################################################################################ # Jetspeed Configuration # Author: Kevin A. Burton (burton@apache.org) # $Id$ ################################################################################ # This is the main file you will need to configuration Jetspeed. If there are # any secondary files they will be pointed to from this file. # # All items in this file are stored as = pairs. In order to # modify somethign just changes its value. # # Some properties are URL based. They can except http/file/etc based URLs. Note # that if you don't specify the scheme but only specify it as "/my/new/path.html" # Jetspeed will attempt to guess the URL. Normally this would be something like # "http://server.domain:port/my/new/path.html". Note that some of the entries # become public URLs and if you want your data more secure you might want to # switch to "file://" based URLs. # #Conventions: # # .url -> This property is expected to be a URL or a URL # without a scheme. If it does not have a schema # Jetspeed will try to determine the full URL. # # .file -> Points to an actual file on your local filesystem. # # .directory -> Points to a directory on your local filesystem. # # .classname -> A fully qualified Java classname: # EX: org.apache.jetspeed. # # .interval -> A time interval in seconds # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # THE FOLLOWING ARE "REQUIRED" PROPERTIES IN ORDER TO USE JETSPEED # ################################################################################ ########################################## ########################################## # Remote Object Storage System # ########################################## #Specify the directory that Jetspeed should #cache XML documents to. #for Win32 systems specify your directory as: cache.directory=/d:/temp/JetspeedDocumentCache #Default: /tmp/JetspeedDocumentCache cache.directory=${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/cache #Specify whether Jetspeed should fetch items that aren't in the DiskCache in #real time. If true Jetspeed will throw a ContentNotAvailableException when it #encounters a URL that isn't available within the Cache. This can be used so #that clients don't have to wait for URLs to download while using Jetspeed. #After the URL is first encountered Jetspeed will create a thread to download #this in the background #Default: true cache.require.cached=true ######################################### # Temporary Storage # ######################################### # Sometimes Jetspeed wants to write out a file that may be necessary for further # debuging. It will log the location and then write to this directory. # NOTE: The System property java.io.tmpdir is defined under JDK 1.2 but not # JDK 1.1.x #Default: /tmp temp.directory=${webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/tmp ######################################### # Admin Username and Password definition# ######################################### # It is required that you set a username and # password to access the Admin screen. # This feature is not supported anymore. #specify the username for the Jetspeed admin console. #Default: jetspeed admin.username=jetspeed #specify the password for the Jetspeed admin console #Default: changeme admin.password=changeme ################################################################################ # THE FOLLOWING ARE "OPTIONAL" PROPERTIES THAT ENABLE A CUSTOMIZED INSTALL # ################################################################################ ########################################## # Portlet Configuration # ########################################## #Defines the standard set of properties for Jetspeed #specify the default portlet control that should be instantiated #Default: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.DefaultPortletControl portletcontrol.default.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.TitlePortletControl #specify what default portlet controller should be instantiated #Default: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.DefaultPortletController portletcontroller.default.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers.RowColumnPortletController #if you run the default controls and controller that comes with Jetspeed... #they take some params #Default: 100% defaultportletcontrol.width=100% #Default: 3 defaultportletcontroller.numcolumns=3 #Default: 100% defaultportletcontroller.width=100% ######################################### # Navigations. # ######################################### #Use this to specify the set of navigations #that Jetspeed should use on top of Turbine navigations.top=JetspeedTopNavigation navigations.bottom=JetspeedBottomNavigation ######################################### # Navigation configuration # ######################################### #Use this section to define the navigation images #and strings #The logo image that goes at the top of Jetspeed site.header.logo=images/jetspeed-logo.gif #The welcome message the user receives site.header.welcome=Welcome to Jetspeed #The logo that can go at the bottom