:: com :: sun :: star ::

module io
General input/output interfaces.

DataInputStream reads structured data from a chained XInputStream.
DataOutputStream writes structured data to a chained XOutputStream.
MarkableInputStream allows to set marks in an inputstream and to later jump back to these marks.
MarkableOutputStream allows to set marks in an outputstream and to later jump back to these marks.
ObjectInputStream is a stream which allows reading the data of persistent objects.
ObjectOutputStream is a stream which allows writing the data of persistent objects.
Pipe the implementation of an output stream and an input stream.
Pump the implementation of a data source and a data sink.
SequenceInputStream This service allows to wrap a sequence of bytes with a stream object.
SequenceOutputStream This service allows to wrap a sequence of bytes with a output stream object.
TempFile This service allows to get access to temp files.
TextInputStream provides functionality to read text data from a XInputStream that initially has to be passed to the method XActiveDataSink::setInputStream().
TextOutputStream provides functionality to write text data to a XOutputStream that initially has to be passed to the method XActiveDataSource::setOutputStream().
XActiveDataControl makes it possible to control an active data source.
XActiveDataSink makes it possible to read the corresponding object from an input stream.
XActiveDataSource has to be implemented if the class should be able to write into an output stream.
XActiveDataStreamer makes it possible to read and write the corresponding stream.
XAsyncOutputMonitor An optional companion interface to XOutputStream that supports scenarios where XOutputStream::writeBytes operates asynchronously and does not necessarily report any errors.
XConnectable makes it possible to connect data sinks and sources.
XDataExporter makes it possible to export data from a component into a data sink.
XDataImporter makes it possible to import data from a data source into a component.
XDataInputStream makes it possible to read machine-independent simple data types from a stream.
XDataOutputStream makes it possible to write machine-independent simple data types to a stream.
XDataTransferEventListener is used to receive callbacks from an importer or exporter.
XInputStream This is the basic interface to read data from a stream.
XInputStreamProvider Interface for providing an input stream.
XMarkableStream makes it possible to set and remove seekable marks to a stream.
XObjectInputStream reads XPersistObject implementations from a stream
XObjectOutputStream stores XPersistObject implementations into the stream
XOutputStream This is the basic interface to write data to a stream.
XPersist makes it possible to write this object to an URL or read it from an URL.
XPersistObject allows to make UNO objects persistent
XSeekable makes it possible to seek to a certain position within a stream.
XSeekableInputStream This interface can be used to represent a seekable input stream.
XSequenceOutputStream This interface offers access to the written bytes
XStream offers read and write access to the same stream.
XStreamListener makes it possible to receive events from an active data control.
XTempFile This interface offers access to temp files.
XTextInputStream Interface to read strings from a stream.
XTextOutputStream Interface to write strings to a stream using a special character encoding.
XTruncate makes it possible to set the size of the underlying data of a stream to zero.
XXMLExtractor offers the capability to extract the XML document stream from a document storage.
DataTransferEvent is broadcast by a filter.
FilePermission This permission represents access to a file or directory. A FilePermission consists of a file url and a set of actions valid for that url.
AlreadyConnectedException is thrown when a client tries to connect to a resource to which he is already connected.
BufferSizeExceededException is thrown by instances which need to buffer data.
ConnectException Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port. Typically, the connection was refused remotely (e.g., no process is listening on the remote address/port).
IOException is thrown when an input or output error has occurred.
NoRouteToHostException Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port. Typically, the remote host cannot be reached because of an intervening firewall, or if an intermediate router is down.
NotConnectedException is thrown when a read/write operation is tried on an instance that has not been chained properly.
SocketException Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error.
UnexpectedEOFException is thrown when the EOF/code> is reached during reading a datatype (long, string, etc.).
UnknownHostException is thrown when the IP address of a host could not be determined.
WrongFormatException is thrown when inconsistent data comes up while reading a complex data type (string or object).
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