#!/bin/sh #total KLUDGE until a make file is done... #NOTE: This doesn't generate any debuging info and optimizations are turned on... speed performance. #NOTE: Written to work under Linux. May not work on other Operating Systems. Not much of an issue #since the releases have their source already compiled. #yeah....... I know......... this is a kludge SOURCE=./src/org/apache/jetspeed/*.java DEST=. CLASSROOT=/usr/local/jdk1.2/lib CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$CLASSROOT/activation.jar:$CLASSROOT/mail.jar:$CLASSROOT/nntp.jar:$CLASSROOT/server.jar:$CLASSROOT/servlet.jar find ./src -name *.java |perl -e "while() {chop \$_;\$allfiles = \"\$allfiles \$_\";}system(\"javac -g -O -classpath $CLASSPATH -d $DEST \$allfiles\");"