah column */
     private final String[] columnWidths;
     /** Efficent way to always be aware of the next available row in a column */
     private final int[] nextRowNumber;
     /** maps Fragments (key) to it's current LayoutCoordinate (value) in this layout */
     private final Map coordinates;
     /** All of the LayoutEventListeners registered to this layout */
     private final List eventListeners;
      * @param numberOfColumns
      *            the maximum number of columns this layout will have.
      * @param layoutType
      *            this value corresponds to the property settings of the
      *            fragments within your psml. Layout type allows segration of
      *            property settings based on the type of layout in use. This
      *            effectively allows for the interchange of multiple layout
      *            formats without one format effecting the settings of another.
      * @param columnWidths
      *            widths for each column that accumulate to 100% if percentages
      *            are used.
      * @see
     public ColumnLayout(int numberOfColumns, String layoutType, String[] columnWidths)
 113  0
 114  0
         this.numberOfColumns = numberOfColumns;
 115  0
         this.columnWidths = columnWidths;
 116  0
         eventListeners = new ArrayList();
 118  0
         columns = new TreeMap();
 119  0
         coordinates = new HashMap();
 121  0
         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++)
 123  0
             columns.put(new Integer(i), class="keyword">new TreeMap());
 126  0
         nextRowNumber = new int[numberOfColumns];
 128  0
         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++)
 130  0
             nextRowNumber[i] = 0;
 132  0
      * Same as ColumnLayout(int numberOfColumns, String layoutType) but also
      * supplies a Collection of fragmetns to initially populate the layout
      * with.  Adding these fragments <strong>WILL NOT</strong> cause
      * a LayoutEvent to be dispatched.
      * @see ColumnLayout(int numberOfColumns, String layoutType)
      * @param numberOfColumns
      *            the maximum number of columns this layout will have.
      * @param layoutType
      *            this value corresponds to the property settings of the
      *            fragments within your psml. Layout type allows segration of
      *            property settings based on the type of layout in use. This
      *            effectively allows for the interchange of multiple layout
      *            formats without one format effecting the settings of another.
      * @param fragments Initial set of fragments to add to this layout.
      * @param columnWidths
      *            widths for each column that accumulate to 100% if percentages
      *            are used.
      * @throws LayoutEventException
     public ColumnLayout(int numberOfColumns, String layoutType, Collection fragments, String[] columnWidths) throws LayoutEventException
 157  0
         this(numberOfColumns, layoutType, columnWidths);
 158  0
         Iterator fragmentsItr = fragments.iterator();
 161  0
             while (fragmentsItr.hasNext())
 163  0
                 Fragment fragment = (Fragment);
 164  0
                 doAdd(getColumn(fragment), getRow(getColumn(fragment), fragment), fragment);
 165  0
 167  0
         catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
             // This should NEVER happen as getColumn() should
             // automatically constrain any fragments who's column
             // setting would cause this exception.
 172  0
             throw new LayoutError("A malformed fragment could not be adjusted.", e);
 173  0
 174  0
      * <p>
      * Adds a fragment to the layout using fragment properties of
      * <code> row  </code> and <code> column  </code> as hints on where to put
      * this fragment. The following rules apply to malformed fragment
      * definitions:
      * </p>
      * <ul>
      * <li>Fragments without a row defined are placed at the bottom of their
      * respective column </li>
      * <li>Fragments without a column are placed in the right-most column.
      * </li>
      * <li> Fragments with overlapping row numbers. The last fragment has
      * priority pushing the fragment in that row down one row. </li>
      * </ul>
      * @param fragment
      *            Fragment to add to this layout.
      * @throws LayoutEventException 
      * @see
     public void addFragment(Fragment fragment) throws LayoutEventException
 202  0
             doAdd(getColumn(fragment), getRow(getColumn(fragment), fragment), fragment);
 203  0
             LayoutCoordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(fragment);
 204  0
             processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.ADDED, fragment, coordinate, coordinate));
 206  0
         catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
             // This should NEVER happen as getColumn() should
             // automatically constrain any fragments who's column
             // setting would cause this exception.
 211  0
             throw new LayoutError("A malformed fragment could not be adjusted.", e);
 213  0
         catch (FragmentNotInLayoutException e)
 215  0
             throw new LayoutError("Failed to add coordinate to this ColumnLayout.", e);
 216  0
 217  0
      * Adds a LayoutEventListener to this layout that will be fired any time
      * a LayoutEvent is disaptched.
