/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Lexer file for Pig Parser */ lexer grammar QueryLexer; @header { package org.apache.pig.parser; } @members { @Override public void reportError(RecognitionException e) { super.reportError( e ); // The method of this signature doesn't permit checked exception. Here we have to // throw a unchecked execption in order to stop at the first error. // For more information, visit http://www.antlr.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5341217. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( getErrorHeader( e ) ).append( " " ); sb.append( getErrorMessage( e, getTokenNames() ) ); throw new RuntimeException( sb.toString() ); } @Override public String getErrorMessage(RecognitionException e, String[] tokenNames ) { if( e instanceof NoViableAltException ) { return "Unexpected character " + getCharErrorDisplay( e.c ); } else { return super.getErrorMessage( e, tokenNames ); } } @Override public String getErrorHeader(RecognitionException ex) { return QueryParserUtils.generateErrorHeader( ex, this.getSourceName() ); } } // End of members. VOID : 'VOID' ; IMPORT : 'IMPORT' ; RETURNS : 'RETURNS' ; DEFINE : 'DEFINE' ; LOAD : 'LOAD' ; FILTER : 'FILTER' ; FOREACH : 'FOREACH' ; ORDER : 'ORDER' ; DISTINCT : 'DISTINCT' ; COGROUP : 'COGROUP' ; JOIN : 'JOIN' ; CROSS : 'CROSS' ; UNION : 'UNION' ; SPLIT : 'SPLIT' ; INTO : 'INTO' ; IF : 'IF' ; ALL : 'ALL' ; AS : 'AS' ; BY : 'BY' ; USING : 'USING' ; INNER : 'INNER' ; OUTER : 'OUTER' ; ONSCHEMA : 'ONSCHEMA' ; PARALLEL : 'PARALLEL' ; PARTITION : 'PARTITION' ; GROUP : 'GROUP' ; AND : 'AND' ; OR : 'OR' ; NOT : 'NOT' ; GENERATE : 'GENERATE' ; FLATTEN : 'FLATTEN' ; ASC : 'ASC' ; DESC : 'DESC' ; INT : 'INT' ; LONG : 'LONG' ; FLOAT : 'FLOAT' ; DOUBLE : 'DOUBLE' ; CHARARRAY : 'CHARARRAY' ; BYTEARRAY : 'BYTEARRAY' ; BAG : 'BAG' ; TUPLE : 'TUPLE' ; MAP : 'MAP' ; IS : 'IS' ; STREAM : 'STREAM' ; THROUGH : 'THROUGH' ; STORE : 'STORE' ; MAPREDUCE : 'MAPREDUCE' ; SHIP : 'SHIP' ; CACHE : 'CACHE' ; INPUT : 'INPUT' ; OUTPUT : 'OUTPUT' ; STDERROR : 'STDERR' ; STDIN : 'STDIN' ; STDOUT : 'STDOUT' ; LIMIT : 'LIMIT' ; SAMPLE : 'SAMPLE' ; LEFT : 'LEFT' ; RIGHT : 'RIGHT' ; FULL : 'FULL' ; STR_OP_EQ : 'EQ' ; STR_OP_GT : 'GT' ; STR_OP_LT : 'LT' ; STR_OP_GTE : 'GTE' ; STR_OP_LTE : 'LTE' ; STR_OP_NE : 'NEQ' ; STR_OP_MATCHES : 'MATCHES' ; NUM_OP_EQ : '==' ; NUM_OP_LT : '<' ; NUM_OP_LTE : '<=' ; NUM_OP_GT : '>' ; NUM_OP_GTE : '>=' ; NUM_OP_NE : '!=' ; fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; fragment LETTER : 'A'..'Z' ; fragment SPECIALCHAR : '_' ; fragment ID: LETTER ( DIGIT | LETTER | SPECIALCHAR )* ; DCOLON : '::' ; IDENTIFIER_L : ( ID DCOLON ) => ( ID DCOLON IDENTIFIER_L ) | ID ; fragment FLOATINGPOINT : INTEGER ( PERIOD INTEGER )? | PERIOD INTEGER ; INTEGER: ( DIGIT )+ ; LONGINTEGER: INTEGER ( 'L' )? ; DOLLARVAR : DOLLAR INTEGER ; DOUBLENUMBER : FLOATINGPOINT ( 'E' ( MINUS | PLUS )? INTEGER )? ; FLOATNUMBER : DOUBLENUMBER ( 'F' )? ; QUOTEDSTRING : '\'' ( ( ~ ( '\'' | '\\' | '\n' | '\r' ) ) | ( '\\' ( ( 'N' | 'T' | 'B' | 'R' | 'F' | '\\' | '\'' ) ) ) | ( '\\U' ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ) )* '\'' ; MULTILINE_QUOTEDSTRING : '\'' ( ( ~ ( '\'' | '\\' ) ) | ( '\\' ( ( 'N' | 'T' | 'B' | 'R' | 'F' | '\\' | '\'' | 'n' | 'r' ) ) ) | ( '\\U' ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ( '0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' ) ) )* '\'' ; EXECCOMMAND : '`' ( ~( '`' ) )* '`' ; STAR : '*' ; COLON : ':' ; DOLLAR : '$' ; WS : ( ' ' | '\r' | '\t' | '\u000C' | '\n' ) { $channel = HIDDEN; } ; SL_COMMENT : '--' ( ~( '\r' | '\n' ) )* { $channel = HIDDEN; } ; ML_COMMENT : '/*' ( options { greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' { $channel = HIDDEN; } ; SEMI_COLON : ';' ; LEFT_PAREN : '(' ; RIGHT_PAREN : ')' ; LEFT_CURLY : '{' ; RIGHT_CURLY : '}' ; LEFT_BRACKET : '[' ; RIGHT_BRACKET : ']' ; POUND : '#' ; EQUAL : '=' ; COMMA : ',' ; PERIOD : '.' ; DOUBLE_PERIOD : '..' ; DIV : '/' ; PERCENT : '%' ; PLUS : '+' ; MINUS : '-' ; QMARK : '?' ;