Portlet Applications

Thomas F. Boehme

The definition of web applications has brought the deployment of servlets and their resources to a new level of ease-of-use. This document aims to establish a similar structure for portlet applications, which should ultimately lead to simplified deployment of portlet applications. In fact, most of the specification in here has been directly taken from the Servlet API specification, verison 2.3.


A portlet application is a collection of portlets, html pages, classes, images, and other resources that can be bundled and run on multiple containers from multiple vendors.

Relationship to PortletContext

The portlet container must enforce a one to one correspondence between a portlet application and a PortletContext. Therefore, all portlets of the same portlet application share the same PortletContext object. A PortletContext object can be viewed as a portlet’s view onto its application.

Elements of a Portlet Application

A portlet application may consist of the following items:

·        Portlets

·        JavaServer Pages

·        Utility Classes

·        Static documents (HTLM, WML, images, sounds, etc.)

·        Client side applets, beans, and classes

·        Descriptive meta information which ties all of the above elements together.

Distinction Between Representations

This specification defines a hierarchical structure which can exist in an open file system, an archive file, or some other form for deployment purposes. It is  recommended, but not required, that portlet containers support this structure as a runtime representation.

Directory Structure

A portlet application exists as a structured hierarchy of directories. The root of this hierarchy serves as a document root for serving files that are part of this context.

A special directory exists within the application hierarchy named “PORTLET-INF”. This directory contains all things related to the application that aren’t in the document root of the application. It is important to note that the PORTLET-INF node is not part of the public document tree of the application. No file contained in the PORTLET-INF directory may be served directly to a client.

The contents of the PORTLET-INF directory are:

·         /PORTLET-INF/portlet.xml
deployment descriptor

·         /PORTLET-INF/classes/*
directory for portlet and utility classes.
The classes in this directory are used by the application class loader to load classes from.

·        /PORTLET-INF/lib/*.jar
area for Java ARchive files which contain portlets, beans, and other utility classes useful to the portlet application. All such archive files are used by the portlet application class loader to load classes from.

The portlet application classloader loads classes first from the PORTLET-INF/classes directory and then from library JARs in the PORTLET-INF/lib directory. For the latter case, the classloader should attempt to load from library JARs in the same order that they appear as PAR archive entries.

Once the portlet application’s classes are exhausted the portlet application loader should attempt to load container-wide classes from directories or JARs.

Sample Portlet Application Directory Structure

Illustrated here is a listing of all the files in a sample portlet application:











Portlet Application Archive File

Portlet applications can be packaged and signed, using the standard Java Archive tools, into a Portlet ARchive format (PAR) file. For example, an application of PIM portlets could be distributed in an archive with the filename pim.par. When packaged into such a form, a META-INF directory will be present which contains information useful to the Java Archive tools. If this directory is present, the portlet container must not allow it be served as content to a client’s request.

Portlet Application Classloader

The classloader that a container uses to load a portlet in a PAR must not allow the PAR to override JDK or PortletAPI classes, and is recommended not to allow portlets in the PAR visibility of the portlet containers implementation classes.

If a portlet container has a mechanism for exposing container-wide library JARs to application classloaders, it is recommended that the application classloader be implemented in such a way that classes packaged within the PAR are able to override classes residing in container-wide library JARs.

Replacing a Portlet Application

Applications evolve and must occasionally be replaced. In a long running server it is ideal to be able to load a new portlet application and shut down the old one without restarting the container. When an application is replaced, a container should provide a robust approach to preserving session data within that application.

Deployment Descriptor

The deployment descriptor conveys the elements and configuration information of a web application between Developers, Assemblers, and Deployers. This chapter defines and describes the deployment descriptor for this version.

Deployment Descriptor Elements

The following types of configuration and deployment information exist in the portlet application deployment descriptor:

·        PortletContext Parameters

·        Portlet Parameters

·        Supported Locales and Modes

See the DTD comments for further description of these elements.

General Rules for Processing the Deployment Descriptor

In this section is a listing of some general rules that web containers and developers must note concerning processing of the deployment descriptor for a web application

·        Portlet containers should ignore all leading whitespace characters before the first non-writespace character, and all trailing whitespace characters after the last non-whitespace character for PCDATA within text nodes of a deployment descriptor.

