:: com :: sun :: star :: animations ::

unpublished constants group AnimationCalcMode
Usage Restrictions
not published
Specifies the interpolation mode for the animation.
See also
XAnimation, http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-calcMode, http://www.w3.org/TR/smil20/animation.html#adef-SplineAnimation-calcMode

DISCRETE This specifies that the animation function will jump from one value to the next without any interpolation.  
LINEAR Simple linear interpolation between values is used to calculate the animation function.
This is the default.  
PACED Defines interpolation to produce an even pace of change across the animation.
This is only supported for values that define a linear numeric range, and for which some notion of "distance" between points can be calculated (e.g. position, width, height, etc.).  
SPLINE Interpolates from one value in the values list to the next according to a time function defined by a cubic Bezier spline. The points of the spline are defined in the KeyTimes attribute, and the control points for each interval are defined in the KeySplines attribute.  
Constants' Details
const short DISCRETE = 0;
This specifies that the animation function will jump from one value to the next without any interpolation.
const short LINEAR = 1;
Simple linear interpolation between values is used to calculate the animation function.
This is the default.
const short PACED = 2;
Defines interpolation to produce an even pace of change across the animation.
This is only supported for values that define a linear numeric range, and for which some notion of "distance" between points can be calculated (e.g. position, width, height, etc.).
const short SPLINE = 3;
Interpolates from one value in the values list to the next according to a time function defined by a cubic Bezier spline. The points of the spline are defined in the KeyTimes attribute, and the control points for each interval are defined in the KeySplines attribute.
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