Test Case AOOTest-289: (Extend) Text * Cell Properties_Numbers_Text_Enter numbers first [Version : 1]
Author:undefined - 24/10/2012 14:21:16

To verify that text * cell properties can be applied/modified properly - numbers - text. 1. When numbers are formatted as text, they cannot be used in calculations or formulas. 2. If you have already entered numbers in cells and, afterwards, changed the format of the cells to Text, the numbers remain numbers and won't be converted. Only numbers entered after you specify that they are text, or numbers which are edited, become text. 3. Any numbers subsequently entered into the formatted range are interpreted as text. The display of these 'numbers' is left-justified, just as with other texts.


#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Expected results


New a spreadsheet.

New spreadsheet is created.


Input numbers into a cell range, say enter 1, 2, 3 into cell A1, A2, A3 respectively.


Input a formula into another cell, refers to cells mentioned in step 2, say input =sum(A1:A3) into A4.


Select one cell mentioned in step 2.


Enter 'Format Cells' dialog and active Numbers tab.

Category should be General as default.


Change category to Text.

Category is changed.


Click OK button.

Number in the selected cell remains number, it won't be converted to text. And the formula result should not update.


Enter a number into the selected cell again, and press Enter.

The entered number is formatted as text, it should be left-justified, and the formula result should update properly.


Select the cell again, and change the category back to General via 'Format Cells' dialog.

Content in the selected cell remains text, it won't be converted to number. And the formula result should not update.


Repeat step 8.

Content in the selected cell is formatted as number, and the formula result should update properly.


Undo several times, then redo several times.

Undo and redo should perform properly.


Save and close file.


Open the file.

File should be saved properly.

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:
Feature first available at which release:
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:
Requirements None
Keywords: None