:: com :: sun :: star ::

module configuration
Access to the tree of configuration data.

Nested Modules
AccessRootElement provides information about the root element of a hierarchy and about the hierarchy as a whole.
AdministrationProvider manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data for administrative puposes and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to subsets of these shared configurations.
ConfigurationAccess provides read access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy.
ConfigurationProvider manages one, or more, complete sets of configuration data and serves as a factory for objects that provide access to a subset of the configuration.
ConfigurationUpdateAccess provides modifying access to a fragment of the configuration hierarchy.
DefaultProvider is a ConfigurationProvider, that is the default ConfigurationProvider for its ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext.
GroupAccess provides access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy.
GroupElement provides information about a predefined element contained in a heterogeneous group of elements within a hierarchy.
GroupUpdate provides write access to a predefined heterogeneous group of values and nested trees as part of a hierarchy.
HierarchyAccess provides access to a hierarchy of descendant elements.
HierarchyElement provides information about an element within a hierarchy.
PropertyHierarchy provides access to and information about properties and subproperties of an implementation.
SetAccess provides access to a dynamic, homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy.
SetElement provides information about a dynamic element that can be inserted into a homogeneous set of elements within a hierarchy.
SetUpdate provides write access to a dynamic homogeneous set of values or nested trees within a hierarchy.
SimpleSetAccess provides access to a dynamic, homogeneous, nonhierarchical set of values or objects.
SimpleSetUpdate provides write access to a dynamic, homogeneous, non-hierarchical set of values or objects.
UpdateRootElement provides update control for a hierarchy of configuration items and information about the hierarchy as a whole as well as its root.
XTemplateContainer is implemented by objects that contain instances of a named template to provide information about the template.
XTemplateInstance is implemented by objects that are instances of a named template to provide information about the template.
CannotLoadConfigurationException is thrown when an application tries to create a configuration provider but the configuration can't be loaded
CorruptedConfigurationException This exception is thrown in case a configuration does not exists or contains corrupt data. This exception must be used as base exception to derive specialized exceptions from it which identify a concrete error case.
CorruptedUIConfigurationException This exception is thrown in case the global UI configuration (including menubars/toolbars and accelerators) does not exists or contains corrupted data.
InstallationIncompleteException is thrown when creating a configuration provider fails because the user's installation for the is missing or incomplete
InvalidBootstrapFileException is thrown when creating a configuration provider fails because a bootstrap file needed to locate the configuration contains invalid data
MissingBootstrapFileException is thrown when creating a configuration provider fails because a bootstrap file needed to locate the configuration is missing
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