of a navigation site.footer.logo=images/feather.gif ######################################### # Stylesheet. # ######################################### #Use this to specify the HTML stylesheet site.stylesheet=css/default.css ###################################### # Metadata Options # ###################################### # default string displayed when no title is found for a portlet metadata.default.title=No title set # default string displayed when no description is found for a portlet metadata.default.description=No description found. Generic portlet # default image displayed when no image is defined for a portlet metadata.default.image=images/dot.gif ########################################## # Jetspeed content publication # ########################################## #Jetspeed ships with some content that it needs to function. This content must #be available in order for Jetspeed to function correctly. You should specify #the content.root here. This should be a portion of a URL that is prefixed to all #requests. # Example: /content -> content/xml/mydocument.xml # Example: http://myserver/mycontent -> http://myserver/mycontent/xml/mydocument.xml # Default: /content content.root.url=/ content.defaultencoding=iso-8859-1 ######################################### # Document refresh settings # ######################################### #how many seconds to cache portlets by default. Portlets that allows themselves #to be refreshed will usually pay attention to this interval #Default: 3600 refresh.portlet.default = 3600 ######################################### # Content Feeds # ######################################### #specify where Jetspeed should get it's content feeds. #this is setup like the following: #contentfeeds.feed.name= #contentfeeds.feed..description=My Feed Description #contentfeeds.feed..url=http://server/url contentfeeds.feed.name=local contentfeeds.feed.name=apache #contentfeeds.feed.name=xmltree #contentfeeds.feed.name=10am #contentfeeds.feed.name=moreover contentfeeds.feed.local.description=Sample local OCS Feed contentfeeds.feed.local.url=/ocs/local.ocs contentfeeds.feed.apache.description=ASF OCS Feed ( http://www.apache.org/ ) contentfeeds.feed.apache.url=http://java.apache.org/jetspeed/channels/apache.ocs #contentfeeds.feed.xmltree.description=XML Tree OCS Feed ( http://www.xmltree.com ) #contentfeeds.feed.xmltree.url=http://www.xmltree.com/export/ocs.cfm #contentfeeds.feed.10am.description=10.am OCS Feed ( http://www.10.am ) #contentfeeds.feed.10am.url=http://10.am/extra/ocsdirectory.xml #contentfeeds.feed.moreover.description=Moreover OCS Feed ( http://www.moreover.com ) #contentfeeds.feed.moreover.url=http://w.moreover.com/categories/ocs/ocsdirectory.rdf #The stylesheet used to transform OCS into PortletMarkup contentfeeds.stylesheet.url=/WEB-INF/xsl/ocs.xsl #Jetspeed has the option to continually fetch all of its channels and keep them #in cache. The upside is that your clients will be able to see content #right away. The downside is that this results in more bandwidth used. The #default value is true. Setting it to false will cause slower page rendering #due to Jetspeed having to go out and fetch your content. #Default: true contentfeeds.fetchall=true #the total number of portets to browse at once within Jetspeed #in preview mode... #Default: 15 contentfeeds.portletbrowser.preview.maxportlets=15 #in overview mode... #Default: 15 contentfeeds.portletbrowser.overview.maxportlets=15 ######################################### # Admin Control Panel Items # ######################################### # This list is used by the Admin screen for listiing the # available admin portlets. # These are depracted and should not be changed admin.portlet.name=GlobalAdminPortlet admin.portlet.name=JetspeedPropertiesPortlet admin.portlet.name=JavaRuntimePortlet admin.portlet.name=DaemonAdminPortlet admin.portlet.name=JetspeedContentAdmin admin.portlet.name=BadURLManagerPortlet ######################################### # Daemon Configuration # ######################################### #provide a list of all daemon names services.DaemonFactory.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.daemonfactory.JetspeedDaemonFactoryService daemon.entry=feeddaemon daemon.entry=diskcachedaemon daemon.entry=badurlmanagerdaemon daemon.feeddaemon.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl.FeedDaemon daemon.feeddaemon.interval=10800 daemon.feeddaemon.onstartup=true daemon.diskcachedaemon.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl.DiskCacheDaemon daemon.diskcachedaemon.interval=3600 daemon.diskcachedaemon.onstartup=true daemon.badurlmanagerdaemon.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl.BadURLManagerDaemon daemon.badurlmanagerdaemon.interval=3600 daemon.badurlmanagerdaemon.onstartup=false ######################################### # Jetspeed Content # ######################################### #Jetspeed supports a more advanced weblog format that allows you to publish #content to your website. This is based on RSS 0.91 but allows you to have #more Slashdot style content with topics, icons, etc. #Jetspeed content providers. This should be a multi-valued property set where #you specify the list of providers you want to use: #Default: jetspeed content.provider.list=jetspeed #Config: You need to tell Jetspeed how to fetch the content you want and #what stylesheet to use. The mechanism is setup like this: # #content.provider.