Internationalization (i18n) Framework

Implementation details

Reference for locale data implementation
Often this is the only locale specific task to do.
How to add a new locale to the i18n framework
Things to know when having to implement more code for a new locale.
How to add a new encoding
Some locales use text encodings that aren't yet implemented in OOo. Here's how to do it.
Javier Sola setup some very informative pages about OOo i18n/l10n.

Reasonings for exsisting implementations

Priority of CTL Features
Grid Layout for CJK in Writer
Vertical writing for CJK in Writer
Vertical Writing for CJK in Calc

Archived documents
not needed in current development, historical section

Universal i18n Framework for Office Applications
This paper was presented at the 18th International Unicode Conference in Hong Kong, April 2001. (PDF)
StarOffice 6.0: A Multi-lingual Office Suite
This paper was presented at the 19th International Unicode Conference in San Jose, September 2001. (PDF)
Status of open-sourcing the i18n framework
Remaining differences between StarOffice/StarSuite and