HTML Parameter Reference

Norman Walsh

$Id: index.html,v 1.1 2003/08/21 00:12:52 cphennessy Exp $

Table of Contents

I. Admonitions - Extension for admonition graphics - Path to admonition graphics - Use graphics in admonitions?
admon.textlabel - Use text label in admonitions? - CSS style attributes for admonitions
II. Callouts
callout.defaultcolumn - Indicates what column callouts appear in by default - Extension for callout graphics - Number of the largest callout graphic - Path to callout graphics - Use graphics for callouts?
callout.list.table - Present callout lists using a table?
callout.unicode.number.limit - Number of the largest callout graphic
callout.unicode.start.character - First Unicode character to use, decimal value.
callout.unicode - Use Unicode characters rather than images for callouts.
callouts.extension - Enable the callout extension
ebnf.table.bgcolor - Background color for EBNF tables
ebnf.table.border - Selects border on EBNF tables
ebnf.assignment - The EBNF production assignment operator
ebnf.statement.terminator - Punctuation that ends an EBNF statement.
IV. ToC/LoT/Index Generation
annotate.toc - Annotate the Table of Contents?
autotoc.label.separator - Separator between labels and titles in the ToC
process.source.toc - FIXME:
process.empty.source.toc - FIXME: - Should bridgehead elements appear in the TOC?
manual.toc - An explicit TOC to be used for the TOC
toc.list.type - Type of HTML list element to use for Tables of Contents
toc.section.depth - How deep should recursive sections appear in the TOC?
toc.max.depth - How maximaly deep should be each TOC?
generate.toc - Control generation of ToCs and LoTs
generate.section.toc.level - Control depth of TOC generation in sections
generate.index - Do you want an index?
V. Extensions
linenumbering.everyNth - Indicate which lines should be numbered
linenumbering.extension - Enable the line numbering extension
linenumbering.separator - Specify a separator between line numbers and lines
linenumbering.width - Indicates the width of line numbers
tablecolumns.extension - Enable the table columns extension function
textinsert.extension - Enable the textinsert extension element
graphicsize.extension - Enable the getWidth()/getDepth() extension functions
use.extensions - Enable extensions
VI. Automatic labelling
chapter.autolabel - Are chapters automatically enumerated?
appendix.autolabel - Are Appendixes automatically enumerated?
part.autolabel - Are parts and references enumerated?
preface.autolabel - Are prefaces enumerated?
qandadiv.autolabel - Are divisions in QAndASets enumerated?
section.autolabel - Are sections enumerated?
section.label.includes.component.label - Do section labels include the component label?
label.from.part - Renumber chapters in each part?
html.base - An HTML base URI
html.stylesheet.type - The type of the stylesheet used in the generated HTML
html.stylesheet - Name of the stylesheet(s) to use in the generated HTML - Use ID value of chunk elements as the filename?
css.decoration - Enable CSS decoration of elements
spacing.paras - Insert additional <p> elements for spacing? - Pass emphasis role attribute through to HTML? - Pass para role attribute through to HTML? - Pass phrase role attribute through to HTML? - Pass entry role attribute through to HTML?
html.longdesc - Should longdesc URIs be created? - Should a link to the longdesc be included in the HTML?
make.valid.html - Attempt to make sure the HTML output is valid HTML
html.cleanup - Attempt to clean up the resulting HTML?
draft.mode - Select draft mode
draft.watermark.image - The URI of the image to be used for draft watermarks -
generate.meta.abstract - Generate HTML META element from abstract?
VIII. XSLT Processing
rootid - Specify the root element to format
suppress.navigation - Disable header and footer navigation
suppress.header.navigation - Disable header navigation
suppress.footer.navigation - Disable footer navigation
header.rule - Rule under headers?
footer.rule - Rule over footers?
IX. Meta/*Info
inherit.keywords - Inherit keywords from ancestor elements?
make.single.year.ranges - Print single-year ranges (e.g., 1998-1999)
make.year.ranges - Collate copyright years into ranges? - Is othername in author a middle name? - TBD
X. Reference Pages
funcsynopsis.decoration - Decorate elements of a FuncSynopsis? - What style of 'FuncSynopsis' should be generated?
funcsynopsis.tabular.threshold - Width beyond which a tabular presentation will be used
function.parens - Generate parens after a function? - Output NAME header before 'RefName'(s)?
refentry.generate.title - Output title before 'RefName'(s)?
refentry.xref.manvolnum - Output manvolnum as part of refentry cross-reference? - Generate URL links when cross-referencing RefEntrys?
refentry.separator - Generate a separator between consecutive RefEntry elements?
