This utility retrieves all write documents in a directory and creates a single output file that contains all of the documents combined into one. A page break is inserted before each new document.
Sub MergeDocumentsInDirectory()
Dim DestDirectory As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim SrcFile As String, DstFile As String
Dim oDesktop, oDoc, oCursor, oText
Dim argsInsert()
Dim args()
' Remove the following comments to do things hidden
' dim args(0) as new
' args(0).name = "Hidden"
' args(0).value = true
' Which desitnation directory?
DestDirectory = Trim( GetFolderName() )
If DestDirectory = "" Then
MsgBox "No directory selected, exiting",16,"Merging Documents"
Exit Sub
End If
' force a trailing backslash. This is okay because using URL notation
If Right(DestDirectory,1) <> "/" Then
DestDirectory = DestDirectory & "/"
End If
oDeskTop = CreateUnoService("")
' Read the first file!
FileName = Dir(DestDirectory)
DstFile = ConvertToURL(DestDirectory & "ResultatFusion.sxw")
Do While FileName <> ""
If lcase( right(FileName,3)) = "sxw" Then
SrcFile = ConvertToURL(DestDirectory & FileName)
If IsNull(oDoc) OR IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
FileCopy( SrcFile, DstFile )
oDoc = oDeskTop.Loadcomponentfromurl(DstFile, "_blank", 0, Args())
oText = oDoc.getText
oCursor = oText.createTextCursor()
oCursor.BreakType =
oCursor.insertDocumentFromUrl(SrcFile, argsInsert())
End If
End If
FileName = dir()
If IsNull(oDoc) OR IsEmpty(oDoc) Then
MsgBox "No documents merged!",16,"Merging Documents"
Exit Sub
End If
' Save the document
Dim args2()
oDoc.StoreAsURL(DestDirectory & "ResultatFusion.sxw",args2())
If HasUnoInterfaces(oDoc, "") Then
End If
' Reload the document!
End Sub
This macro demonstrates many features in OOo.
For example, the correct mechanism is used to close an existing document.
The close method is used if it is supported and dispose is used if it is not supported.
As of OOo 1.1, close should be supported.
Although the user is asked which directory should contain the combined file, the name of the combined file is hard coded to be "ResultatFusion.sxw".
If this file already exists, it will probably be overwritten.
You have been warned!
The first Write file found is copied to the destination file, overwriting any existing file.
The file is then opened. Each additional file is appended to the end of this file.
When the process is completed, the file is saved to disk and then reopened.