Test Case AOOTest-249: Graphic bullet-Export-default [Version : 2]
Author:undefined - 11/03/2014 06:12:48

the purpose is symphony document containing  graphic bullets can be exported correctly into MS Word 2003 format

#:Step actions:Expected Results:

Create a new writer document, and create several paragraphs, apply bullets from toolbar "Bullets On/Off" for these paragraphs. Then use promote from toolbar to set these paragraphs at different level.

The document ,paragraphs, bullets can be successfully created


Select paragraghs at different level, change their default bullets to different graphic bullets from right-click->Numbering/Bullets... and switch to graphic tab.

Different graphic bullets are correctly applied to paragraphs at different level


Insert some text between two paragraphs which have graphic bullets.

Graphic bullet will be added  automatically beyond this text


Select some default graphic bullet and modify it to other format graphic bullet

can modify it successfully


select some default graphic bullet and delete it

can delete successfully


undo all previous steps.then redo all previous steps

undo\redo ok


save the sample file to *.odt format then reload then save to *.doc format, then reload again

Both the two formats can be opened and all graphic bullet display well.


close the sample file and  reopen it with MS word 2003

can reopen it and all graphic bullet display well.

Execution type:Manual
Test Focus:Capability
Feature first available at which release:AOO3.5
Automation script name:
Testsuite set:Functionality
Requirements None
Keywords:FVT(Function Verification Test)