################################################### # WARNING: Do not edit this file! # If you do the changes will be lost! # Instead edit the other.list file and run make.pl # # Don't forget to commit the changes to both other.list and the generated # .pod to svn, since others won't run the local make.pl #################################################### =head1 NAME Other contributors to mod_perl =head1 Description The other contributions made to mod_perl, that we don't have enough information on. There are B other people who have contributed a great deal to mod_perl in one way or another, this list is derived from the Changes file, activity on the L including support, suggestions and new ideas, along with help through private mails or other means. This list is most likely incomplete. My apologies if that is the case, please send me an email if you have been left out and your contribution will be recognized! If you do not feel you've made a contribution, remember that L and appreciated. You should consider yourself a contributor to the mod_perl effort even if you are simply using mod_perl! =head1 The Apache and Perl communities If there was no Apache, there would be no mod_perl. See the Apache contributors list at http://httpd.apache.org/contributors/. If there was no Perl, there would be no mod_perl. Perl authors are credited in the distribution's I file. We owe a great deal of thanks to The Apache Group, Larry Wall and the perl5-porters, along with the communities that support them both. =head1 Contributors The contributors that are listed here only come by name, as we don't have enough information about them. These people have mostly submitted small patches to the code or to documentation, which have been very appreciated by the community. Some others have helped through the mailing lists, supporting users. =over [% FOREACH name = people %] =item * [% name %] [%- END %] =back =head1 Maintainer The maintainer is the person you should contact with updates, corrections and patches. =over =item * Per Einar Ellefsen Eper.einar (at) skynet.beE =back =cut