Infra - POST_RELEASE_WORKFLOW This file contains a description of all optional (but useful) steps to do after a Pivot (official, public) Release. Use it only as a sample. Note that all scripts are UNIX shell scripts, so you need a compatible environment, with installed even: - Apache Subversion client - Java JDK installed and other jar libraries dependencies, as required by Pivot - Apache Ant, as required by Pivot - Apache Maven (optional) - Apache RAT, from Apache, currently from here: or use the jar under infra/lib (only for convenience put here) Memory and disk space required: - 512 MB of RAM to do the build - 1 GB of free disk space for downloaded files and temp and build artifacts Required steps: 1 - Publish Pivot jars in Central Maven Repository: for this, you need necessary rights in ASF // TODO ... 2 - Update dependencies in experimental projects under /skunk , like: - pivot-archetype-quickstart, update dependencies in src/main/resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml 3 - Update dependencies in related projects under Apache-Extras: for a list of all pivot-related projects there, use: The operations to do are (most of times) these: update dependencies, rebuild all, tag sources, then publish updated jars for the project and make them features so it's easy to see/download These are main subprojects to update: - pivot-jfree, important because it's a common requirement for doing charts with Pivot - pivot-common, important because it share Pivot jars and other common things to many other pivot-related projects here, and it contains even other common subprojects and dependencies that could be useful to others here, and even the pivot-maven-archetype jar to download it from here just for convenience - pivot-contrib, with some user-contributed projects ... so this usually if updated by our users - pivot-demos, with inside an exploded pivot-demos-jfree, the wiki page Pivot_JFree_Demos to test "live" from here Pivot-JFree Demos (Applet), the pivot-demos-jfree.war to download it from here just for convenience - pivot-extras, with some extra inside - pivot-multilang, with some common and specific subprojects for Scala and Groovy (and maybe for others JVM languages) projects, normal and even maven projects (and maybe Gradle and Sbt projects) - pivot-stuff, note that this contains many subprojects inside, like: apache-pivot-grails plugin, pivot-java-test-maven, pivot-stuff-extensions, pivot-stuff-media, pivot-stuff-validation, pivot-stuff-web, scala-use-pivot2, and others ... - etc ... 4 - Update Demos in other sites (usually not handled by us, but by some our users):