annotation note text content Paolo Mantovani How to insert and remove annotations in text documents?

Text annotations are a special type of text fields, therefore, in order to insert and remove annotations you must proceed in the same manner as for other kind of text contents

See the example below:

The first routine shows how to add an annotation

The second shows how to find and remove all annotations in a document

REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub Example_InsertAnnotation oDoc = ThisComponent oTextCursor = oDoc.Text.createTextCursor oTextCursor.goToEnd(False) Dim oDate As New {@see} With oDate .Day = Day(Now) .Month = Month(Now) .Year = Year(Now) End With oTextAnnotation = oDoc.createInstance("{@see}") With oTextAnnotation .Content = "Paolo was here!!" .Author = "PM" .Date = oDate End With oDoc.Text.insertTextContent( oTextCursor, oTextAnnotation, True) End Sub Sub Example_RemoveAllAnnotations oDoc = ThisComponent oEnum = oDoc.TextFields.createEnumeration Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements oTField = oEnum.nextElement If oTField.supportsService("{@see}") Then MsgBox oTField.Content, 16,"Annotation detected!!" oDoc.Text.removeTextContent(oTField) MsgBox "Annotation Removed!!" End If Loop End Sub
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