site's STATUS: Last modified at [$Date$] Release: -------- 2.0: Jul 02, 2002 The site's usability figures by platform/browser: ------------------------------------------------- +2 = perfect +1 = good, 0 = usable, but looks bad -1 = unusable -2 = browser crashes Graphic Browsers: Name/Version Linux WinXP WinNT Win2K Win98 Win95 MacOSX MacOS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opera 6.02 +2 +2 +2 .. .. .. .. .. Opera 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. +1.5 +2 IE 6.0 +2 +2 +2 +2 .. .. .. .. IE 5.5 .. .. +2 .. +2 .. .. .. IE 5.0 .. -- +2 .. +2 .. +2 +2 IE 4.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. -- +2 IE 4.0 .. .. .. .. +2 +2 -- .. Mozilla 1.0 +2 +2 .. +2 .. .. .. .. Netscape 6.x .. +2 +2 +2 .. .. .. +2 Netscape 7.x .. +2 .. .. .. .. .. +2 Konqueror 2.2.2 +1.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Netscape 4.0x .. +1 +1 .. .. .. -- +1 Netscape 4.4x +1 +1.5 +1.5 .. .. .. -- +1.5 iCab 2.8 -- -- -- .. -- -- +0 +0 iCab 2.5 -- -- -- .. -- -- +0 +0 Omniweb 4.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- +0.5 +0.5 Text Browsers: Name/Version Linux WinXX MacOS Cygwin ----------------------------------------- links/0.96-6mdk +1 .. .. +1 lynx-2.8.5-0.3mdk +1 .. .. +1 Notes: - Galleon uses the same engine (gecko) as Mozilla so the rendering is the same. Rendering errors: ----------------- - konqueror 3.0.2 and Omniweb 4.1: the camel line includes some colored noise Reported by: Stas Bekman Status: Allan says it's a bug it's probably a bug in konqueror's/Omniweb's rendering engine. looks impossible to fix without another style sheet or use of spacer gifs. - IE 5.1/Mac OSX: When a search also turns up in the title-line in the results, that whole title-line link get a black colour instead of the default link colour. (example "toolkits") Reported by: allan Status: Allan says it's clearly a bug in that browser setup. however we should one day fix the color values for all the span tags. We only specify a colour because we must (to validate) because we must have a background-color. If we specify color: inherit; netscape 4 turns the colour to green (!) General usability ----------------- - Must fix logos in "Link to us" pages to fit w/ new logo from Mike. Reported by: Mark Fowler STATUS: we need some toned down logos from Mike first.