:: com :: sun :: star :: i18n ::

interface XExtendedTextConversion
Base Interfaces

(referenced interface's summary:)
Method to convert text from one type to another
This interface provides Text Conversion service.

It is derived from XTextConversion and provides a new conversion function containing position map (offset) between original and conveted string.

OOo 2.0

Methods' Summary
getConversionWithOffset The functionality of this method is same as XTextConversion::getConversion(), except an additional output parameter rOffset.  
Methods' Details
getConversionWithOffset( [in] string  aText,
[in] long  nStartPos,
[in] long  nLength,
[in] ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale  aLocale,
[in] short  nTextConversionType,
[in] long  nTextConversionOptions,
[out] sequence< long >  rOffset )
raises( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
::com::sun::star::lang::NoSupportException );

The functionality of this method is same as XTextConversion::getConversion(), except an additional output parameter rOffset.
Parameter rOffset
To find the grapheme of input string corresponding to the grapheme of output string, rOffset provides the offset array whose index is the offset of output string, the element containing the position within the input string. When the graphemes of input and output strings are simple one to one mapping, to improve the performance, returned rOffset will be a zero length array.
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