Build Environment Parameters

The following build environment parameters are in alphabetical order and not as as they appear in the file that is generated by the configure process. The name of this file depends on the system on which it was generated.

Please note the following:

The following table lists the environment parameters, and a description of each parameter. This information is based on the output of the configure process for the Linux, Solaris, Windows NT, and Mac OS X environments.

Build Environment Parameter Description
BIG_GOODIES If set, the build process only builds libgoxxx, where xxx signifies the build number.
BIG_SVX If set, builds the shared libraries or dynamic link libraries as one library. Using one library may improve performance but this increases the link time significantly.
BMP_WRITES_FLAG Specifies whether the bmp tool writes a success message to a file when the bitmap compiler runs successfully, or whether to use an echo command in the makefiles to write this message. If set, bmp writes the message to a .don file. By default, this parameter is set.
BOTH If set, links shared libraries (DLLs) in both debug and non-debug modes on Win32-based platforms. The shared libraries in debug mode are built with an underscore (_) prefix.
CLASSPATH This variable is supported by the JDK and JRE. This variable defaults to the location of the JDK-supported standard file. This variable is used by the JRE to locate this file or other class files used by the application. The file is for JDK 1.1 versions only. This was replaced by rt.jar runtime jar files for Java SDK 1.2 and higher.
common_build If set, creates platform independent output, such as resource files, jar files, and zip files. By default, this parameter is set.
COMMON_BUILD_TOOLS Used in the officecfg module. Contains the directory location of the JAXP-compliant XML parser jar files. By default, the value of this parameter is $SRC_ROOT/external/common.
COMMON_OUTDIR Specifies where to place common files if common_build is set. By default, the value of this parameter is COMMON. No other value is required.
COM Specifies the compiler to use in the build process, for example gcc on Linux and Mac OS X, C50 on Solaris, or MSC on Win32.
COMEX Specifies the compiler extension value.
COMPATH Specifies the location of the compiler.
COMP_ENV This parameter is used on Win32.
CPU The initial of the CPU name, for example:
  • I for Intel
  • S for Solaris SPARC
  • P for PowerPC
  • R for other RISC architectures
CPUNAME Full name of the CPU value in uppercase, for example:
CVER The compiler version, for example:
  • C300 for gcc version 3.0 or better
  • C50 on Solaris
  • C62 on Tru64
  • C730 on Irix when using SGI MIPS compiler
  • M1200 on Win32
CVSROOT CVS is a code version control system. The CVSROOT defines the server location of the CVS tree.
deliver If this parameter is set, dmake automatically delivers the project deliverables to the solver tree.
DLLSUFFIX Identifies the platform that you build on. This parameter can have values such as:
  • li for Linux, for example
  • ss for Solaris for example
  • mi for Win32, for example libsw568mi.dll
  • mxp for Mac OS X, for example libsw568mxp.dylib
DMAKEROOT This parameter is set to the $SRC_ROOT/solenv/inc/startup directory.
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH The directory locations used on Mac OS X to locate the runtime shared libraries.
DYNAMIC_CRT If this parameter is set, the build process uses the dynamic version of the C runtime libraries, rather than the static version. This implies a compiler define and a different set of libraries used for linking.
FRAMEWORKSHOME Used on Mac OS X only. This is set to the location of the standard system frameworks, for example, System.framework, AppKit.framework, and so on.
ENABLEUNICODE If set, uses the UNICODE character set. It is implemented as a compile line parameter, and is implemented as #ifdef in code. By default, this parameter is set.
give_me_all_languages If set, the build process builds all resource libraries supported by the build environment. By default, this parameter is not set.
GLIBC Identifies the distribution version of Linux. This enables the build process to identify the location of the GNU C library.
GUI Specifies the category of operating system that you are building on. This parameter is set to values such as:
  • UNX on Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X
  • WNT on Win32
GUIBASE This parameter is set to the following values:
  • unx on Linux
  • unx on Solaris
  • WIN on Win32
  • unx or aqua on Mac OS X
IENV This parameter is obsolete, and is replaced by SOLARINC.
ILIB Makefiles use the ILIB parameter to set the value of LIB. This is used on Win32 operating systems only. The LIB parameter specifies the location where the Microsoft linker gets libraries from.
INCLUDE An internal dmake variable that indicates the include path search directories used by the compiler. For example, in the INCLUDE internal dmake variable contains the environment variable SOLARINC, some default locations in the source tree such as module-name/inc, and the inc directory of the output tree.

