Q. What is this file? A. Some questions and answers for the Planet Apache group blog. Q. What's the status of planet apache? A. An initial version is running at http://planetapache.org/. The sources will show up here soon. Q. How do I join the fun? A. Make an RSS or Atom feed for what you wish to contribute, then edit the file config.ini. Q. What's up with the "face" entry in the config.ini file? A. You can reveal an image of yourself if you want. Or you can just refer to the feather icon like many folks do. Someday that face image will appear on the Planet Apache page. Q. How can I make category RSS feeds in MovableType? A. See: http://www.hutteman.com/weblog/2003/03/07-49.html but you'll need a sufficently new version of MovableType. Q. How is this related to the krell module? A. Currently they are just good friends. Krell will collect RSS feeds but we don't synchronize its list with that of krell. Q. How come the krell map isn't on Planet Apache? A. We are waiting for you to get around to that. Q. Who do I contact if I'm having problems? A. Ted Leung or Thom May directly. Q. How long does it take for my changes to config.ini to show up? A. PlanetApache.org pulls from SVN and updates all the blogs once per hour.