#!perl use Test; plan tests => 8; use blib; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use APR (); use APR::UUID (); use APR::Pool (); use APR::Lock (); use APR::Util (); use APR::Base64 (); use APR::Signal (); my $status; my $uuid = APR::UUID->new->format; ok $uuid; my $p = APR::Pool->new; ok $p; my $lock = APR::Lock->new($p, 0, 1, "lock.file"); $status = $lock->acquire and die APR::strerror($status); $status = $lock->release and die APR::strerror($status); $status = APR::password_validate("one", "two"); my $str = APR::strerror($status); ok $str eq "passwords do not match"; ok $status; my $bytes = APR::generate_random_bytes(10); ok length($bytes) == 10; my $encoded = APR::Base64::encode($bytes); #print "encoded=$encoded\n"; ok $encoded; my $decoded = APR::Base64::decode($encoded); ok $decoded eq $bytes; $p->clear; for (1..9) { my $desc = APR::Signal::get_description($_); #print "$_ => $desc\n"; } ok 1; $p->destroy; #XXX