There are thousands of people who have contributed to what mod_perl is today. This file is here to recognize the tremendous efforts of the major contributors to the mod_perl effort.

While Doug MacEachern is behind the majority of mod_perl's design, code and documentation, he and mod_perl never would have made it this far without the help from everyone in the mod_perl community. His heartfelt thanks goes out to all of you!

This list is generated from a set of text files, and the contributors are sorted alphabetically.

Module authors aren't listed here, because keeping track of them would be too much work. For information about module authors, please refer to the Apache/Perl Module list.


[% FOREACH person = people %] [% END %]
[% %] [% person.summary %]


[% FOREACH person = people %]

[% IF person.image %] Picture of [% %] [% END %] Name: [% %]
[%- IF %] E-mail: [% %]
[% END %] [%- IF person.url %] URL: [% person.url %]
[% END %] [% FOREACH key = %] [% key %]: [%$key %]
[% END %]

[% person.body %] [% END %]

This list was probably incomplete the moment it was created. We have done the best to our ability to make it as complete as possible. However, we aren't gods. So if you have contributed to mod_perl, but aren't listed here, or want to change your information, please contact Per Einar Ellefsen with as much information as you can.

For a list of contributors for which we don't have enough information, make sure to visit this page.