Embperl Examples - Loop Metacommands
This is a example of using the while metacommand in embperl to show the environment
[$ while ($k, $v) = each (%ENV) $]
[+ $k +] = [+ $v +]
[$ endwhile $]
This is a example of using the while metacommand to show the loaded
modules, with using an index
[- $i = 0; @k = keys %INC -]
[$ while ($i < $#k) $]
[+ $k[$i] +] = [+ $INC{$k[$i]} +]
[- $i++ -]
[$ endwhile $]
This is a example of using the do .. until metacommand to show the array @arr = (3,5,7)
[- @arr = (3, 5, 7); $i = 0 -]
[$ do $]
[+ $arr[ $i++ ] +]
[$ until $i > $#arr $]
This is a example of using the foreach metacommand to show the list (1..10)
[$ foreach $v (1..10) $]
[+ $v +]
[$ endforeach $]
[$ if $ENV{MOD_PERL} $]
This is a example of using the while metacommand in embperl to show the http headers send from the browser
[- %hdr = $req_rec -> headers_in ; -]
[$ while ($k, $v) = each (%hdr) $]
[+ $k +] = [+ $v +]
[$ endwhile $]
HTML::Embperl (c) 1997-1998 G.Richter