      * @param eventListener
      * @see LayoutEventListener
      * @see LayoutEventListener
     public void addLayoutEventListener(LayoutEventListener eventListener)
 229  0
 230  0
      * @param columnNumber
      *            Number of column to retreive
      * @return requested column (as a immutable Collection). Never returns
      *         <code>null.</code>
      * @throws InvalidLayoutLocationException
      *             if the column is outisde of the constraints of this layout
     public Collection getColumn(int columnNumber) throws InvalidLayoutLocationException
 243  0
         return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(getColumnMap(columnNumber).values());
      * returns the width to be used with the specified column.  If
      * there is no specific column setting sfor the specified column
      * 0 is returned.
      * @param columnNumber whose width has been requested.
      * @return the width to be used with the specified column.  Or 0 if no value
      * has been specified.
     public String getColumnWidth(int columnNumber)
 257  0
         if ((columnWidths != null) && (columnNumber < numberOfColumns))
 259  0
             String columnWidth = columnWidths[columnNumber];
             // subtract "gutter" width from last percentage
             // column to prevent wrapping on rounding errors
             // of column widths when rendered in the browser
 264  0
             if ((numberOfColumns > 1) && (columnNumber == (numberOfColumns - 1)))
 266  0
                 int percentIndex = columnWidth.lastIndexOf('%');
 267  0
                 if (percentIndex > 0)
 271  0
                         double width = Double.parseDouble(columnWidth.substring(0,percentIndex).trim());
 272  0
                         synchronized (PERCENTAGE_WIDTH_FORMAT)
 274  0
                             columnWidth = PERCENTAGE_WIDTH_FORMAT.format(width - PERCENTAGE_WIDTH_GUTTER);
 275  0
 277  0
                     catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
 279  0
 282  0
             return columnWidth;
 284  0
         return "0";
      * returns the float to be used with the specified column.
      * @param columnNumber whose width has been requested.
      * @return "right" for the last column, "left" if more than one
      *         column, or "none" otherwise.
     public String getColumnFloat(int columnNumber)
 296  0
         if ((numberOfColumns > 1) && (columnNumber < numberOfColumns))
 298  0
             if (columnNumber == (numberOfColumns - 1))
 300  0
                 return "right";
 304  0
                 return "left";
 307  0
         return "none";
      * @return <code>java.util.Collection</code> all of columns (also
      *         Collection objects) in order within this layout. All Collections
      *         are immutable.
     public Collection getColumns()
 317  0
         ArrayList columnList = new ArrayList(getNumberOfColumns());
 318  0
         Iterator itr = columns.values().iterator();
 319  0
         while (itr.hasNext())
 321  0
 324  0
         return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(columnList);
      * Returns the index of the last row in the specified column.
      * @param columnNumber column form whom we ant to identify the
      * last row.
      * @return the index of the last row in the specified column.
     public int getLastRowNumber(class="keyword">int columnNumber)
 337  0
         return nextRowNumber[columnNumber] - 1;
      * Returns an immutable Collection of all the Fragments contained within
      * this ColumnLayout in no sepcific order.
      * @return Immutable Collection of Fragments.
     public Collection getFragments()
 347  0
         return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(coordinates.keySet());
      * Retrieves the fragment at the specified loaction.
      * @param columnNumber Column coordinate (first column starts at 0)
      * @param rowNumber Row coordinate (first row starts at 0)
      * @return Fragment at the specified coordinate.  Never returns <code>null</code>.
      * @throws EmptyLayoutLocationException if there is no fragment currently located at the specified coordinate.
      * @throws InvalidLayoutLocationException if the coordinate lies outside the confines of this layout, i.e., the
      * <code>columnNumber</code> exceeds the max columns setting for this layout.
     public Fragment getFragmentAt(int columnNumber, class="keyword">int rowNumber) throws EmptyLayoutLocationException,
 363  0
         SortedMap column = getColumnMap(columnNumber);
 364  0
         Integer rowInteger = new Integer(rowNumber);
 365  0
         if (column.containsKey(rowInteger))
 367  0
             return (Fragment) column.get(rowInteger);
 371  0
             throw new EmptyLayoutLocationException(columnNumber, rowNumber);
      * Retrieves the fragment at the specified loaction.
      * @param coodinate LayoutCoordinate object that will be used to located a fragment in this
      * layout.
      * @see LayoutCoordinate
      * @return Fragment at the specified coordinate.  Never returns <code>null</code>.
      * @throws EmptyLayoutLocationException if there is no fragment currently located at the specified coordinate.
