################################################## # Things to be resolved for mod_perl 2.0 release # ################################################## * some autogenerated record accessors shouldn't be get/set but only get (e.g. Apache->server->is_virtual(1) is wrong). Need to add a new flag supported by MapUtil and map files, where we can say which accessors should be read-only owner: stas * Apache::{Server,Process} classes: require mutex lock for writing (e.g. $s->(error_fname|error_log) Status: most likely some server/process datastructures aren't supposed to be modified at request time. So instead of mutex locking, we think we should simply have a flag that will be down during the startup and will allow methods modifying $s/$proc structs (the method will check that flag and if it's up it'll die). At the beginning of child_end it'll raise the flag and lower it at the end of child_exit. owner: stas * static build - if we make it working on OpenBSD, AIX and FreeBSD, then it's not important to fix the DSO issues, otherwise make the DSO issues in (todo/bugs_build) a release issue. httpd-apreq-2 has recently implemented a static build support, we could probably try to re-use some of the code that was written to do that, though they use autoconf, which is not quite what we want. Anyway it's something to look at. owner: gozer * META.yml. Generate META.yml (make dist does that), add Apache-Test as a private resource, so it won't be attempted to be indexed by PAUSE, add NO_META=>1 to WriteMakefile() which tells EU::MM not to overwrite META.yml. * sections: A few issues with sections: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl-dev&m=106074969831522&w=2 owner: gozer * $Apache::Server::StrictPerlSections should be 1 by default (and docs updated) owner: gozer * Fixing Apache->warn("foo") Report: http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl-dev/noxtramcay/3D11A4E5.6010202@stason.org Thread: http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl-dev/noxtramcay Status: pending Apache::Log compat issues, this and other methods might be dropped. * per-server cleanups core dump or are otherwise ineffective Apache->server->process->pconf->cleanup_register(sub { ... }); Report: geoff * child processes never run END blocks. a good example is Apache::TestUtil, which doesn't cleanup files and dirs it has created, because the END block is not run. also: see the next item owner: stas * ModPerl::Registry END {} block woes , described in details at the forwarded message from Jim Schueler http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-modperl&m=103720834717981&w=2 the whole thread is here: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=103713532800003&r=1&w=2 owner: stas - PerlModule, PerlRequire, in .htaccess is missing http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=105370088700001&r=1&w=2 Owner: geoff - cgi emulation: %ENV management: - %ENV is currently only saved/restored for the perl-script handler, i.e. changes to %ENV outside of a perl-script handler are not cleared. of course, "clean" modules would use local() to modify %ENV, but there should be an option to save/restore globals outside of the perl-script handler STATUS: do the cleanup for all handlers, but provide a new config option so users can disable it if they know what they are doing. * Apache::SizeLimit o Need to port tools that restrict the memory size used by processes for prefork mpms and develop new ones for threaded mpms. Need to work out the details of the implementation of the garbage collection thread for the threaded mpms as originally suggested by doug. The issue with threads is that there is no way to know the thread's size, can we use B::Size and B::TerseSize? prefork: Apache::SizeLimit - Owner: perrin Apache::GTopLimit - Owner: stas threaded: Garbage Collector thread => Ideally the tools should work transparently with threaded and non-threaded mpms, but how? * Apache::Resource * It'd be nice to have PAUSE and the clients support packages with several versions, like mod_perl 1.0 and mod_perl 2.0, since once we release it any dependency on mod_perl will be resolved as mod_perl 2.0, when mod_perl 1.0 may be required instead. * Apache::Reload - needs to handle properly redefined subs warnings * Apache->unescape_url{_info}: not yet implemented. should be moved to Apache::Util