JetSpeed 1.0 CHANGELOG Last Modified: $Date$ Latest version at: Author: ********************************** 1.0 ***************************************** - (DONE) ArrayOutOfBoundsException when the BulkDownloader get's to the end - (DONE) Portlet Feed rules: - (DONE) the default feed (assuming you don't get one from XMLTree) includes the Jetspeed portlets in defaultPortlets.xml - (DONE) No locks are ever allowed for more than a few seconds (bulk adding of new portlets). The user should never experience a delay - (DONE)Make sure that CocoonPortlet test works fine - (DONE) All content fetcher. This will be used: - (DONE) when you first setup jetspeed so that XML documents are in the cache - (DONE) everytime you want to see if new documents are available. - (DONE) Should load every URL and cache it - (DONE) Write my own Logon screen for Turbine so that Turbine's is not not displayed to the user. - (DONE) RSSPortlet needs to refresh itself every hour: refresh.portlet.default - (DONE) PersistentDocumentDaemon needs to pay attention to its value in JetSpeedResources -> refresh.persistentdocument.default - (DONE) When you explicity request an individual Portlet from a remote client that hasn't gone to the main page the client isn't returned anything. - (DONE) PersistentDocumentDaemon: Should fetch every document within the cache and redownload a new version - (DONE) Plugin/Portlet Application infrastructure - (DONE) Portlet's can become Portlications by defining within PML. An Application basicially is like a Turbine screen but this setting suggests that it runs only as a single Portlet runnign at 100% of the browser. - (DONE)Build out Web Application infrastructure... - (DONE) Add to portlet markup. This will especially be cool for JetSpeed applications. This should allow you to list Web applications and provide a description of what they can do. - (DONE) If you don't specify a protocol for a Portlet URL (/content/test.html) assume the current server and the current port. Also rewrite defaultPortlets.xml when done. - (DONE) Ability to refer to a URL in both a local and remote context and it should always figure out the remote. - (DONE) Avantgo synch not working due to the fact that JetSpeed requires a new session and will redir you to the Home screen - (DONE) File Server portlet. One that serves files from a remote URL. - (DONE) ECS element that doesn't do any escaping - (DONE) Cocoon as a Portlet - (DONE) Turbine authentication - (DONE) Home as a Turbine screen - (DONE)using ECS: - (DONE) Installing turbine and giving it a servlet name of "jetspeed" and defining it's own configuration. This configuration should point to the default jetspeed screen that I implement as my own code base. - (DONE) org.apache.jetspeed.Home should be a Turbine screen - (DONE) File Server portlet. One that serves files from a remote URL. - (DONE) ECS element that doesn't do any escaping - (DONE) Cocoon as a Portlet - (DONE) Rework the PersistentDocument cache to support multiple stores - (DONE) Don't have RSS images stored remotely... store them locally within the PersistentDocument cache. This should save some client time when loading the image from a Remote URL - (DONE) Move getTopicBar() to the default navigation. - (DONE) JetSpeed should work under Apache JServ - (DONE) Put the turbine RunData within Portlets - (DONE) Caching isn't working correctly - (DONE) 1. Throws an Exception within Cocoon - (DONE) 2. Return's only the default entries.. when they are first cached. - (DONE) factory for getting the current portlet controller -> PortletControllerFactory - (DONE) factory for getting Portlets -> PortletFactory - (DONE) default portlets and their controllers should be set via properties - (DONE) Improve cache API so that the only thing that can be cached is a Cacheable interface - (DONE)add String Cacheable.getHandle() method so that this is stored unique within the cache - (DONE) Tweak them Memory store to take in Cacheable(s) and not just objects. - (DONE) remove RESOURCES form - (DONE) any definitions should be done with JetSpeedResources - (DONE) remove legacy code - (DONE) Specify the width of default portlets within resources - (DONE) Specify the number of columns within the default porlet controller - (DONE) Support for adding a JetSpeed portlet to Avantgo to by synched with a handheld device. - (DONE) Store the portlet cache directory within JetSpeed resources - (DONE) Don't have PersistentDocument store right to the tmpdir... store the contents within /tmp/ or perhaps a property - (DONE) Write a LRU based cache based on hitcounts on PortletControls - (DONE) Portlets that don't throw an exception should be cached. - (DONE) Remove as many services from and use Turbine's features. If these aren't available within Turbine then make them new Turbine features - (DONE) Write documentation for developing Portlets - (DONE) Better support for using PortletMarkupLanguage - (DONE) should have it's own XML Schema - (DONE) should use castor - (DONE) Currently right now portlets are getting loaded by the PortletController 3 times... once for each colun. Fix this so that it is only loaded once. - (DONE) Move all portlet implemtnations under org.jetspeed.apache.portal.portlets - (DONE) Get JetSpeed configuration from a property file. - (DONE) org.apache.jetspeed.Home should become a stand alone servlet. - (DONE) Portlet docs - (DONE) Make it JDK 1.1 compatible - (DONE) Vector.toArray should migrate to Vector.copyInto - no System.setProperty() - (DONE) no add() remove() or get() within Vector - (DONE)Portlet interface gets an init() method with an optional URL and string settings - (DONE)Write JavaDoc for developing Portlets - (DONE) Ant build initiated - (DONE) Portlets use ECS - (DONE) RSSPortlet should use Castor generated code - (DONE)Add image support to RSS serialization. - (DONE)All portlets no longer use setUrl() and getUrl() - (DONE) Single document interface - (DONE) Add castor jars to CVS - (DONE)Portlet.init() should throw a PortletException so that I can catch this within the renderer and throw back a porlet with error content and an exception string - (DONE) ALL RSS should render 100%. This should never fail. - (DONE) Better portlet browsing support - (DONE) Setup a list of default portlet document for rendering the home page. This shouldn't be hard coded into the application ********************************** 1.1 *****************************************