      * @throws InvalidLayoutLocationException if the coordinate lies outside the confines of this layout, i.e., the
      * <code>columnNumber</code> exceeds the max columns setting for this layout.
      * @see LayoutCoordinate
     public Fragment getFragmentAt(LayoutCoordinate coodinate) throws EmptyLayoutLocationException,
 391  0
         return getFragmentAt(coodinate.getX(), coodinate.getY());
      * @return The total number of columns in this layout.
     public int getNumberOfColumns()
 400  0
         return numberOfColumns;
      * @return The last column in this layout.  The Collection is immutable.
     public Collection getLastColumn() 
 411  0
             return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(getColumnMap(numberOfColumns - 1).values());
 413  0
         catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
             // This should NEVER happen as getLastColumn() is
             // always correctly constrained and should always exists.
 417  0
             throw new LayoutError("It appears this layout is corrupt and cannot correctly identify its last column.", e);
      * @return The last column in this layout.  The Collection is immutable.
     public Collection getFirstColumn()
 429  0
             return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(getColumnMap(0).values());
 431  0
         catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
             // This should NEVER happen as getLastColumn() is
             // always correctly constrained and should always exists.
 435  0
             throw new LayoutError("It appears this layout is corrupt and cannot correctly identify its first column.", e);
      * Moves a fragment one column to the right.  A LayoutEvent is triggered by
      * this action.
      * <p>
      * If the fragment currently
      * resides in right-most column, no action is taking and no event LayoutEvent
      * is fired.
      * </p>
      * @param fragment fragment to move.
      * @throws FragmentNotInLayoutException if the specified fragment is not currently in the layout.
      * @throws LayoutEventException If a triggered LayoutEvent fails.
     public void moveRight(Fragment fragment) throws FragmentNotInLayoutException, LayoutEventException
 456  0
         LayoutCoordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(fragment);
 457  0
         LayoutCoordinate newCoordinate = new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX() + 1, coordinate.getY());
 459  0
         if (newCoordinate.getX() < numberOfColumns)
 464  0
                 doMove(fragment, coordinate, newCoordinate);
 465  0
                 processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_RIGHT, fragment, coordinate, class="keyword">newCoordinate));
                 // now move the fragment below up one level.
 469  0
                     Fragment fragmentBelow = getFragmentAt(new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY() + 1));
 470  0
 472  0
                 catch (EmptyLayoutLocationException e)
                     // indicates no fragment below
 475  0
 477  0
             catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
                 // This should NEVER happen as the location has already been verfied to be valid
 480  0
                 throw new LayoutError("It appears this layout is corrupt and cannot correctly identify valid column locations.", e);
 481  0
 483  0
      * Moves a fragment one column to the left.  A LayoutEvent is triggered by
      * this action.
      * <p>
      * If the fragment currently
      * resides in left-most column, no action is taking and no event LayoutEvent
      * is fired.
      * </p>
      * @param fragment
      * @throws FragmentNotInLayoutException if the specified fragment is not currently in the layout.
      * @throws LayoutEventException If a triggered LayoutEvent fails.
     public void moveLeft(Fragment fragment) throws FragmentNotInLayoutException, LayoutEventException
 501  0
         LayoutCoordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(fragment);
 502  0
         LayoutCoordinate newCoordinate = new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX() - 1, coordinate.getY());
 504  0
         if (newCoordinate.getX() >= 0)
 508  0
                 doMove(fragment, coordinate, newCoordinate);
 509  0
                 processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_LEFT, fragment, coordinate, class="keyword">newCoordinate));
                 // now move the fragment below up one level.
 513  0
                     Fragment fragmentBelow = getFragmentAt(new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY() + 1));
 514  0
 516  0
                 catch (EmptyLayoutLocationException e)
                     // indicates no fragment below
 519  0
 521  0
             catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
                 // This should NEVER happen as the location has already been verfied to be valid
 524  0
                 throw new LayoutError("It appears this layout is corrupt and cannot correctly identify valid column locations.", e);
 525  0
 529  0
      * Moves a fragment one row to the up.  A LayoutEvent is triggered by
      * this action.
      * <p>
      * If the fragment currently
      * resides in top-most row, no action is taking and no event LayoutEvent
      * is fired.
      * </p>
      * @param fragment
      * @throws FragmentNotInLayoutException if the specified fragment is not currently in the layout.
