Embperl - Building dynamic Websites with Perl --------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Gerald Richter / ecos gmbh You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $Id$ Sourcecode encryption ===================== Embperl has the possibility to use encrypted sourcefiles. This allows to hide your code from curious people or make sure nobody can modify your code. To enable encrypted sourcefile, go to the crypto directory and edit the epcrypto_config.h file. Here you can enable/disable encryption, choose which algorithmus to use, the encryption key and whenever Embperl should still work with unencrypted files. Make sure to use a unique encryption key. Additionally OpenSSL must be already installed on your system. Now install Embperl as usual, by running perl Makefile.PL make make test make install To encrypt your source files go to the crypto directory and start the epcrypto program. It takes a source and a destination filename. If you are using Embperl 2.x, you have to specify the syntax the sourcefile uses as third parameter, if it is any other than "Embperl". IMPORTANT: Make sure to not distribute any files from the crypto directory, because it contains the key. Anybody who has access to the crypto directory, can decrypt your sourcefiles. The encrytion key is compiled into the binary, because Embperl needs it to do the decryption, so anybody who has access to the binary _and_ is able to disassemble the binary code, will be able to retrieve the key. So sourcecode encrytion can hide your source code from most people, because it's hard to disasemble the binary and get the key, but if anybody really wants your code he will get it! To prevent this the key shouldn't be compiled into the binary, but instead a C function should be given, that could retrieve the key from a save place, e.g. a smart card, even better would be to do the decrytion directly on the smart card.