Apache > Pig

Apache Pig Releases


Releases may be downloaded from Apache mirrors.

Download a release now! Pig 0.8 and later Pig 0.7 and before


25 April, 2012: release 0.10.0 available

This release include boolean datatype, nested cross/foreach, JRuby udf, limit by expression, split default destination, tuple/bag/map syntax support and map-side aggregation.

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.X, 1.0.X and 0.23.X.

22 January, 2012: release 0.9.2 available

This is the second maintenance release of Pig 0.9.

This release works with Hadoop 0.20 and Hadoop 1.0.0.

5 October, 2011: release 0.9.1 available

This is a maintenance release of Pig 0.9. It also adds rpm/deb release in addition to traditional tarball release

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

29 July, 2011: release 0.9.0 available

This release introduces control structures, changes query parser, and performs semantic cleanup. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

24 April, 2011: release 0.8.1 available

This is a maintenance release of Pig 0.8, contains several critical bug fixes. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

17 December, 2010: release 0.8.0 available

This release includes new features such as scalar cast, custom partitioner, Python UDFs and more. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

13 May, 2010: release 0.7.0 available

This release includes new LoadFunc/StoreFunc interface, switch of Pig local mode and many bug fixes. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

1 March, 2010: release 0.6.0 available

This release includes performance and memory usage improvements, adds the Accumulator interface for UDFs, and contains many bug fixes. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

29 October, 2009: release 0.5.0 available

This release makes Pig 0.4.0 functionality available for Hadoop 20 clusters. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.20.

29 September, 2009: release 0.4.0 available

This release introduces two new types of join. The skewed join improves join performance for the data with large skew in the join key. The merge join improves performance for the case where both inputs are sorted on the join key. The release also includes support for outer join. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.18.

25 June, 2009: release 0.3.0 available

The highlight of this release is multiquery optimization that allows to share computation accross multiple queries within a single Pig script. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.18.

8 April, 2009: release 0.2.0 available

This release adds types to the language, better error checking, and a 5x performance gain over the 0.1.1 release. Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.18.

5 December, 2008: release 0.1.1 available

This is the first Pig release as Hadoop subproject! Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.18.

11 September, 2008: release 0.1.0 available

This is the first Pig release from the Incubator! Release Notes are available at the download site

This release works with Hadoop 0.17.