JetSpeed 1.0 Beta 1 - (PENDING)Support for deleting messages - (DONE) Connection timeout bug under Linux JVM corrected - (DONE) catch javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException. This occurs when the user specifies a provider but it is not in the classpath... add this to bugzilla... - once logged in... when you select "Messaging" you don't have to logon again - (DONE) Compose New Message page needs to verify the TO and CC field - Fix bug with cookies not being set during any GET operations - Admin servlet page (password protected) - JetSpeed support for placing the JavaMail transport and provider into debug... - connection throttling reading... JetSpeed 1.0.0 - Message "Forward" support - Support for Netscape 4, IE 4 and 5 - Works under JServ - ability to page through 100s or thousands of messages - encode() all folders before sending them to the client: Misc TODO: - JNDI/LDAP address book support - URL highlighting within message view - META tag for refresh so that newmail is detected. - Reply to all - re-org the servlet into smaller more descreet OO units. - ability to change the size of the reply/compose/forward form.