·        Portlet containers and tools that manipulate portlet applications have a wide range of options in checking the validity of a PAR. This includes checking the validity of the deployment descriptor document held within. It is recommended, but not required, that portlet containers and tools validate deployment descriptors against the DTD document for structural correctness. Additionally it is recommended that they provide a level of semantic checking, for example, that a role referenced in a security constraint has the same name as one of the security roles defined in the deployment descriptor. In cases of non-conformant portlet applications, tools and containers should inform the developer with descriptive error messages. High end application server vendors are encouraged to supply this kind of validity checking in the form of a tool separate from the container.

·        URI paths specified in the deployment descriptor are assumed to be in URL-decoded form.

·        Containers must attempt to canonicalize paths in the deployment descriptor. For example, paths of the form ‘/a/..b’ must be interpreted as ‘/a’. Paths beginning or resolving to paths that begin with ‘..’ are not valid paths in the deployment descriptor.

·         URI paths referring to a resource relative to the root of the PAR, or a path mapping relative to the root of the WAR, unless otherwise specified, should begin with a leading ‘/’.

Dependencies on extensions: Container Library Files

Do we need/want this at this stage?

Groups of applications commonly make use of the code or resources contained in a library file or files installed container-wide in current implementations of portlet containers. The application developer needs to be able to know what extensions are installed on a portlet container for portability, and in creating a portlet application that may depend on such libraries, containers need to know what dependencies on such libraries Portlets in a PAR may have.

Portlet containers are recommended to have a mechanism by which they can expose to the application classloaders of every portlet application therein extra JAR files containing resources and code. It is recommended that they provide a user-friendly way of editing and configuring these library files or extensions, and that they expose information about what extensions are available to portlet applications deployed on the portlet container. Application developers that depend on the installation of library JARs installed on a portlet container should provide a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the PAR file listing the extensions that the PAR depends upon. The format of the manifest entry follows the standard JAR manifest format. In expressing dependencies on extensions installed on the portlet container, the manifest entry should follow the specification for standard extensions defined at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/extensions/versioning.html.

Portlet containers should be able to recognize such declared dependencies as expressed in the optional manifest entry in a PAR file, or in the manifest entry of any of the library JARs under the PORTLET-INF/lib entry in a PAR. If a portlet container is not able to satisfy the dependencies that a PAR has on a particular extension declared in this manner, it should reject the application with an informative error message.

Portlet Application Environment

Do we want/need this at this stage?

Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition defines a naming environment that allows applications to easily access resources and external information without the explicit knowledge of how the external information is named or organized.

Provision has been made in the portlet application deployment descriptor for specifying information allowing a portlet to obtain references to resources and enterprise beans. The deployment elements that contain this information are:

·        env-entry

·        ejb-ref

·        resource-ref

The env-entry element contains information to set up basic environment entry names relative to the java:comp/env context, the expected Java type of the environment entry value (the type of object returned from the JNDI lookup method), and an optional environment entry value. The ejb-ref element contains the information needed to allow a portlet to locate the home interfaces of a enterprise bean. The resource-ref element contains the information needed to set up a resource factory.

The requirements of the J2EE environment with regards to setting up the environment are described in Chapter 5 of the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition v 1.3 Specification . Portlet container implementations are encouraged, but not required, to implement the application environment functionality described in the J2EE specification. If they do not implement the facilities required to support this environment, upon deploying an application that relies on them, the container should provide a warning.

Deployment Descriptor DOCTYPE

All valid portlet application deployment descriptors must contain the following DOCTYPE declaration:


<!DOCTYPE portlet-app PUBLIC "-//Apache//DTD Portlet Application

x.x//EN" "http://<whatever>.dtd">


The DTD that follows defines the XML grammar for a portlet application deployment descriptor.


DTD needs to go here. I figure that starting out with samples better conveys a possible structures of the deployment descriptor. The DTD has to be derided later.


The following examples illustrate the usage of the definitions listed above DTD.

Basic Example

<!DOCTYPE portlet-app PUBLIC "-//Apache//DTD Portlet Application x.x//EN"



   <portlet-app-name>A PIM Application</portlet-app-name>






      <portlet-name>YourCo. Mail</portlet-name>








          <default document=’yes’/>

          <personalize fragment=’yes’/>






         <param-value>date, desc</param-value>




      <portlet-name>YourCo. Calendar</portlet-name>


      <title>Your Personal Calendar</title>

      <title mime-type=’application/vnd.wap.wml’>Calendar</title>


      <language locale=’de’>

         <title>Ihr Persönlicher Kalender</title>

         <title mime-type=’application/vnd.wap.wml’>Kalender</title>




          <default     fragment=’yes’/>

          <personalize fragment=’yes’ mime-type=’text/html’/>

          <help        fragment=’yes’/>