      * @throws LayoutEventException If a triggered LayoutEvent fails.
     public void moveUp(Fragment fragment) throws FragmentNotInLayoutException, LayoutEventException
 546  0
         LayoutCoordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(fragment);
 547  0
         LayoutCoordinate aboveLayoutCoordinate = new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY() - 1);
 548  0
         LayoutCoordinate newCoordinate = aboveLayoutCoordinate;
         // never go "above" 0.
 551  0
         if (newCoordinate.getY() >= 0)
                     // now move the fragment above down one level.
 558  0
                     /*Fragment fragmentAbove =*/ getFragmentAt(aboveLayoutCoordinate);
 559  0
                     doMove(fragment, coordinate, newCoordinate);
 560  0
                     processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_UP, fragment, coordinate, class="keyword">newCoordinate));                
 562  0
                 catch (EmptyLayoutLocationException e)
                     // Nothing above??? Then scoot all elements below up one level.
 565  0
                     doMove(fragment, coordinate, newCoordinate);
 566  0
                     processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_UP, fragment, coordinate, class="keyword">newCoordinate));
                     // If this the last row, make sure to update the next row pointer accordingly.
 569  0
                     if(coordinate.getY() == (nextRowNumber[coordinate.getX()] - 1))
 571  0
                         nextRowNumber[coordinate.getX()] = coordinate.getX();
 576  0
                         Fragment fragmentBelow = getFragmentAt(new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX(),
                                 coordinate.getY() + 1));
 578  0
 580  0
                     catch (EmptyLayoutLocationException e1)
 583  0
 584  0
 586  0
             catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
                 // This should NEVER happen as the location has already been verfied to be valid
 589  0
                 throw new LayoutError("It appears this layout is corrupt and cannot correctly identify valid column locations.", e);
 590  0
 592  0
      * @param fragment
      * @throws FragmentNotInLayoutException if the specified fragment is not currently in the layout.
      * @throws LayoutEventException If a triggered LayoutEvent fails.
     public void moveDown(Fragment fragment) throws FragmentNotInLayoutException, LayoutEventException
 602  0
         LayoutCoordinate coordinate = getCoordinate(fragment);
 603  0
         LayoutCoordinate newCoordinate = new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY() + 1);
         // never move past the current bottom row
 606  0
         if (newCoordinate.getY() < nextRowNumber[coordinate.getX()])
                     // the best approach to move a fragment down is to actually move
                     // its neighbor underneath up
 614  0
                     LayoutCoordinate aboveCoord = new LayoutCoordinate(coordinate.getX(), coordinate.getY() + 1);
 615  0
                     Fragment fragmentBelow = getFragmentAt(aboveCoord);
 616  0
                     doMove(fragmentBelow, aboveCoord, coordinate);
 617  0
                     processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_UP, fragmentBelow, aboveCoord, coordinate));
                     // Since this logic path is a somewhat special case, the processing of the  MOVED_DOWN
                     // event happens within the doAdd() method.
 621  0
                 catch (EmptyLayoutLocationException e)
 623  0
                     doMove(fragment, coordinate, newCoordinate);
 624  0
                     processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_DOWN, fragment, coordinate, class="keyword">newCoordinate));
 625  0
 627  0
             catch (InvalidLayoutLocationException e)
                 // This should NEVER happen as the location has already been verfied to be valid
 630  0
                 throw new LayoutError("It appears this layout is corrupt and cannot correctly identify valid column locations.", e);
 631  0
 634  0
      * Performs the actual movement of a fragment.
      * @param fragment
      * @param oldCoordinate
      * @param newCoordinate
      * @throws InvalidLayoutLocationException
      * @throws LayoutEventException 
     protected void doMove(Fragment fragment, LayoutCoordinate oldCoordinate, LayoutCoordinate newCoordinate)
             throws InvalidLayoutLocationException, LayoutEventException
 649  0
         SortedMap oldColumn = getColumnMap(oldCoordinate.getX());
 650  0
         oldColumn.remove(new Integer(oldCoordinate.getY()));
 651  0
 653  0
         doAdd(newCoordinate.getX(), newCoordinate.getY(), fragment);
 654  0
      * @param fragment fragment whose LayoutCoordinate we ant.
      * @return LayoutCoordinate representing the current location of this
      * Fragment within this layout.
      * @throws FragmentNotInLayoutException if the Fragment is not present in this layout.
