#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** # Builds the OLE activex C++ component example of the SDK. PRJ=../../.. SETTINGS=$(PRJ)/settings include $(SETTINGS)/settings.mk include $(SETTINGS)/std.mk include $(SETTINGS)/dk.mk # Define non-platform/compiler specific settings COMPONENT_NAME=so_activex COMPONENT_IMPL_NAME=$(SHAREDLIB_PRE)$(COMPONENT_NAME).$(SHAREDLIB_EXT) COMPONENT_IMPL=$(SHAREDLIB_OUT)/$(SHAREDLIB_PRE)$(COMPONENT_NAME).$(SHAREDLIB_EXT) OUT_COMP_INC = $(OUT_INC)/$(COMPONENT_NAME) OUT_COMP_GEN = $(OUT_MISC)/$(COMPONENT_NAME) OUT_COMP_SLO=$(OUT_SLO)/$(COMPONENT_NAME) MIDLFILES = so_activex.idl CXXFILES = SOActiveX.cpp \ SOComWindowPeer.cpp \ so_activex.cpp \ StdAfx2.cpp SLOFILES = $(patsubst %.cpp,$(OUT_COMP_SLO)/%.$(OBJ_EXT),$(CXXFILES)) # Targets .PHONY: ALL ALL : \ OleActvieXComponentExample include $(SETTINGS)/stdtarget.mk # Attention: so_activex.idl is no UNOIDL file! $(OUT_COMP_INC)/so_activex.h : so_activex.idl -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_COMP_GEN)) midl.exe /tlb $(OUT_COMP_GEN)/so_activex.tlb /h $(OUT_COMP_INC)/so_activex.h \ /iid $(OUT_COMP_INC)/so_activex_i.c /proxy $(OUT_COMP_INC)/so_activex_p.c \ /dlldata $(OUT_COMP_INC)/dlldata.c /Oicf $< $(OUT_COMP_GEN)/so_activex.res : so_activex.rc $(OUT_COMP_INC)/so_activex.h -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) rc $(CC_INCLUDES) /R /FO$@ so_activex.rc $(OUT_COMP_SLO)/%.$(OBJ_EXT) : %.cpp -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(CC_INCLUDES) -I$(OUT_COMP_INC) $(CC_DEFINES) $(CC_OUTPUT_SWITCH)$(subst /,$(PS),$@) $< # Note: If you don't use the MS Visual Studio .Net, please comment out the next line. CL_NEW_LIB=atls.lib $(SHAREDLIB_OUT)/$(SHAREDLIB_PRE)%.$(SHAREDLIB_EXT) : $(SLOFILES) $(OUT_COMP_GEN)/so_activex.res so_activex.def -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(@D)) -$(MKDIR) $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_LIB)) @echo . @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo ATTENTION: If you have problems with linking the library and if you do not use the @echo MS .Net compiler please check the makefile and comment out the variable CL_NEW_LIB. @echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo . $(LINK) $(LIBRARY_LINK_FLAGS) /OUT:$@ /MAP:$(OUT_COMP_GEN)/$(subst $(SHAREDLIB_EXT),map,$(@F)) \ /DEF:so_activex.def /IMPLIB:$(OUT_LIB)/iso_activex.lib $(SLOFILES) \ msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib uuid.lib advapi32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib gdi32.lib \ urlmon.lib Shlwapi.lib oldnames.lib $(CL_NEW_LIB) $(OUT_COMP_GEN)/so_activex.res $(LINK_MANIFEST) ifeq "$(OS)" "WIN" OleActvieXComponentExample : $(COMPONENT_IMPL) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo The activex control was created, please load the "$(QM)example.html$(QM)" file @echo in your InternetExplorer to use the activex control. @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else OleActvieXComponentExample : @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo This example works only under Windows! @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- endif .PHONY: clean clean : -$(DELRECURSIVE) $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_COMP_INC)) -$(DELRECURSIVE) $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_COMP_GEN)) -$(DELRECURSIVE) $(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_COMP_SLO)) -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$(OUT_LIB)/*$(COMPONENT_NAME).*)) -$(DEL) $(subst \\,\,$(subst /,$(PS),$(SHAREDLIB_OUT)/$(SHAREDLIB_PRE)$(COMPONENT_NAME).*))