The Apache Pivot Website Instructions --------------------------------------- The Pivot web site is based on XML files which are transformed into HTML files using XSLT and Ant. In order to build the site, Ant needs to know the location of the folder on your local file system that represents the development folder that contains the right version of Pivot to be published in the web site (usually it's trunk, at , but could be another folder for example for a maintenance branch). This location is passed to the Ant build using the 'folder.trunk' parameter. The build will not run without this parameter being specified. Of course before running the following command all source pages must be updated (even in copyright year dates and other details), so it would be good to make some check with grep. Remember to check even JavaDoc files in the right (linked) place. An example command to build the site, which will build the site into the deploy/ folder, is as follows: $ ant -Dfolder.trunk=/absolute_path_to/trunk build Make sure you don't run clean, as this will wipe the deploy/.svn/ folder. To deploy updated pages to the Pivot web site, now it's enough to check in the built files. Note that when regenerating the site, the version is taken from the file in the given pivot root folder (for example the trunk), so for example during a web site maintenance/update: change it back temporary to the current version published in the web site, and finally revert local changes to that file. For example: $ ant -Dfolder.trunk=/absolute_path_to/2.0.x build or $ ant -Dfolder.trunk=/absolute_path_to/trunk build