This parameter is now obsolete, there is no need to change the values here.

INPATH The location of the delivered input path.
JAVAHOME This parameter is set on Win32 platforms to the location of the JDK, for example N:\jdk118. JAVAHOME is only set in the Win32 environment.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH The directory locations used on Linux and Solaris to locate the runtime shared libraries.
LIB Specifies the location where the Microsoft linker gets links from. This parameter is set to the same value as ILIB. This is used on Win32 operating systems only.
mk_tmp If set, the build tool builds the directories in solar$UPD.lst, and ignores the subdirectories specified in the makefiles. If you use the build tool, it may set the mk_tmp variable. This can cause the following error while running dmake:

For dmake to run correctly, you must reset the value of mk_tmp, as follows in csh shells:

% unsetenv mk_tmp

Alternatively, on Win32 systems or bourne sh (eg bash), use the following command:

C:\> unset mk_tmp
MK_UNROLL If set, the file includes .mk files preceded with an underscore (_). The files preceded with an underscore are an expanded version of the makefiles. The following IF statement appears in the file:
IF "$(MK_UNROLL)"!=""
MULTITHREAD_OBJ Builds multithreaded static objects (that is, files in $(OUT)$/obj) when set. This parameter is accessed in the sal and osl source makefiles. By default, this parameter is set.
NO_REC_RES If set, specifies all language-dependent files not to build resources recursively. When NO_REC_RES is set, the build process does not use solarlang.
NOSOLAR_JAVA This variable is obsolete. Use the SOLAR_JAVA build environment variable instead.
OS Specifies the operating system.
OUTPATH Specifies the basename of the output tree created during the build. Typical values for this parameter are as follows:
  • unxlngi3 or unxlngi4 for Linux on Intel with gcc compiler. This name uses the values of the GUIBASE, OS, and COM variables.
  • unxsols2 for Solaris on SPARC.
  • wntmsci3 for Win32 on Intel, with Microsoft Compiler.
  • unxmacxp for Mac OS X.

The number at the end is used to identify the build environment.

