MySQL driver page

applies to StarOffice 6.1
status: finished, last modified: 22. Nov. 2002

Version History


Ocke Janssen

first draft


Elizabeth Matthis

GUI string review


To create a new data source with the new MySQL driver, the data source administration dialog must be extended. A new page will be inserted where the user can fill in all necessary information which are needed to connect to a MySQL database.


1 MySQL driver page 1
1.1 The driver page in detail 1
1.2 String List 1

1 MySQL driver page

The new driver page fort MySQL allows the user to select between two different kinds of 'how to connect to the MySQL database'. The first possibility is to use an existing MyODBC1 data source which must be defined in the used system. The second kind is to use the JDBC2 version from MySQL named “connector/J”.

1.1 The driver page in detail

In the first group box the user can select which kind of connection he would like to use. Either an existing ODBC data source which must be defined in the used system or to connect to the database via the JDBC interface. To allow the user to specify different driver classes, an extra edit field is enabled when the JDBC was selected, where the name of the driver class can be inserted3. In the second group box information about the data source, the user name, if a password is required and which character set the MySQL server should use, can be defined. The URL field contains different meaning depending on the type of connection. In the case of ODBC, it contains the name of the ODBC data source; in the case of JDBC it contains the host name, a port number and the database name. To give the user a hint, the URL field will contain a default value for a JDBC kind of connection, where the user has to substitute only the fields in the brackets.

1.2 String List


German translation


Type of connection

Art der Verbindung

Fixed line; Separates the kind of connection from the general information. No mnemonic necessary.

Use existing My~ODBC data source

Existierende My~ODBC Datenquelle verwenden

Radio button label; Will be marked by the user when he wants to use an existing ODBC system data source. “MyODBC” is product name and not to translate.

Use Connector/~J3

Connector/~J3 verwenden

Radio button label; Connector/J3 is the JDBC driver from MySQL. Do not translate or change “Connector/J3”-- it is a product name.

MySQL JDBC d~river class

MySQL JDBC ~Treiberklasse

The label for the edit (text box), where the user can insert the JDBC driver class for MySQL



Fixed line; A separator. No mnemonic necessary.

~Data source URL


Text box label; The url for the connection.

~User name


Text box label; The user name needed to connect to the database.

Password r~equired

Kennwort ~erforderlich

Check box label; Indicates that a password is needed to connect to the database.

~Character set


Text box label; The character set.



String; will be inserted into the URL field when choosing the Connector/J3 to give the user a clue about what is needed.

General Page

To adjust the settings, go to the MySQL tab page.

Wechseln Sie zur MySQL-Registerseite um die Einstellungen vorzunehmen.

This text will be shown on the general page when the type MySQL is selected.

1Open database connectivity

2Java database connectivity

3The driver class will be searched for in the jar files which can be added under tools->options->Security.