:: com :: sun :: star ::

module sdb
Basic interfaces for database access.

Nested Modules
CallableStatement represents a procedure call. The service differs only in the access of the columns and parameters to the service ::com::sun::star::sdbc::CallableStatement .
Column describes the common properties of a database column.
ColumnDescriptorControl specifies a column descriptor control.
ColumnDescriptorControlModel specifies the standard model of an ColumnDescriptorControl.
ColumnSettings describes the common properties of a database column.
Connection extends the ::com::sun::star::sdbc::Connection of SDBC by providing the data definitions of a connected database.
ContentLoader implements a loader for various datasource-related user interface components.
DataAccessDescriptor descriptor for accessing basic data access objects.
DataColumn defines a column used for a result set which contains the data definition and the data of the column of the current row of a result set.
DataSettings extends the ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting and filtering criterias.
DataSource is a factory to establish database connections. It should be registered at a ::com::sun::star::uno::NamingService.
DataSourceBrowser implements a component which allows browsing the data sources registered on the system.
DatabaseAccess [ DEPRECATED ]
specifies a component, which controls DatabaseAccessConnections and acts like a shared DataSource.
DatabaseAccessConnection [ DEPRECATED ]
specifies a component, which supplies and stores additional information related to a certain database connection, such as, DatabaseQueries, FormDocuments, and ReportDocuments. Objects for data definition are supplied as well, for instance, Tables, Views, etc.
DatabaseAccessContext [ DEPRECATED ]
is the context for data access beans. It allows to register aliases for database access beans. It is possible to have different aliases for different locales.
DatabaseAccessDataSource [ DEPRECATED ]
is a factory to create data access beans. Data access beans are shared amoung components, so if an already existing bean is requested, the existing one is returned.
DatabaseContext is the context for accessing datasource.
DatabaseDocument [ DEPRECATED ]
specifies a link to a document associated with a database document
DatabaseEnvironment [ DEPRECATED ]
DatabaseInteractionHandler describes a service which is able to handle database-related interactions.
DatasourceAdministrationDialog provides a user interface for administrating the system wide registered data sources.
DefinitionContainer describes a container which provides access to database related definitions like commands, forms, and reports.
DefinitionContent defines the basic functionality for an object in the hierarchy of sub documents of a OfficeDatabaseDocument.
Document [ DEPRECATED ]
specifies documents which belong to a database source.
DocumentContainer describes a container which provides access to documents embedded into a database document, usually forms and reports.
DocumentDataSource simplifies the accessing of data sources and it's corresponding database document.
DocumentDefinition specifies a sub document of a OfficeDatabaseDocument.
ErrorMessageDialog provides a dialog for displaying database related exceptions.
Forms describes a container which provides access to database forms.
InteractionHandler [ DEPRECATED ]
is a service for user interaction for databases.
OfficeDatabaseDocument specifies a office database document which is a storable document.
OrderColumn describes a column which is part of the ORDER clause.
PreparedStatement represents a precompiled SQL statement. The service differs only in the access of the columns and parameters to the service ::com::sun::star::sdbc::PreparedStatement .
Query is a stored definition of a SQL query.
QueryDefinition is a stored definition of a SQL "Select statement".
QueryDescriptor is a stored definition of a SQL "Select statement".
QueryDesign implements a component which allows the creation of SQL statements.
RelationDesign implements a component which allows the creation of relation.
Reports describes a container which provides access to database reports.
ResultColumn describes a column of a result set.
ResultSet extends the ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::ResultSet by a more sophisticated access to the result sets data.
RowSet is a client side RowSet, which use retrieves is data based on a database table, a query or a SQL command or by a rowset reader, who mustn't support SQL. The connection of the rowset is typically a named DataSource or a DataAccess component or a previous instanciated connection.
SQLQueryComposer represents a tool for composing SQL select statements.
SingleSelectQueryAnalyzer represents a service for analyzing a single select statement.
SingleSelectQueryComposer represents a service for composing a single select statement.
Table extends the service ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::Table with additional display information, sorting, and filtering criterias.
TableDescriptor extends the service ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::TableDescriptor with additional display informations, sorting, and filtering criteria.
