This site features the following hosted tools for project
members. Each of the following links leads to further
documentation about using these tools.
CVSWeb source code browsing
CVSWeb source code browsing gives project contributors
a graphical, browser-based tool to view project files, version
histories, and directory structures.
CVS source code version control
The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a widely used
version control tool for tracking all modifications to project
source code files. Developers can work on the same files and
coordinate their contributions through a common repository.
IssueZilla issue tracking
IssueZilla is a customizable open-source tool for
reporting, tracking, and managing all project tasks, defects,
features, enhancements, and patches.
Mailing list management and archiving
Two open-source mail tools -- anzu and eyebrowse --
provide powerful, scalable functionality to administer, moderate,
customize, and archive project mailing lists.
Tunneling with SSH
SSH provides the security that is required by
software development projects. SSH can be used to create a
transparent "port tunnel" to the CVS (concurrent versions
system) server, unobtrusively insuring the security of the
data exchanged.
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