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module resource
Interfaces to access (UI) resource files.

StringResource specifies a service providing access to a resource string table implementing the ::com::sun::star::awt::XDialog interface.
StringResourceWithLocation specifies a service providing access to a resource string table implementing the XStringResourceWithLocation interface.
StringResourceWithStorage specifies a service providing access to a resource string table implementing the XStringResourceWithStorage interface.
OfficeResourceLoader describes a XResourceBundleLoader which provides access to the OpenOffice.org resource files.
XLocale offers some operations on ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale structures.
XResourceBundle [ DEPRECATED ]
Resource bundles contain locale-specific objects.
XResourceBundleLoader makes it possible to load resource bundles.
XStringResourceManager Interface to manage a resource string table containing a set of strings for different locales. The interface is derived from XStringResourceResolver that allows to access the string table but not to modify it. This interface also allows to modify the string table. It's designed to be used in the context of creating a string table, e.g. from a string table editor or from a Dialog Editor designing localized dialogs.
XStringResourcePersistence Interface derived from XStringResourceManager containing basic persistence functionality limited to operations that are independend from a associated location or storage.
XStringResourceResolver Interface to access strings in a resource. The interface is derived from ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyBroadcaster All registered ::com::sun::star::util::XModifyListener interfaces will be notified if either the current locale changes or if a string is added, changed or removed. This usually will only happen if the implementing object also supports the interface XStringResourceManager and is used in the design mode of a Dialog or String table editor. But also changing the locale at runtime can be supported in this way.
XStringResourceSupplier Provides access to a string resource represented by a XStringResourceResolver.
XStringResourceWithLocation Extends XStringResourcePersistence by methods to handle an associated location.
XStringResourceWithStorage Extends XStringResourcePersistence by methods to handle an associated ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage instance.
MissingResourceException is used to signal that a resource is missing.
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