PLUTO 1.1 ========================== Pluto is licensed under the Apache 2 License and contains other opens source libraries. Each dependency license is included within this distribution. INSTALLATION: ------------------------- Installation of Pluto 1.1 can be completed by completing the following steps: 1) Set the property name 'pluto.testsuite.dir' to the directory in which the pluto testsuite source code exists. The testsuite is not currently included the 1.1 branch as no changes are necessary. (NOTE, the web.xml does contain minor changes and thus it must be deployed using the 1.1 deployer. The deployment targets will handle updating the webapp appropriately). 2) Set the property named 'tomcat.dir' to the directory which is your TOMCAT_HOME (or TOMCAT_BASE) directory. This directory will be used when determining where to deploy the portal. (The property 'maven.tomcat.dir' is now deprecated, but it does still work). 4) Run the 'pluto:deploy-all' maven goal. This will install the Container (and all dependencies), the Portal Driver (and all dependencies), and the Testsuite. 5) Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/pluto/portal 6) That's IT! PORTLET DEPLOYMENT: ------------------------- Portlet Deployment is still underway, however, significant progress has been made in allowing for automated deployment of compliant portlet applications. To date, the easiest way to deploy a custom portlet application is to use maven. The pluto deployer contains maven plugins which allow for it to be executed just like the maven war goal. The plugin is automatically installed whenever the deploy-all goal is run from the source distribution. To install the plugin manually, do the following: 1) From , cd deploy 2) Execute the maven "plugin:install" goal 3) That's IT! Once installed, you may assemble portlets in any maven project by using the 'pluto:assemble' goal, and deploy portlets in any maven project by using the 'pluto:deploy' goal (The deploy goal will ensure that your portlets are assembled properly - there's no need to do both). The plugin supports the following properties: maven.pluto.deployer description: class of the Deployer which should be used default: org.apache.pluto.deploy.impl.Tomcat5FileSystemDeployer dependent properties: tomcat.home (or maven.tomcat.home) description: location of tomcat default: (or description: the name of the tomcat host to deploy to default: localhost tomcat.service (or maven.tomcat.service) description: the name of the tomcat service to deploy to default: Catalina