Release Notes -- Apache PDFBox -- Version 2.0.21 Introduction ------------ The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This is an incremental bugfix release based on the earlier 2.0.20 release. It contains a couple of fixes and small improvements. For more details on these changes and all the other fixes and improvements included in this release, please refer to the following issues on the PDFBox issue tracker at Bug [PDFBOX-3835] - Wrap long words for multiline text fields [PDFBOX-4568] - Field text poorly vertically aligned [PDFBOX-4729] - Wrong position of text in PDTextField with multiline [PDFBOX-4850] - Image rendering issue [PDFBOX-4860] - Preflight doesn't catch repetition of elements in XMP [PDFBOX-4863] - Bitmapped fonts are rendered very blurry [PDFBOX-4866] - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException [PDFBOX-4871] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3 [PDFBOX-4872] - java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.fontbox.cmap.CMapParser$Operator cannot be cast to java.lang.Number [PDFBOX-4878] - Call to DictionaryEncoding.getEncoding () throws NullPointerException for some PDF's [PDFBOX-4879] - Binary compatibility is broken in 2.0.20 [PDFBOX-4880] - NullPointerException in TrueTypeEmbedder.createFontDescriptor() with OCR-B font [PDFBOX-4882] - Two conditions are always false in TrueTypeEmbedder.isEmbeddingPermitted [PDFBOX-4887] - Using the same font fully embedded in plain text and PDTextField, it throws an exception in PDTextField.setValue [PDFBOX-4889] - Cannot flatten this file. [PDFBOX-4890] - Stack overflow in while creating font cache [PDFBOX-4891] - nbspace missing in WinAnsiEncoding and MacRomanEncoding [PDFBOX-4894] - Invalid file offsets for PDF files larger than 2G [PDFBOX-4897] - PDFObjectStreamParser doesnt use offset [PDFBOX-4900] - PDFBox Rendering of PDF Page incorrect when using the special None Named Separation [PDFBOX-4902] - PDF/A validation fails when system time zone has minutes [PDFBOX-4904] - Bold text leads to wrong order - Text extraction [PDFBOX-4906] - PDOptionalContentProperties hasGroup can null pointer if OCGs data is missing [PDFBOX-4907] - Signature not detected by Acrobat Reader [PDFBOX-4913] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ShadingContext.convertToRGB() [PDFBOX-4915] - "Page tree root must be a dictionary" on PDDocument.load [PDFBOX-4920] - OCSP validation takes very long in ci build [PDFBOX-4923] - IllegalArgumentException: The start and the end values must not have different lengths [PDFBOX-4927] - IllegalStateException: Expected 'Page' but found COSName{Annot} in PDPageTree.sanitizeType [PDFBOX-4930] - Font thickness issue when we use PDFBox for generating images from PDF Improvement [PDFBOX-3812] - Support auto size font for multiline PDTextField [PDFBOX-4594] - Multiline field text with auto font sizing should be size adjusted [PDFBOX-4869] - Reading standard 14 fonts is slow [PDFBOX-4875] - Lazy load standard 14 fonts, only if needed [PDFBOX-4877] - Matrix class performance improvements [PDFBOX-4895] - Faster COSNumber [PDFBOX-4896] - Don't save and restore graphic states around showGlyph in LegacyPDFStreamEngine [PDFBOX-4909] - Don't calculate font height for every glyph Task [PDFBOX-4071] - Improve code quality (3) [PDFBOX-4933] - Correct PDFBOX-1777 to PDFBOX-1977 in tests Sub-task [PDFBOX-3910] - Support auto font sizing in multiline text fields Release Contents ---------------- This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file. The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation. See the README.txt file for instructions on how to build this release. The source archive is accompanied by a SHA512 checksum and a PGP signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download. The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at About Apache PDFBox ------------------- Apache PDFBox is an open source Java library for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Apache PDFBox also includes several command line utilities. Apache PDFBox is published under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more information, visit About The Apache Software Foundation ------------------------------------ Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and financial support for more than 100 freely-available, collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software; the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure of its 2,500+ contributors. For more information, visit