use vars qw(@c); @c = ( id => 'api_1.0', title => "mod_perl 1.0 API", stitle => "API", abstract => < { bot => 'index_bot.html', }, group => 'Access to the Apache API', chapters => [qw( Apache.pod Apache/Constants.pod Apache/Options.pod Apache/Table.pod Apache/File.pod Apache/Log.pod Apache/URI.pod Apache/Util.pod Apache/Include.pod )], group => 'Run CGI scripts under mod_perl', chapters => [qw( Apache/Registry.pod Apache/PerlRun.pod Apache/RegistryLoader.pod )], group => 'Development/Debugging help', chapters => [qw( Apache/StatINC.pod Apache/test.pod Apache/Symdump.pod Apache/src.pod Apache/Leak.pod Apache/FakeRequest.pod Apache/Debug.pod Apache/Symbol.pod Apache/SIG.pod )], group => 'Apache configuration', chapters => [qw( Apache/PerlSections.pod Apache/httpd_conf.pod Apache/Status.pod )], group => 'Server Maintenance', chapters => [qw( Apache/Resource.pod Apache/SizeLimit.pod )], changes => 'Changes.pod', ); 1;