[provider-name].url=[url to your content xml file] #content.provider.[provider-name].stylesheet.url=[url to the stylesheet to use with your content] #content.provider.[provider-name].description=[a full description of your content] #content.provider.[provider-name].title=[a title for your content.] content.provider.jetspeed.url=/jcm/jetspeed-content.xml content.provider.jetspeed.stylesheet.url=/WEB-INF/xsl/jpc-full.xsl content.provider.jetspeed.title=Jetspeed content.provider.jetspeed.description=Jetspeed weblog ######################################### # PSML & Profiler Support # ######################################### # Profiler used for assigning thešPSML URL to use for each request profiler.default.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.profiler.MultiDeviceUserProfiler # Optional configuration file for profiler # This is currently not used by the implemented profilers #profiler.configuration=/properties/profiler.conf # Base URL for fetching user configuration files # the config files should be in the form .psml # for use with the default profiler psml.base.url=/WEB-INF/psml/ # Username used for anonymous access (this should map to a .psml file # found in the psml.base.url directory) psml.base.username=default ######################################### # Automatic Portlet Creation # ######################################### # Jetspeed can automatically create/instantiate all your Portlets and place them # in the cache when Jetspeed starts up. autocreate.portlets=false ######################################### # ThreadPool Service # ######################################### services.ThreadPool.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.threadpool.JetspeedThreadPoolService #Specify the initial number of threads to create #Default: 50 services.ThreadPool.init.count=5 #Specify the maximum number of threads to create #Default: 100 services.ThreadPool.max.count=20 #Specify the minimum number of threads to keep as spare until you hit the max #Default: 15 services.ThreadPool.minspare.count=5 ######################################### # EngineContext Service # ######################################### services.EngineContext.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.enginecontext.ServletEngineContextService services.PortletCache.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.portletcache.JetspeedPortletCacheService services.URLManager.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.urlmanager.JetspeedURLManagerService services.URLManager.url=/WEB-INF/conf/datasources.properties #services.Cocoon.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.cocoon.JetspeedCocoonService #services.Cocoon.properties=/WEB-INF/conf/cocoon.properties ######################################### # RegistryManager Service # ######################################### services.RegistryManager.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.registrymanager.JetspeedConfigRegistryManagerService services.RegistryManager.url=/WEB-INF/conf/jetspeed-config.jcfg services.RegistryManager.registries=PortletRegistry,CapabilityMapRegistry,MediaTypeRegistry services.RegistryManager.refreshRate=1800 ######################################### # ProfileManager Service # ######################################### # These settings are used by the new Jetspeed profiler which is not # activated by default in the 1.3a1 release # The Profile Manager Service is implemented as a Turbine service. services.ProfileManager.classname=org.apache.jetspeed.services.profiler.JetspeedProfileManagerService # The webapp relative path to the root profiling directory services.ProfileManager.root=/WEB-INF/psml # Profiler-Root relative path to directory used for anonymous access # leave blank for directly in the psml root directory services.ProfileManager.anon.dir= # The default resource filename services.ProfileManager.resource.default=default # The default resource filename extension services.ProfileManager.resource.ext=.psml # Use security? services.ProfileManager.security=false # Use language? services.ProfileManager.language=true # Enable? services.ProfileManager.enable=false ########################################## # Diskcache configuration # ########################################## # JetspeedDiskCache recognizes URIs with the following protocols as local diskcache.localprotocols=file,classloader ######################################### # Customization # ######################################### # path to the customization psml resource customization.psml=/WEB-INF/psml/customize.psml ######################################### # Registration mail support # ######################################### mail.server=localhost confirm.email.from=jetspeed@domain confirm.email.name=Jetspeed confirm.email.subject=Jetspeed registration