:: com :: sun :: star :: drawing ::

service GraphicExportFilter
a component that supports this service lets you export pages, shapes, or groups of shapes from a DrawingDocument to a file in one of the file formats supported by the component.
Developers Guide
Drawings - Exporting

Exported Interfaces - Summary

calling XFilter::filter starts the export of the graphic file. (details)


sets the source component for this export filter. (details)


lets you query the supported mime types by this component

Exported Interfaces - Details
calling XFilter::filter starts the export of the graphic file.

The following properties from the ::com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor are supported:

  • ::com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor::MediaType

    Depending on the export filters supported by this component, this is the mime type of the target graphic file.

    Possible values are:

    • image/x-MS-bmp
    • application/dxf
    • application/postscript
    • image/gif
    • image/jpeg
    • image/png
    • image/x-pict
    • image/x-pcx
    • image/x-portable-bitmap
    • image/x-portable-graymap
    • image/x-portable-pixmap
    • image/x-cmu-raster
    • image/targa
    • image/tiff
    • image/x-xbitmap
    • image/x-xpixmap
    • image/svg+xml

    Ask the interface ::com::sun::star::document::XMimeTypeInfo for all values supported by the component.

  • ::com::sun::star::document::MediaDescriptor::URL

    This is the target url of the file that will be created during export.

sets the source component for this export filter.

This could either be a DrawPage, a Shape or a Shapes.

lets you query the supported mime types by this component

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