XI. Tables
default.table.width - The default width of tables
nominal.table.width - The (absolute) nominal width of tables
table.borders.with.css - Use CSS to specify table, row, and cell borders? -
table.cell.border.thickness -
table.cell.border.color - -
table.frame.border.thickness - Specifies the thickness of the frame border
table.frame.border.color -
html.cellspacing - Default value for cellspacing in HTML tables
html.cellpadding - Default value for cellpadding in HTML tables
qanda.defaultlabel - Sets the default for defaultlabel on QandASet.
qanda.inherit.numeration - Does enumeration of QandASet components inherit the numeration of parent elements?
XIII. Linking
target.database.document - Name of master database file for resolving olinks
targets.filename - Name of cross reference targets data file
collect.xref.targets - Controls whether cross reference data is collected
olink.base.uri - Base URI used in olink hrefs - Process olinks using xref style of current document
current.docid - targetdoc identifier for the document being processed
olink.doctitle - show the document title for external olinks?
link.mailto.url - Mailto URL for the LINK REL=made HTML HEAD element - The HTML anchor target for ULinks
olink.fragid - Names the fragment identifier portion of an OLink resolver query
olink.outline.ext - The extension of OLink outline files
olink.pubid - Names the public identifier portion of an OLink resolver query
olink.sysid - Names the system identifier portion of an OLink resolver query
olink.resolver - The root name of the OLink resolver (usually a script)
XIV. Bibliography
biblioentry.item.separator - Text to separate bibliography entries
bibliography.collection - Name of the bibliography collection file
bibliography.numbered - Should bibliography entries be numbered?
XV. Glossary - Generate links from glossterm to glossentry automaticaly? - Does automatic glossterm linking only apply to firstterms?
glossary.collection - Name of the glossary collection file - Display glossentry acronyms?
XVI. Miscellaneous
formal.procedures - Selects formal or informal procedures
formal.title.placement -
runinhead.default.title.end.punct - Default punctuation character on a run-in-head
runinhead.title.end.punct - Characters that count as punctuation on a run-in-head
show.comments - Display comment elements?
show.revisionflag - Enable decoration of elements that have a revisionflag
shade.verbatim - Should verbatim environments be shaded? - Properties that specify the style of shaded verbatim listings
punct.honorific - Punctuation after an honorific in a personal name. - Format segmented lists as tables? - Format variablelists as tables? - TeX notation used for equations
tex.math.file - Name of temporary file for generating images from equations
tex.math.delims - Should be equations outputed for processing by TeX automatically surrounded by math mode delimiters
pixels.per.inch - How many pixels are there per inch?
points.per.em - Specify the nominal size of an em-space in points
use.svg - Allow SVG in the result tree? - Use role attribute for xrefstyle on xref?
menuchoice.separator - -
default.float.class - Specifies the default float class
footnote.number.format - Identifies the format used for footnote numbers
table.footnote.number.format - Identifies the format used for footnote numbers in tables
footnote.number.symbols -
table.footnote.number.symbols -
xref.with.number.and.title - Use number and title in cross references
XVII. Graphics
graphic.default.extension - Default extension for graphic filenames
default.image.width - The default width of images
nominal.image.width - The nominal image width
nominal.image.depth - Nominal image depth
use.embed.for.svg - Use HTML embed for SVG?
make.graphic.viewport - Use tables in HTML to make viewports for graphics
preferred.mediaobject.role - Select which mediaobject to use based on this value of an object's role attribute.
use.role.for.mediaobject - Use role attribute value for selecting which of several objects within a mediaobject to use.
