This is mod_perl 2.0 docs documentation+site project repository The repository is called modperl-docs. The src/docs/2.0 is also checked out into modperl-2.0 tree. You can get the repository in one of these ways: % cvs -d login password: anoncvs % cvs -d co modperl-docs The documentation CVS snapshots (rolled every 6 hours) can be downloaded from You probably want to subscribe to these two mailing lists: The first one is for cvs commits and the second is for discussions. Then you can post to the modperl-docs discussion list. To post take the address and remove the -subscribe part from it. Please don't advertise the list's direct address so we won't get spammed. Thanks. You can generate diffs with: % cvs diff -u filename(s) Or you create: ~/.cvsrc with: cvs -z9 update -dP diff -u (which includes other useful opts) and then you just need % cvs diff filename(s) Send the commits aligned in the body of the message so we can comment on them. Unless your browser mangles formatted text. Thanks! Currently there are no searchable/browsable mailing list archives, but the raw mbox-format archives can be downloaded from: There is also rsync interface for those who want to keep local mirrors and hopefull offload the main servers: rsync:// modperl-docs CVS tree, exported (updated 4x/day) rsync:// modperl-docs CVS Repository. If you are interested in helping us creating great documentation by reviewing what gets committed and submitting new docs and patches, please subscribe to these two mailing list. Welcome to the yet another cool project brought to you by Apache Software Foundation.