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module rdf
RDF (Resource Description Framework) and metadata interfaces.

This module provides interfaces for storing and accessing metadata in Resource Description Framework format. The API consists of two main parts: the RDF data model and the ODF document integration.

The RDF data model describes graphs of statements. The nodes in the graph are of type XNode, which has several subtypes: XResource, XBlankNode, XURI and XLiteral. Statements are then triples of nodes, and have type Statement.

The main part of the RDF data model is the XRepository, which consists of a set of graphs. The repository allows for importing/exporting graphs from/to files, as well as querying the contents of the repository. The type of the graphs is XNamedGraph.

Documents that support metadata implement the interfaces XRepositorySupplier and XDocumentMetadataAccess. Furthermore, all elements of ODF documents that may have metadata attached implement the interface XMetadatable.

BlankNode represents a blank node that may occur in a RDF graph.
Literal represents a literal that may occur in a RDF graph.
Repository provides access to a set of named RDF graphs.
URI represents an URI node that may occur in a RDF graph.
XBlankNode represents a blank node that may occur in a RDF graph.
XDocumentMetadataAccess document metadata functionality related to the "manifest.rdf".
XDocumentRepository extends XRepository with document-specific functionality.
XLiteral represents a literal that may occur in a RDF graph.
XMetadatable marks an object representing an ODF element that may have RDF meta data attached.
XNamedGraph represents an RDF named graph that is stored in an RDF Repository.
XNode represents a node that may occur in a RDF graph.
XQuerySelectResult represents the result of a SPARQL "SELECT" query.
XReifiedStatement represents a reified RDF statement.
XRepository provides access to a set of named RDF graphs.
XRepositorySupplier provides access to an RDF Repository.
XResource represents a resource node that may occur in a RDF graph.
XURI represents an URI node that may occur in a RDF graph.
Statement represents a RDF statement, or triple.
ParseException represents an error condition that is signalled on parsing an RDF file.
QueryException represents an error condition that is signalled on evaluating a query against an RDF Repository.
RepositoryException represents an error condition that is signalled on accessing an RDF Repository.
Constant Groups
FileFormat Constants to specify RDF file formats.
URIs Constants to specify some well-known URIs.
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