ignore.image.scaling - Tell the stylesheets to ignore the author's image scaling attributes
XVIII. Chunking
chunker.output.cdata-section-elements - List of elements to escape with CDATA sections
chunker.output.doctype-public - Public identifer to use in the document type of generated pages
chunker.output.doctype-system - System identifier to use for the document type in generated pages
chunker.output.encoding - Encoding used in generated pages
chunker.output.indent - Specification of indentation on generated pages - Media type to use in generated pages
chunker.output.method - Method used in generated pages
chunker.output.omit-xml-declaration - Omit-xml-declaration for generated pages
chunker.output.standalone - Standalone declaration for generated pages
saxon.character.representation - Saxon character representation used in generated HTML pages
html.ext - Identifies the extension of generated HTML files
html.extra.head.links - Toggle extra HTML head link information
root.filename - Identifies the name of the root HTML file when chunking
base.dir - The base directory of chunks
generate.manifest - Generate a manifest file?
manifest - Name of manifest file
chunk.toc - An explicit TOC to be used for chunking
chunk.tocs.and.lots - Should ToC and LoTs be in separate chunks?
chunk.section.depth - Depth to which sections should be chunked
chunk.first.sections - Chunk the first top-level section?
chunk.quietly - Omit the chunked filename messages. - Use graphics in navigational headers and footers? - Extension for navigational graphics - Path to navigational graphics
navig.showtitles - Display titles in HTML headers and footers?
XIX. Profiling
profile.arch - Target profile for arch attribute
profile.condition - Target profile for condition attribute
profile.conformance - Target profile for conformance attribute
profile.lang - Target profile for lang attribute
profile.os - Target profile for os attribute
profile.revision - Target profile for revision attribute
profile.revisionflag - Target profile for revisionflag attribute
profile.role - Target profile for role attribute - Target profile for security attribute
profile.userlevel - Target profile for userlevel attribute
profile.vendor - Target profile for vendor attribute
profile.attribute - Name of user-specified profiling attribute
profile.value - Target profile for user-specified attribute
profile.separator - Separator character for compound profile values
htmlhelp.encoding - Character encoding to use in files for HTML Help compiler.
htmlhelp.autolabel - Should tree-like ToC use autonumbering feature?
htmlhelp.chm - Filename of output HTML Help file.
htmlhelp.default.topic - Name of file with default topic
htmlhelp.hhp - Filename of project file.
htmlhelp.hhc - Filename of TOC file.
htmlhelp.hhk - Filename of index file.
htmlhelp.hhp.tail - Additional content for project file.
htmlhelp.hhp.window - Name of default window.
htmlhelp.enumerate.images - Should be paths to all used images added to project file? - Should be [MAP] and [ALIAS] section added to project file unconditionaly? - Filename of map file.
htmlhelp.alias.file - Filename of map file.
htmlhelp.hhc.section.depth - Depth of TOC for sections in a left pane. - Should be entry for root element shown in ToC?
htmlhelp.hhc.folders.instead.books -
htmlhelp.hhc.binary -
htmlhelp.title - Title of HTML Help - Should be menu shown? - Should be advanced search available? - Should be favorities tab shown?
htmlhelp.button.hideshow - Should be Hide/Show button shown?
htmlhelp.button.back - Should be Back button shown?
htmlhelp.button.forward - Should be Forward button shown?
htmlhelp.button.stop - Should be Stop button shown?
htmlhelp.button.refresh - Should be Refresh button shown?
htmlhelp.button.home - Should be Home button shown?
htmlhelp.button.home.url - URL address of page accessible by Home button
htmlhelp.button.options - Should be Options button shown?
htmlhelp.button.print - Should be Print button shown?
htmlhelp.button.locate - Should be Locate button shown?
htmlhelp.button.jump1 - Should be Jump1 button shown?
htmlhelp.button.jump1.url - URL address of page accessible by Jump1 button
htmlhelp.button.jump1.title - Title of Jump1 button
htmlhelp.button.jump2 - Should be Jump2 button shown?
htmlhelp.button.jump2.url - URL address of page accessible by Jump2 button
htmlhelp.button.jump2.title - Title of Jump2 button - Should be Next button shown?
htmlhelp.button.prev - Should be Prev button shown?
htmlhelp.button.zoom - Should be Zoom button shown?
htmlhelp.use.hhk - Should be index built using HHK file?
htmlhelp.only - Should be only project files generated?
XXI. Localization
l10n.gentext.language - Sets the gentext language
l10n.gentext.default.language - Sets the default language for generated text
l10n.gentext.use.xref.language - Use the language of target when generating cross-reference text?
A. The Stylesheet