TableDesign implements a component which allows the creation of tables.
DataAccessDescriptorFactory allows creating instances of the DataAccessDescriptor service.
XAlterQuery is used to alter the command of a query.
XBookmarksSupplier provides access to the collection of all bookmarks associated with a data source.
XColumn is used to access data which is collected in a row.
XColumnUpdate is used to update data which is collected in a row.
XCommandPreparation is used for preparation of commands.
XCompletedConnection is used for establishing connections via a factory which is identified by it's name. To complete the information needed for establishing a connection an interaction handler is used.
XCompletedExecution is used for execution where information for execution may be required from the user.
XDataAccessDescriptorFactory allows creating instances of the DataAccessDescriptor service.
XDatabaseAccess [ DEPRECATED ]
is not to be used anymore
XDatabaseAccessListener [ DEPRECATED ]
is not to be used anymore
XDatabaseEnvironment [ DEPRECATED ]
is not to be used anymore.
XDatabaseRegistrations provides access to the application-wide registered databases.
XDatabaseRegistrationsListener implemented by components which want to be notified of changes in the application-wide registered databases.
XDocumentDataSource simplifies the accessing of data sources and their corresponding database document.
XFormDocumentsSupplier provides the access to a container of database forms.
XInteractionDocumentSave An interaction continuation handing back a document name.
XInteractionSupplyParameters An interaction continuation handing back parameter data.
XOfficeDatabaseDocument simplifies the accessing of data sources, and it's corresponding database document and forms, and reports.
XParametersSupplier provides the access to a container of parameters, typically used for a prepared statement.
XQueriesSupplier provides the access to a container of database queries.
XQueryDefinitionsSupplier provides the access to a container of database command definitions.
XReportDocumentsSupplier provides the access to a container of database reports.
XResultSetAccess is the interface to create a ::com::sun::star::sdbc::ResultSet based on the object providing the interface.
XRowSetApproveBroadcaster provides the possibility of reviving an event before changing the content of a rowset.
XRowSetApproveListener is used for approving the moving and changing of rowset actions.
XRowSetChangeBroadcaster broadcasts changes in the RowSet supplied by a component
XRowSetChangeListener is implemented by components which want to be notified when the RowSet supplied by a XRowSetSupplier changes.
XRowSetSupplier uses a row set as datasource.
XRowsChangeBroadcaster broadcasts changes in the RowSet supplied by a component
XRowsChangeListener is used for receiving "rowsChanged" events posted by, for example, a rowset.
XSQLErrorBroadcaster interface for notifying potential listeners of ::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException s posted by any database object.
XSQLErrorListener the listener interface for receiving "errorOccured" events posted by any database object.
XSQLQueryComposer should be provided by a tool which simplifies the handling with SQL select statements.
XSQLQueryComposerFactory is a factory for instances of service SQLQueryComposer .
XSingleSelectQueryAnalyzer simplifies the analyzing of single select statements.
XSingleSelectQueryComposer simplifies the composing of single select statements.
XSubDocument allows operating on a sub document of an OfficeDatabaseDocument
DatabaseRegistrationEvent describes a change in a database registration
RowChangeEvent indicates the type of change action on the data source.
RowsChangeEvent indicates which rows have changed and the type of change action on the row set.
SQLErrorEvent is invoked in case of fired database exception triggered by a database object.
DocumentSaveRequest an error specifying the lack of a document name
ParametersRequest an error specifying the lack of parameters values
RowSetVetoException is an exception fired whenever a rowset operation was cancelled because of of a veto of an approved listener.
SQLContext provides special information about the context where a ::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException occurred. As usual for SQLExceptions, several SQLContext-objects may be chained, then the most recent context is appended to the list's tail.
Constant Groups
BooleanComparisonMode specifies different modi how boolean comparison predicates are to be generated by a SingleSelectQueryComposer.
CommandType indicates the type of a command.
ErrorCondition defines error conditions for OpenOffice.org Base core components
RowChangeAction determines the type of change which is going to be performed.
SQLFilterOperator These constants are used to specify the filter operator which should be applied when creating a filter with the method XSingleSelectQueryComposer::setStructuredFilter.
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