      * @see LayoutCoordinate
     public LayoutCoordinate getCoordinate(Fragment fragment) throws FragmentNotInLayoutException
 667  0
         if (coordinates.containsKey(fragment))
 669  0
             return (LayoutCoordinate) coordinates.get(fragment);
 673  0
             throw new FragmentNotInLayoutException(fragment);
      * Adds a fragment at the indicated <code>columnNumber</code>
      * and <code>rowNumber</code>.
      * @param columnNumber
      * @param rowNumber
      * @param fragment
      * @throws InvalidLayoutLocationException if the coordinates are outside the bounds of this layout.
      * @throws LayoutEventException id a LayoutEvent fails
     protected void doAdd(int columnNumber, class="keyword">int rowNumber, Fragment fragment) throws InvalidLayoutLocationException, LayoutEventException
 689  0
         SortedMap column = getColumnMap(columnNumber);
 691  0
         Integer rowInteger = new Integer(rowNumber);
 692  0
         LayoutCoordinate targetCoordinate = new LayoutCoordinate(columnNumber, rowNumber);
 693  0
         if (column.containsKey(rowInteger))
             // If the row has something in it, push everythin down 1
 696  0
             Fragment existingFragment = (Fragment) column.get(rowInteger);
 697  0
             column.put(rowInteger, fragment);
 698  0
             coordinates.put(fragment, targetCoordinate);
 699  0
             doAdd(columnNumber, ++rowNumber, existingFragment);
 701  0
             LayoutCoordinate oneDownCoordinate = new LayoutCoordinate(targetCoordinate.getX(), targetCoordinate.getY() + 1);
 702  0
             processEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.MOVED_DOWN, existingFragment, targetCoordinate, oneDownCoordinate));
 703  0
 706  0
             column.put(rowInteger, fragment);
 707  0
             coordinates.put(fragment, targetCoordinate);
 708  0
 709  0
             if(rowNumber > nextRowNumber[columnNumber])
 711  0
                 nextRowNumber[columnNumber] = rowNumber;
 715  0
      * Retrieves this specified <code>columnNumber</code> as a
      * SortedMap.
      * @param columnNumber
      * @return
      * @throws InvalidLayoutLocationException if the <code>columnNumber</code> resides
      * outside the bounds of this layout.
     protected final SortedMap getColumnMap(int columnNumber) throws InvalidLayoutLocationException
 728  0
         Integer columnNumberIneteger = new Integer(columnNumber);
 730  0
         if (columns.containsKey(columnNumberIneteger))
 732  0
             return ((SortedMap) columns.get(columnNumberIneteger));
 736  0
             throw new InvalidLayoutLocationException(columnNumber);
      * Gets the row number of this fragment to looking the <code>layoutType</code>
      * property <i>row</i>.  If this property is undefined, the bottom-most row
      * number of <code>currentColumn</code> is returned.
      * @param currentColumn
      * @param fragment
      * @return valid row for this fragment within this layout.
     protected final int getRow(class="keyword">int currentColumn, Fragment fragment)
 752  0
         String propertyValue = fragment.getProperty(Fragment.ROW_PROPERTY_NAME);
 753  0
         if (propertyValue != null)
 755  0
             return Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);
 759  0
             return nextRowNumber[currentColumn];
      * Gets the row number of this fragment to looking the <code>layoutType</code>
      * property <i>column</i>. 
      * If the <i>column</i> is undefined or exceeds the constriants of this
      * layout, the value returned is <code>numberOfColumns - 1</code>.  If the
      * value is less than 0, 0 is returned.
      * @param fragment
      * @return
     protected final int getColumn(Fragment fragment)
 778  0
         String propertyValue = fragment.getProperty(Fragment.COLUMN_PROPERTY_NAME);
 779  0
         if (propertyValue != null)
 781  0
             int columnNumber = Integer.parseInt(propertyValue);
             // Exceeded columns get put into the last column
 784  0
             if (columnNumber >= numberOfColumns)
 786  0
                 columnNumber = (numberOfColumns - 1);
             // Columns less than 1 go in the first column
 789  0
             else if (columnNumber < 0)
 791  0
                 columnNumber = 0;
 794  0
             return columnNumber;
 798  0
             return (numberOfColumns - 1);
      * Dispatches a LayoutEvent to all LayoutEventListeners registered to this layout.
      * @param event
      * @throws LayoutEventException if an error occurs while processing a the LayoutEvent.
     protected final void processEvent(LayoutEvent event) throws LayoutEventException
 810  0
         Iterator itr = eventListeners.iterator();
 811  0
 813  0
             LayoutEventListener eventListener = (LayoutEventListener);
 814  0
 815  0
 817  0

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