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Project: distribution If you register or log in, you could join this project.

Summary:   Distribution Project: Strategy, tools, resources
Category:    incubator
License:   LGPL/SISSL
Owner(s):   louis

Distribution Project



Mission Statement
Policy on Distribution: What To Distribute
Community Distributor
Mailing Lists
Distribution Projects

Mission Statement

The purpose of Distribution Project is to establish policy and consolidate areas and links relating to the distribution of Distribution includes the Mirrors Project, CD-ROM Project, and the experimental P2P project, which is still under development. For now, the Download pages, in English and in other languages, are not linked to this project. Please go to the Application Download page. Distribution's (sub) projects are fairly autonomous and independent but use the same mailing lists and follow the same distribution policies.

Policy on Distributions: What To Distribute

We have created a page dedicated to explaining the files you can offfer. If you are interested in distributing files, go to:

  • Files: What to Distribute
  • Community Distributor

    A Community Distributor is anyone who is distributing We have Community Distributor banner. If you are offering a CD-ROM, you are a Community Distributor.

    1. You must subscribe to our mailing lists
    2. You must read our licensing provisions. See the OEM-CD page for information. It links to useful pages.

    Please also join the appropriate project (listed below): CD-ROM, Mirrors, P2P. We encourage you to join so that we may coordinate work more efficiently. But there is no obligation to join.

    As to benefits: is receives over two million page hits every week. You are also joining in distributing a product and enlarging a project that is changing the world.

    Mailing Lists

    We have three primary mailing lists. You must be subscribed to the dev@distribution list to post unmoderated messages. All are welcome to join, but it is obligatory that all Community Distributors only join the "" list.

    To subscribe to these, view and search the archives, please go to the Project Mailing Lists.

    Distribution Projects
    Project Leader Purpose
    Mirrors Bartosz Maruszewski All official Mirrors are listed here.
    CD-ROM Chris Hernberger Information for CD-ROM distributors.
    P2P Sam Hiser, Louis Suárez-Potts The experimental peer-to-peer (P2P) effort; information, try-outs.

    We welcome your feedback.

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