:: com :: sun :: star :: awt ::

unpublished constants group ImageScaleMode
Usage Restrictions
not published
defines modes how an image displayed in a given area should be scaled to fit this area

NONE specifies that no scaling should happen at all  
ISOTROPIC specifies that the image should be scaled up or down to the size of the surrounding area isotropicly, i.e. by keeping its aspect ratio.  
ANISOTROPIC specifies that the image should be scaled up or down to the size of the surrounding area anisotropically.  
Constants' Details
const short NONE = 0;
specifies that no scaling should happen at all
const short ISOTROPIC = 1;
specifies that the image should be scaled up or down to the size of the surrounding area isotropicly, i.e. by keeping its aspect ratio.
const short ANISOTROPIC = 2;
specifies that the image should be scaled up or down to the size of the surrounding area anisotropically.

The image will finally cover all of the surrounding area, but its dimensions might be distorted.

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