:: com :: sun :: star :: linguistic2 ::

unpublished interface XLanguageGuessing
Usage Restrictions
not published
This interface allows to guess the language of a text

The current set of supported languages is:

  • af : Afrikaans
  • am : Amharic
  • ar : Arabic
  • be : Belarus
  • br : Breton
  • bs : Bosnian
  • ca : Catalan
  • cs : Czech
  • cy : Welsh
  • da : Danish
  • de : German
  • drt : Drents
  • el : Greek
  • en : English
  • eo : Esperanto
  • es : Spanish
  • et : Estonian
  • eu : Basque
  • fa : Persian
  • fi : Finnish
  • fr : French
  • fy : Frisian
  • ga : Irish Gaelic
  • gd : Scots Gaelic
  • gv : Manx Gaelic
  • he : Hebrew
  • hi : Hindi
  • hr : Croatian
  • hu : Hungarian
  • hy : Armenian
  • id : Indonesian
  • is : Icelandic
  • it : Italian
  • ja : Japanese
  • ka : Georgian
  • ko : Korean
  • la : Latin
  • lb : Luxembourgish (added with OOo 3.3)
  • lt : Lithuanian
  • lv : Latvian
  • mr : Marathi
  • ms : Malay
  • ne : Nepali
  • nl : Dutch
  • nb : Norwegian (Bokmal)
  • pl : Polish
  • pt-PT : Portuguese (Portugal)
  • qu : Quechua
  • rm : Romansh
  • ro : Romanian
  • ru : Russian
  • sa : Sanskrit
  • sco : Scots
  • sh : Serbian (written with latin characters)
  • sk-SK : Slovak (written with latin characters)
  • sl : Slovenian
  • sq : Albanian
  • sr : Serbian (written with cyrillic characters) (added with OOo 3.4)
  • sv : Swedish
  • sw : Swahili
  • ta : Tamil
  • th : Thai
  • tl : Tagalog
  • tr : Turkish
  • uk : Ukrainian
  • vi : Vietnamese
  • yi : Yiddish
  • zh-CN : Chinese (simplified)
  • zh-TW : Chinese (traditional)

OOo 2.2

Methods' Summary
guessPrimaryLanguage determines the single most probable language of a sub-string.  
disableLanguages allows to explicitly discard some languages from the set of languages possibly returned.  
enableLanguages allows to explicitly re-enable some languages that got previously disabled.  
getAvailableLanguages returns a list of all supported languages.  
getEnabledLanguages returns the list of all enabled languages  
getDisabledLanguages returns the list of all disabled languages  
Methods' Details
guessPrimaryLanguage( [in] string  aText,
[in] long  nStartPos,
[in] long  nLen )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

determines the single most probable language of a sub-string.

Please note that because statistical analysis is part of the algorithm the the likelihood to get the correct result increases with the length of the sub-string. A word is much less likely guessed correctly compared to a sentence or even a whole paragraph.

Also note that some languages are that 'close' to each other that it will be quite unlikely to find a difference in them, e.g. English (UK), English (IE) and English (AUS) and most liklely English (US) as well. And thus the result may be arbitrary.

the locale for the language identified. If no language could be identified the locale will be empty.
Parameter aText
all the text including the part that should checked.
Parameter nStartPos
specifies the starting index of the sub-string to be checked The value must met 0 <= nStartPos < (length of text - 1). @param nLen specifies the length of the sub-string to be checked. The value must met 0 <= nLen <= (length of text). @see Locale
disableLanguages( [in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale >  aLanguages )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

allows to explicitly discard some languages from the set of languages possibly returned.

By default all languages are enabled.

enableLanguages( [in] sequence< ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale >  aLanguages )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );

allows to explicitly re-enable some languages that got previously disabled.

By default all languages are enabled.

sequence< ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale >

returns a list of all supported languages.

This should be the same as the mathematical union of all enabled and disabled languages.

sequence< ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale >

returns the list of all enabled languages
sequence< ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale >

returns the list of all disabled languages
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