Frequently Asked Questions for the Office Scripting Framework


  1. Why can't I see the script I deployed to a document from the [Assign Script] dialog?

  2. Why can't I bind scripts to events?

  3. I have removed the examples provided with the Script Framework installation and installed my own but the script in ExampleSpreadSheet.sxc still works. Why?

  4. How can I store menu or key bindings for scripting in a document?

  5. Why is there a delay in starting the first script?

  6. Why do I have to use one dialog to work with StarBasic macros [Tools/ Configure] and another to work with my new Java scripts [Assign Script...]?


  1. Why can't I see the script I deployed to a document from the [Assign Script] dialog?

    Currently, the [Assign Script] dialog only displays scripts located in the user area (also, the IDE only supports deployment to document and user area). This will be fixed in the next release.

    Workaround: To bind to scripts deployed in the application share area you can hand edit the appropriate (app)keybinding.xml or (app)menubinding.xml file located in the /user/config/soffice.cfg/ directory. Changes to these files require a restart of the application to take effect.


  2. Why can't I bind scripts to events?

    This is the first release of the scripting framework, some work is still needed in the office source in order to support scripting fully. In particular the way events are handled is different to how menu and keybindings are handled and currently we cannot support event bindings. It is our intention to add this functionality in the future.


  3. I have removed the examples provided with the Script Framework installation and installed my own but the script in ExampleSpreadSheet.sxc still works. Why?

    Both the script and the Key bindings are contained in the document itself, at the moment the [Assign Script] dialog does not display scripts or bindings stored in documents.


  4. How can I store a script, menu or key bindings for scripting in a document?

    To store bindings in document follow the steps below;

    You now have a key or menu binding for this script stored in the document along with the script. The ability to add document bindings directly will be added in the future.


  5. Why is there a delay in starting the first script?

    The delay is caused by the startup of the inprocess JVM by office.


  6. Why do I have to use one dialog to work with StarBasic macros [Tools/ Configure] and another to work with my new Java scripts [Assign Script...]?

    The StarBasic macros are completely separate from and do not use the Scripting Framework. As such they use their own configuration and settings dialogs. In the future the Scripting Framework and StarBasic dialogs will be integrated so users have one consistnet way of working with macros/ scripts, regardless of which language they have been written it.


Last Modified: Fri Nov 29 15:18:53 GMT 2002