= Meecrowave Command Line Interface :jbake-date: 2016-10-24 :jbake-type: page :jbake-status: published :jbake-meecrowavepdf: :jbake-meecrowavetitleicon: icon icon_puzzle_alt :jbake-meecrowavecolor: body-blue :icons: font Meecrowave provides a CLI (Command Line Interface) called `org.apache.meecrowave.runner.Cli`. It can be used to deploy the java classpath or a war. Here are the main options: include::../../../../../target/generated-doc/CliConfiguration.adoc[] Note that `help` command is supported as well. == Extending the CLI You can add your own CLI options implementing `org.apache.meecrowave.runner.Cli$Options` (just a marker interface, no logic to code) and use `@CliOption` to define fields as coming from the CLI arguments. To register your option bean just add it in `META-INF/services/org.apache.meecrowave.runner.Cli$Options`. TIP: `Meecrowave.Builder` provides a `getExtension(type)` which can be used to get this kind of extension. This is common and works in all modes (arquillian, JUnit, embedded etc...) replacing the arguments by properties on `Meecrowave.Builder` instance.