Attribute VB_Name = "ApplicationSpecific" '************************************************************************* ' ' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one ' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file ' distributed with this work for additional information ' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file ' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance ' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, ' software distributed under the License is distributed on an ' "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the ' specific language governing permissions and limitations ' under the License. ' '************************************************************************* Option Explicit '** Issue Categories Public Const CID_INFORMATION_REFS = 0 Public Const CID_CHANGES_AND_REVIEWING = 1 'no issue logged Public Const CID_CONTENT_AND_DOCUMENT_PROPERTIES = 2 Public Const CID_CONTROLS = 3 'no issue logged Public Const CID_FIELDS = 4 Public Const CID_FORMAT = 5 Public Const CID_INDEX_AND_REFERENCES = 6 Public Const CID_OBJECTS_GRAPHICS_FRAMES = 7 Public Const CID_PORTABILITY = 8 Public Const CID_TABLES = 9 Public Const CID_VBA_MACROS = 10 Public Const CID_WRITING_AIDS = 11 Public Const CTOTAL_CATEGORIES = 11 '** Word - XML Issue and SubIssue strings Public Const CSTR_ISSUE_CHANGES_AND_REVIEWING = "ChangesAndReviewing" Public Const CSTR_ISSUE_CONTROLS = "Controls" Public Const CSTR_ISSUE_FIELDS = "Fields" Public Const CSTR_ISSUE_INDEX_AND_REFERENCES = "IndexesAndReferences" Public Const CSTR_ISSUE_TABLES = "Tables" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_APPEARANCE = "Appearance" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_BORDER_STYLES = "BorderStyles" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_CELL_SPAN_PAGE = "CellSpanningPage" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_COMMENT = "Comment" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_CUSTOM_BULLET_LIST = "CustomBulletList" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_FORM_FIELD = "FormField" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_MAILMERGE_DATASOURCE = "MailMergeDatasource" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_MAILMERGE_FIELD = "MailMergeField" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_NESTED_TABLES = "NestedTables" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_TABLE_OF_AUTHORITIES = "TableOfAuthorities" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_TABLE_OF_AUTHORITIES_FIELD = "TableOfAuthoritiesField" Public Const CSTR_SUBISSUE_TABLE_OF_CONTENTS = "TableOfContents" '** END Word - XML Issue and SubIssue strings Public Const CAPPNAME_WORD = "Word" Public Const CAPPNAME_WORD_DOC = ".doc" Public Const CAPPNAME_WORD_DOT = ".dot" Public Const CAPPNAME_EXCEL = "Excel" Public Const CAPPNAME_EXCEL_DOC = ".xls" Public Const CAPPNAME_EXCEL_DOT = ".xlt" Public Const CAPPNAME_POWERPOINT = "PowerPoint" Public Const CAPPNAME_PP_DOC = ".ppt" Public Const CAPPNAME_PP_DOT = ".pot" Public CAPP_DOCPROP_LOCATION As String 'Public Const CAPP_DOCPROP_LOCATION = RID_STR_COMMON_RESULTS_LOCATION_TYPE_WORKBOOK 'Public Const CAPP_DOCPROP_LOCATION = RID_STR_COMMON_RESULTS_LOCATION_TYPE_PRESENTATION Public Const CAPP_XMLDOCPROP_LOCATION = "Document" 'Public Const CAPP_XMLDOCPROP_LOCATION = "Workbook" 'Public Const CAPP_XMLDOCPROP_LOCATION = "Presentation" Public Const CTHIS_DOCUMENT = "ThisDocument" Public Const CTOPLEVEL_PROJECT = "Project" Public Function getAppSpecificDocExt() As String getAppSpecificDocExt = CAPPNAME_WORD_DOC End Function Public Function getAppSpecificTemplateExt() As String getAppSpecificTemplateExt = CAPPNAME_WORD_DOT End Function Public Function getAppSpecificPath() As String getAppSpecificPath = ActiveDocument.path End Function Public Function getAppSpecificApplicationName() As String getAppSpecificApplicationName = CAPPNAME_WORD End Function Public Function getAppSpecificCustomDocProperties(currDoc As Document) As DocumentProperties Set getAppSpecificCustomDocProperties = currDoc.CustomDocumentProperties End Function Public Function getAppSpecificCommentBuiltInDocProperty(currDoc As Document) As DocumentProperty Set getAppSpecificCommentBuiltInDocProperty = currDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyComments) End Function Public Function getAppSpecificVBProject(currDoc As Document) As VBProject Set getAppSpecificVBProject = currDoc.VBProject End Function Public Function getAppSpecificOLEClassType(aShape As Shape) As String Dim objType As String If aShape.OLEFormat.ProgID = "" Then objType = aShape.OLEFormat.ClassType Else objType = aShape.OLEFormat.ProgID End If getAppSpecificOLEClassType = objType End Function Public Sub SetAppToMinimized() Application.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize Application.Visible = False End Sub Public Sub LocalizeResources() Dim wrdStrings As StringDataManager Set wrdStrings = New StringDataManager wrdStrings.InitStringData (GetResourceDataFileName(ThisDocument.path)) LoadCommonStrings wrdStrings LoadWordStrings wrdStrings LoadResultsStrings wrdStrings Set wrdStrings = Nothing 'SetWordDriverText End Sub ' Set the loaded string variable into the fields in the document Private Sub SetWordDriverText() On Error Resume Next CAPP_DOCPROP_LOCATION = RID_STR_COMMON_RESULTS_LOCATION_TYPE_DOCUMENT ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_SOANA").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_SOANA ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_INTRO").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_INTRO ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_TITLE").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_TITLE ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_PURPO").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_PURPO ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_PARA1").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_PARA1 ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_ISSUE").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_ISSUE ThisDocument.FormFields.item("RID_STR_WDVR_PARA2").Result = RID_STR_WDVR_PARA2 End Sub