PATH The path environment variable.
PATH_SEPARATOR Separator character used in $PATH.
PERL Set to the location of the Perl executable file, in Win32.
PROEXT Specifies the extension that is appended to OUTPATH to create the name of the output tree. A typical value for this parameter is .pro.
PROFULLSWITCH Specifies to the dmake and build tools to build a product version of StarOffice or This also passes the value of PROSWITCH to the compiler. This is implemented using aliases.
PROSWITCH Sets all debugging macros to empty.
RES_ARAB If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Arabic.
RES_CHINSIM If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Chinese Simplified.
RES_CHINTRAD If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Chinese Traditional.
RES_DAN If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Danish.
RES_DTCH If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Dutch.
RES_ENUS Specifies to create resource files for US English. By default, this parameter is set.
RES_FREN If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for French.
RES_GREEK If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Greek.
RES_ITAL If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Italian.
RES_JAPN If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Japanese.
RES_KOREAN If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Korean.
RES_POL If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Polish.
RES_PORT If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Portuguese.
RES_RUSS If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Russian.
RES_SPAN If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Spanish.
RES_SWED If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Swedish.
RES_TURK If this parameter is set, the build process creates resource files for Turkish.
RSCRES Specifies the location of the resource files. This is one of the ways to find binary resources for the rsc compiler. This is set to the value of the $SRC_ROOT variable.
SHELL Points to the location of the shell binary, for example csh.
SO3 Specifies to add the compile flag option -DSO3 to the compiler. The so3 module contains the base of the objects and also a bridge into the Microsoft OLE objects. By default, this parameter is set.
SOLAR_JAVA Specifies whether JDK supports Solaris. This parameter is for Solaris only. By default, this parameter is set. This variable replaces the NOSOLAR_JAVA environment variable, which is now obsolete.
SOLAR_PLUGIN Adds the -DSOLAR_PLUGIN to both the CDEFS and RCSDEFS compile options. By default, this parameter is set.
SOLAR_UPD This is the same value as $UPD.
SOLARDEF Specifies the compiler defines used on Linux and Solaris.
SOLARENV This parameter is set to the following value: $SRC_ROOT/solenv
SOLARENVINC This is the same value as $SOLARENV/inc.
SOLAREXTRALIB Specifies by platform the locations used by the linker to locate libraries.
SOLARINC Specifies the location of the compiler include search directory paths.
SOLARINCLUDES Specifies the location of the compiler include search directory paths, only used on Win32. It includes the Microsoft Visual C include directories.
SOLARLIB Specifies the location of the linker library search directory paths.
SOLARROOT Set to the following value: $SRC_ROOT
SOLARSRC Specifies the directory location of the projects directory.
SOLARVER Set to the following value: $SRC_ROOT/solver
SOLARVERSION Specifies the root of the output tree. This parameter is set to the same value as SOLARVER.
SRC_ROOT Specifies the top-level directory of the CVS tree.
SSX_PATH Includes the default path on the development machine, so that after you run the setsolar tool with different parameters, this contains the original path.
STAR_INIROOT This is the same value as $SOLARENV/config.
STAR_INIROOTOLD This is the same value as $SOLARENV/config.
STAR_REGISTRY Specifies the location of the registry database applicat.rdb. This is built in the api module.
STAR_RESOURCEPATH Specifies the location of the delivered resource files.
STAR_STANDLST This is the same value as $SOLARENV/config/stand.lst.
STAR_SSCOMON This is the same value as $SOLARENV/config/ssolar.cmn.
STAR_SSOLARINI This is the same value as $SOLARENV/config/ssolar.ini.
TEMP This parameter is set to /tmp on Linux and Solaris, and should be set to an existing directory on Win32, usually C:\temp.
TF_XXX The build process uses this parameter for parallel integration of new features into the current build. This allows developers to introduce new features and set additional macros. If this feature then becomes accepted into the build then all references to it are deleted after a period of time.
TF_PACKAGES This parameter defaults to the WORK_STAMP, for example SRC569. If set this adds the TF_ONE51 to the CDEFS, UNOIDLDEFS, and so on.
TF_UCB This parameter is set for Win32.
TF_ONE51 This parameter defaults to the WORK_STAMP, for example SRC569. If set this adds the TF_ONE51 to the CDEFS, UNOIDLDEFS, and so on.
TF_SDBAPI This parameter is set.
TMP This parameter is set to /tmp on Linux and Solaris. On Win32, set this to an existing directory. You must set both the TMP and TEMP parameters. They point to the same location.
UPD This parameter is set to the current release build identifier.
UPDATER Release engineering use this parameter to activate additional targets. This parameter forces the recompilation of all static libraries needed for the build. This parameter is set to YES when doing an initial build.

If you download the solver tarball, you do not need to change this parameter. If you are creating the build tools, you must set this parameter to YES.

URD_ONLY Defaults to the WORK_STAMP value. This parameter is used to differentiate between different formats generated by the UNO IDL compilers. URD is the binary format.
USE_NEWCHARSET Specifies to change to a new character set. Release engineering used this parameter to introduce new functionality.
USE_NEW_RSC Specifies to change to a new resource compiler. Release engineering used this parameter to introduce new functionality.
USE_NAMESPACE If this parameter is set to TRUE, it supports the use of namespaces in C++. Release engineering used this parameter to introduce new functionality.
VCL The build process uses this parameter as a compiler define. Release engineering used this parameter to introduce new functionality.
WORK_STAMP The build process inserts this parameter in the CVS source tree to identify the source that corresponds to a particular build, for example SRC569.
XCLASSPATH This parameter is set to the location of the JDK file. This allows you to have a shorter class path for building class files.
XPVERSION Specifies what version of xp is used.